Name ______House

Public Speaking: Grade7

Speech of Demonstration:

Assignment: Prepare a speech of 2-3 1/2minutes in which you teach the audience how to do something you know how to do well.

This type of presentation will require you to create slides (no video!!) necessary to illustrateas you explain your skill, craft, or ability to us. For example, if you choose to teach the audience how tobuild a campfire, you will need pictures on slides in order to show us how it is done to reinforce what you are explaining.

Why are demonstrations important? Teaching people how to do something for themselves is more valuable than doing it for them. Consider all the skills a person needs to learn over the course of a lifetime. A person learns these skills best when these skills are first demonstrated by an expert who knows what to do.

The ability to break down a task into stepsand explain it in a way that other people can follow and learn from is a valuable skill.

Topic: Choose a topic that you are comfortable with and that is specific: for example, “How to shoot a free throw,”not “How to play basketball.” Remember this skill needs to have a series of clear, distinct steps (7 to 10) that you could explain over the course of about three minutes.

Outline:You will receive an outline to help you organize your thoughts for your presentation – follow this outline when breaking down the steps and writing your introduction and conclusion. This outline is on my schoolwires page as a word document.

You will need a final, complete copy of your speech (typed and double spaced, and with a heading like that found at the top of this page)that you will hand in before you present. You should prepare and practice your completedspeech—

but remember:you will not have this script in hand when you present.

If needed, you may make a note card with bullet points—a list of 10 or so phrases of three or four words.

You want to show that this skill matters to you-- a demo speechis more effective when you are enthusiastic as you teach.

Skills Inventory: Use this sheet to brainstorm what you will teach our class for your Speech of Demonstration. Please take a few minutes to think about each topic.

You must complete this sheet and have it in class on Tuesday. Be neat and use complete sentences.Be specific in defining the skill. At least TWO per area/question.

Think about some skill you are confident in performing.

Anything related to the areas of:

1.Art/Drawing/Crafts/Creativity (Consider some skill you acquired from a class you took, a camp you attended, or a relative you practiced with.)

ex. I can draw realistic-looking eyes.

2.Sports(Something you know you can do, be it on a team or as within an individual sport.)

ex.I can shoot an arrow and often hit the bulls-eye.

3.Dance/Instrument/Music (What skill have you acquired through a music/dance class you have attended.)

ex.I can dance a simple Irish jig.

4.Cooking/Baking (something you would make when you are free to use the kitchen or BBQ.)

ex. I can make delicious mashed potatoes.

5.Free choice: Any other skill you have acquired, unique to you? Can you fix something? Build something? Prepare something? Clean something?

ex.I can plant a tomato and basil garden. OR I can fix a punctured inner-tube on a bicycle.