Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______
Team 8-1
Welcome! The information below, when followed, will enable you to be very successful this year. This information is for you to keep and use as a guide throughout this year.
- Mathematics is a cumulative subject. It is very important you are present in class because one topic builds on another. In class activities are essential in the learning process; therefore if you are absent you may be required to stay after school to make up the activities. Daily participation is a must. Do not get behind in your course work.
Major Assessment
- Dates for tests, quizzes, and projects will be announced and posted on the board. It is your responsibility to write them in your agenda and prepare for them. It would be to your advantage to see me for help to review the concepts you had difficulty with on a test or quiz. Math concepts reappear in different forms.
Class work
- Class work consists of graded assignments, which may be done alone or with other students depending on the nature of the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure the assignment is completed in the allotted time and turned in on time. You will lose ten percentage points for every day an assignment is late.
- You will be given homework 3 – 4 days a week. It is assigned to give you practice on the skill learned. Homework is not graded for accuracy, but is checked for completeness. All homework problems must be attempted, in order to receive full credit (2 pts). Homework is considered late if not received during the class period. Completed homework that is a day late will receive 1 pt. Homework more than one day late will not be accepted for credit; however, it should be completed to learn the skill. Homework answers will be gone over the next day in class. Homework is the place for you to learn from your mistakes.
Participation & Preparation
- A sign is posted outside the classroom indicating which texts will be needed for class. There is no excuse for being unprepared. You are expected to be an active member in this classroom. This includes actively and appropriately participating in classroom discussions, cooperative groups, and inquiry based investigations.
- It is your responsibility to make up all work missed when absent. The day you return, read the class notebook to see what you have missed. You can pick up any worksheets or assignments needed from the day/days you were absent from you class folder OR in the crate up front with extra copies. It is also your responsibility to get any missed notes from a fellow student. All homework and class work are due to me within the number of days you were absent. Assignments are to be placed in the bin when completed. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up as soon as possible during class or after school.
Classroom Expectations
- Upon entering the classroom, you are to immediately take your seat and begin the assignments on the “Warm Up” portion of the board. These activities may include: getting into assigned group or completing problems. You should also copy any assignments given into your agenda.
- You are not to leave the classroom without a teacher’s permission and a pass.
- Abide by the guidelines stated in the student handbook.
- Failure to follow these rules may result in reprimand, a student/teacher conference, detention, a parent phone call, and/or office referral. All after school detentions will be given 24-hour notice along with a note that must be assigned by a parent or guardian.
Extra Help
- I am available for extra help after school. Students must be proactive and schedule a time with me to stay. You must have a note to stay after school. Class effort is necessary and required in order to be rewarded with the honor of staying after school.
Major Assessments50%Minor Assessments35% Daily Assessments15%
-Tests -Quizzes - Quick checks, graded assignments
Homework 50% Class work Assessments50%
- Checked for completion -Daily expectations
-Participation, prep, behavior
-Exit slips, warm ups
***Please sign your name below indicating that you have read and understood the rules of this class. Take it home and have your parent/guardian sign indicating the same. This will be considered part of your first homework assignment. This sheet should be kept in your binder.
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature