Minutes of the Board Meeting June 30, 2010

BOARD MEMBRS PRESENT: Rocco Annesi, Jack Carey, Dick Connolly, Jim DeVoe,

Jim Harrington, Bill Prodgers, Fred Tirrell and

Commissioner Van Khachadoorian

BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Ed Mahan and Rich Sullivan

Meeting called to order at 9:08 AM

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the May 26, 2010 Board Meeting. Two corrections were noted by Jim Harington. On the last page #5 the word “Council” used twice, should be “Counsel” (Attorney) and also in #5, it should read…the Town want to “charge” us a user fee (not “change”)

Jim Harrington made the motion to accept the corrected minutes. Jim DeVoe seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Jack Carey – each member received the Statement of Cash Receipts & Disbursements dated June 30, 2010, compared to Budget. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report was made by Fred Tirrell and Seconded by Bill Prodgers.

League Matters:

  1. Final plans – July 24th Mid-Season Meeting to be held at the VFW in Chatham. FYI, there is a fee to use the hall. The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM, coffee and donuts available at 8:30 AM.

We will present our recent accomplishment from the Retreat Meeting, including the Mission Statement

  1. League Picnic: Jim DeVoe – picnic will be held from 12 Noon to 4:00 PM at the VFW on the same day as our mid-season meeting (7/24).
  • Reggie O’keefe is volunteering his time as DJ
  • Woman’s Auxiliary(VFW) will do cooking and cleaning, we will give them a donation for their services.
  • Rain Date is August 22nd
  • Jim Harrington will get some members to help him set up some games
  1. Poll: Name Change: Van – the managers need to get the players to vote on whether or not a Name change is wanted:
  • Leave League name as is or
  • Change to Cape Cod Senior Softball League
  • Need result of vote before 7/24
  1. Setting up the Player Evaluation/Assignment Committee
  • Names from each division were submitted, votes taken for each name
  • Composition of the Committee: 8 + 2 Alternates from Division 1,2 &3,4
  • The Committee will create the process by which they determine player placement; managers will have input via their player evaluations.


  • The Committee will determine if a scramble is necessary
  • The work of the Committee shall be completed by mid-December
  • There will be no-appeal once the Player Evaluation/Assignment Committee has made their determinations regarding placement of players

5. Revisiting the structure of the League:

  • Some of the Board members had second thoughts about decisions made at the Retreat. After prolong discussion it was decided that
  • Division I would have the age range from 55 – 62
  • Division II would have the age range from 63 – 69, basically, keeping these two divisions as they are today except for the age change
  • Division III & IV would be 70+, with Division III being more competitive and Division IV being more recreational
  • Divisions III & IV would be a trial balloon, see how it works and reevaluate at end of 2011 season
  • We will continue with the 4 divisional presidents, as required by our by-laws

6. Elections: Who is running for re-election? The openings are: Div. I,II,III, & IV Presidents and one member at-large

  • Jim DeVoe – NO
  • Fred Tirrell – YES
  • Ed Mahan – absent, must decide
  • Rich Sullivan – absent, must decide
  • Jim Harrington – will not run if Rich Sullivan is running

7. Reports from Divisional Presidents

  • Nothing major to report, just about openings and injuries on teams

8. Other Issues:

  • Joe Fontes called and told Van that there are many trophies that, perhaps we could give away or donate to little league, Rec. Dept. etc. Van will look into this.
  • Van will also call Mrs. Simpson to confirm that she, in fact, wants the Classic trophy to be named after her late husband.
  • Van met with the Division I Managers regarding the re-distribution of some player in order to have parity among the teams. Meeting was successful, managers were very cooperative.-
  • It was recommended that Brian Hastings, once again, be in charge of organizing the Fall League
  • The Commissioner re-stated the need for managers to make sure all of their players were in uniform.
  • Rocco Annesi stated that Ed Mahan resigned as President of Division I and then reconsidered, Rocco felt that he should resign. The Commissioner said he would talk with him to firm things up, one way or the other.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:30 AM

Submitted by: Judy Kennedy, Recording Secretary
