- Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here -

A joint project of

The Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce

The Morrison Chamber of Commerce

The DeWitt Chamber of Commerce

The Fulton Chamber of Commerce

Table of Contents

Situation Analysis 3

Objectives 3

Strategy 4

content of the message………………………………..5

Tactics 5

Schedule 7

Budget 7



News Release Sample

sample policies

Situation Analysis

The four-city region that is linked by U.S. Highway 30 (DeWitt, Camanche, Clinton and Fulton) is home to many businesses that sell many diverse products and services. Many of these companies have been in business for years in the region and have developed proud reputations.

Unfortunately, the businesses in these cities are still impacted by too much out-migration of shopping dollars. According to Iowa State University, 2002 taxable sales made in Clinton County were $53,720,000 less (or 12.2 percent) than they should have been, given the population, income levels and location of Clinton County. Taxable sales in Camanche are 74.6 percent less than they should be. DeWitt and Clinton are both considered a retail “pull”, with sales slightly higher than would be expected. Fulton appears to also be a “leaker” with actual sales slightly less than expectations.

Despite the positive trends of the last few years for some individual cities in the region, it is clear that for the region as a whole, there is still capacity for retail sales to be increased.

To address this issue, the Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce suggests a regional partnership with the DeWitt Chamber of Commerce and the Fulton Chamber of Commerce that will encourage first consideration of area busineses when people make shopping decisions. The reasons for this “buy Highway 30 ” campaign are simple:

·  By keeping more dollars in the area, businesses are able to donate dollars, products and services for schools, community activities, sports, etc.

·  Purchases that are made anywhere in Clinton County translate into more dollars for schools and for local government.

·  More dollars in the regional economy helps create a vibrant shopping and business area that attracts visitors and attracts and retains residents.

·  By spending dollars along the US Highway 30 corridor, customers save time, effort and money by not having to travel outside of the area.

·  Buying along US Highway 30 helps maintain local employment for friends, neighbors and family members.

·  Buying local helps expand the local tax base that positively affects municipal taxes.


This plan has several objectives that have been categorized into logical groups. These will be accomplished through a coordinated public relations/marketing plan that helps local businesses and residents understand the importance of supporting local businesses without sacrificing quality, price or service.

Short-term objectives

·  Enhanced understanding and appreciation of the need for a “buy local” policy.

·  Enhanced visibility for companies that are local.

·  Establish a discretionary policy that can be adopted by governmental bodies enabling area contractors some preferential consideration without sacrificing competitive pricing.

Long-term objectives

·  Establish a policy from every governmental body in Clinton and Whiteside County that has the capability of spending taxpayer dollars that local providers will be considered and will be included in any appropriate bid process.

Marketing goal

·  To establish consumer recognition that buying from local providers is a good business decision for the purchaser and the area, including our individual communities.


To achieve the three-tier objectives stated previously a coordinated mix of public relations/marketing strategies is required. The “Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here” initiative depends on the implementation of six strategies over the course of nine months. The specifics of how these strategies play out are identified in subsequent sections.

It is suggested that the campaign be titled Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here.

The campaign is highly volunteer-driven, relying on the commitment of volunteers of each organization to make it work. It includes:

·  media placement

·  letters to the editors and editorial endorsements

·  speakers bureau

·  lobbying

·  website development

·  collateral and advertising support

It is imperative that the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here initiative builds credibility. Most people believe that editorial coverage is objective. They trust newspaper articles more than marketing collateral or advertising. Therefore considerable effort will be dedicated to placing stories about the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here project in local media.

A joint effort of four chambers of commerce is a way to help shape public perception and increase impact. Being proactive with a positive “buy local” campaign and educating the area and individual communities about the need to keep shopping dollars local will position each the individual chambers as effective voices to address other community and economic development issues facing their own service areas.

By working as four chambers of commerce, our efforts can focus on the fact that keeping purchases in the target area will benefit each of the communities along Highway 30. Working together is the best way to eliminate any perception from starting that shopping local is to the benefit of one community at the expense of another.

The Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here initiative should have three or four co-chair who provide creditability to the message and the effort.

Perhaps most important, a joint effort will put into action the mutual desire to create and demonstrate area cooperation. Working together we can “walk the talk” of regional cooperation.

The “buy local” campaign has the potential to generate excitement and more development. It enhances word-of-mouth recommendations and supports other marketing activities; plus it motivates employees and aids effort to recruiting commercial development because less sales leakage will translate into a more market attractive for retailers.

The Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here campaign will provide valuable feedback. By analyzing what the media says about the campaign, the chambers will gain insight on trends, perceived positioning, areas of strength, and places for improvement.


The core message of the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here campaign will be consistent and simple no matter which of the marketing tactics are employed.

Buying merchandise and services in the target area:

1)  Save money and time when you shop near home

2)  Keep our money in our own area economy

3)  Builds our schools and cities

4)  Provides property tax relief

5)  Keeps your family & friends employed in your community


The specific steps needed for each of the six strategies (media placement, letters to the editors and editorial endorsements, speakers bureau, lobbying, website development, collateral and advertising support) are identified below.

Media Placement

The Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here campaign can gain significant support through free media visibility. This should take a variety of forms and cover print and electronic media. The general tactics are identified as follows:

·  News release on the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here campaign (sample in Appendix)

·  Stories on individual members of each chamber and their expertise

·  Letters to the editor about the importance of the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here.campaign

·  Photo coverage of the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here.campaign

Letters to the Editors and Editorial Endorsements

As soon as the campaign is structured, representatives from the three chambers should schedule a visit with the editor and/or editorial boards of the Clinton Herald, The Observer, The Fulton Journal and The QC Times, KROS and KCLN radio and others. The goal is to explain the reason for the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here campaign and ask for editorial support for the campaign.

Volunteers should be encouraged and scheduled to submit letters to the editors, stressing the same 4 content points in manner that is customized to the relevant media source.

Speakers Bureau

There are many service clubs in the target area that accept speakers. It is suggested that the three-chamber task force develop a single Power Point or slide presentation that can be used to illustrate the importance of buying locally. A total of six volunteer members (two from each of the three Chambers) can be recruited to make the presentation, concentrating on a four-month window.

To help students make informed decisions that will impact the area economy, and help them understand the impact of their shopping decisions, the speakers bureau presentation will be modified for presentation to high school students. It is envisioned that the presentation will apply to business and economic classes. Both JA’s Exchange City and the 8th grade program “The Game of Life” provide opportunities to get this message out.

Another function of the speakers bureau is to raise awarness of the services and products that are available here.

Grass Roots Lobbying

Regaining control of taxpayer dollars is a positive objective of this initiative. Therefore, lobbying function is important to the success of the Buy Highway 30.campaign. The following steps are recommended with regards to municipal government, school districts and county level government.

·  Get a copy of every local governmental procurement policy OR the reasons in writing why they don’t have one.

·  Find out how much each government entity spends on purchasing, and how much of this it spends locally. Find examples of where it could have bought good local services at a competitive price and failed to do so; (See samples in Appendix)

·  Praise your elected officials if the policy and practice are good, suggest improvements if necessary, let the council know that you support community investment policies and practices and will campaign for them.

·  Offer alternatives - if the policy is poor or non-existent, let them know what you want instead, and campaign for it.

·  Make it news – make sure all discussions are covered in the news media.

Website Development

The Chamber websites now collectively receive thousands of “hits” monthly. A “Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here” graphic or image should be incorporated on the three Chamber “front pages” and a listing of all Chamber members would be included. The image would link to information that promotes the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here philosophy and allows its members to link to the site. When developed correctly, the website can also be used to share information about upcoming bid opportunities, certification requirements and collaboration opportunities.

www.buyintothecircle.com is an approach that might be worth considering when it comes to a web-based approach that will encourage people to Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here.

Collateral & Advertising Support

A graphic design or logo should be created for the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here.campaign. This should appear on all news releases and could appear on the chamber websites, stationery and on the letterheads of all members. If sufficient funds are available, buttons, stickers and even billboards could be developed to further the message among employees and the general public.

·  Point of Purchase items


The proposed intense schedule of activities runs for eleven months.


Months 1 & 2

·  Organize regional task force and select co-chairs

·  Begin to enhance and finalize action plan using this document as a starting point.

·  Budget development and fund raising begin

·  Develop & approve logo

·  Research other cities

Month 3

·  Gain approval for the plan from the chambers

·  Develop presentation

·  Complete & order collateral and advertising

·  Issue Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here news release

·  Schedule editorial board visits

·  Website work begins

Month 4

·  Editorial visits

·  Begin government visits

·  Speakers Bureau offering

·  Place stories in media

·  Distribute collateral (buttons, etc.)

·  Website enhancements development continues

Month 5

·  Government visits continue

·  Speakers Bureau continue

·  Media placements continue

Month 6

·  Government visits continue (if needed)

·  Speakers Bureau continue

·  Media placements continue

Month 7

·  Speakers Bureau continue

·  Media placements continue

·  Distribute collateral (buttons, etc.)

·  Website enhancements go on-line

Month 8

·  Speakers Bureau finish

·  Media placements continue

Month 9

·  Media placements continue

Month 10

·  Media placements continue

Month 11

·  Media placements continue

·  Evaluate campaign




The plan is predicated on volunteer time and budgetary expenditures should be modest. Expenses will be for website development and media placement. The opportunity exists for the media to help the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here task force secure the funding for the advertising.

Once a budget is drafted, a small sub-group of the task force will work to secure the funding to implement the plan.

Because the focus of the effort is “educational” in nature, some elements of the initiative might be eligible for funding from the Gateway Area Foundation. Financial support to the foundation is tax deductible as a charitable donation.


A test of the effectiveness of this campaign will be the reported “pull” or “leakage” reported from the appropriate Iowa and Illinois entity.

Sample News Release

"Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here is a relatively new campaign being launched by the Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce, the DeWitt Chamber of Commerce and the Fulton Chamber of Commerce. Our intention is to encourage consumers and governments to use local merchants and businesses when making the purchase of a product or service," states xxxxx xxxxxxx, co-chair of the Live Here, Shop Here, Save Here task force. "When local people spend their dollars locally, it's an investment in our community that benefits everyone."
The concept was initiated by the three Chambers of Commerce who desire to reduce the practice of "shopping out-of-town" for merchandise and services.
"Saving a few dollars from out-of-town bidders costs our area a lot more down the road. That is especially true for charitable organizations, which depend on donations to keep their operations going." Adds xxxxxx xxxxxx, another of the co-chairs of the task force. "With regards to public entities, they're supported by taxpayers, and that's what those local businesses are. So, it only makes sense for government and for people to buy products and services locally whenever possible."
"More than anything else, this is an awareness campaign to get people thinking about using local businesses for their purchases," states xxxxxx xxxxxxx, the third co-chair. "Of course, from the perspective of our chambers of commerce, we're always looking for ways to promote our members, and help their businesses grow. And, when businesses are healthy it translates into a healthy, thriving local economy…and that's good for all of us."