

No 1

(Public Protection)

Service Plan

For The

Pest Control Service




1.Fareham Borough Council has a statutory duty under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 to take steps to ensure that the Borough is free from rats and mice.

Service Objectives

  1. The objectives of the service are as follows:

(a)To meet the Council’s statutory duty under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 to take steps to ensure that it’s district is free from rats and mice;

(b)To provide a cost effective and efficient pest control service for domestic and commercial premises within the Borough of Fareham;

(c)To prevent the spread of disease transmitted by pests;

(d)To investigate complaints and provide professional advice to members of the public and businesses with regard to the eradication of infestations.

Scope of Service

  1. The Pest Control Services exists to provide a service to both domestic and commercial premises for the eradication and control of rodents and insects;
  • Free treatment for the eradication of mice and rats in domestic properties;
  • Chargeable service for treatment of rats and mice in commercial premises;
  • Chargeable service for control treatments for insect infestations;
  • Contracts with commercial organisations
  • Advice via the office, website and leaflets and on site
  • To provide a free insect identification service;
  1. To inspect the Borough for signs of rodent infestation and instigate formal action to ensure eradication as appropriate;
  1. To dispose of rodent bodies as clinical waste as required by the HSE in certain circumstances;
  1. To respond to emergency calls where a live rodent is present in a property including very occasional weekend calls.

Key Drivers

  1. Pest control is at the heart of any public health control strategy;
  2. Statutory duty under the Prevention of Damage By Pests Act 1949 to keep Borough free from rats and mice;
  3. Service involves the use of pesticides so emphasis on health & safety precautions both for the staff and the public;
  1. A service from which revenue can be made but a fundamental public health requirement for the public;
  2. Reactive and proactive service;


  1. The Pest Control Service contributes to the following corporate objectives:

Corporate Objective
Desired Outcome for Local People
Local people are confident that sound measures are in place to ensure the health and safety of people who live, work in or visit the Borough.
Service Objective / Processes
Service Objective 1 - Prevent spread of disease
Prevent the spread of disease transmitted by pests that present a public health risk. / Service requests – to respond to requests for a rodent eradication service within 2 working days and in respect of insects, 3 working days. Clients given an am/pm appointment. Request placed on ocella. Ocella sheet to pest control officer. Visit made. Fee paid and receipt given where necessary. Revisits made as necessary. Ocella sheet returned and ocella updated.
Advice – advice given via personal contact, over the phone by office support, leaflets, the website etc;
Insect identification service –the public can submit insects and an identification is made if possible, free of charge;
Contract visits –visits to commercial premises in accordance with the contract;
Proactive work – visits to open spaces, shopping precincts, allotments etc
Service Objective 2 - Public Safety
Using the Council’s licensing and regulatory powers to prevent the spread of disease transmitted by pests that present a public health risk. / Service requests – district EHOs have a 2 working day response target to complaints of filthy/verminous premises or directly respond to a request from the pest control officer to visit the property together;
Formal action – formal notices can be served under legislation such as the Prevention of Damage of Pests Act 1949 with works in default as appropriate;
Food safety inspections– the food team will look at pest control techniques during their inspections of food premises and they will liaise with the pest control officer and take formal action if necessary

service achievements

  1. This section of the service plan describes the key achievements for the Pest Control Service for the last three years.

Service Objective 1 – Prevent spread of disease

a)Health surveillance of pest control officers;

b)Audit and improvements at the depot;

c)91% of respondents to the FBC residents survey 2005 stated that they were very satisfied or satisfied with the Council’s pest control services;

d)Provision of medical cards;

e)Manual handling training;

f)Pest control officer refresher training;

g)Training for office support;

h)2004/5 regional quality matrix completed with good results for FBC;

i)Regular PDRs, 1-2-1s, team meetings etc;

j)Regular attendance at pest control officers’ regional meetings;

k)Customer satisfaction survey for all closed complaints;

l)96% of customers satisfied with service;

m)Use of MIS to monitor performance;

n)Website information;

o)Relocation of pesticide store at depot;

p)H&IOW survey re appointments;

q)H&IOW survey of landlord charges;

r)8 ad hoc visits per month to open spaces etc;

s)Managers monitoring work of PCOs using MIS/ocella/daily monitoring sheets and daily monitoring activities eg early morning visits to depot. Outcome of internal audit also used to change work and monitoring practices – summer 2006.

t)Spring 2006 – evaluation of charging schemes for contracts and new SLAs for internal departments developed and signed where appropriate;

Service Objective 2 – Public safety

a)Managing conflict course;

b)Rats and construction sites leaflet to Building Control;

c)6 formal notices served on occupier of land;

d)Signs on vans;

e)Dead rat procedure;

f)Rodents still free of charge for domestic premises;

g)Improve the information recorded from treatments undertaken in particular details relating to risk assessment eg location of bait recorded on reverse of form;

h)Implemented where appropriate recommendations of the CIEH Pest Control Management document to ensure the service is meeting professional standards and is being delivered in an efficient and effective manner;

i)Customer service centre training in pest control; Completed Dec 05

j)Uniforms for pest control officers; Completed Feb 06

k)Regional group work plan – best practice, equipment, training etc; Completed Dec 05

l)Update risk assessments and COSHH; completed Dec 05

m)Provide office and IT equipment for PCO’s; Completed Feb 06

n)Health and safety training issues raised with health and safety officer and with staff at PDRs eg working at heights, highway safety; course undertaken included a refresher pest control course, basic health & safety, dealing with violent people;

o)Development of performance monitoring systems with appropriate performance measures using MIS/ocella/daily monitoring sheets etc for pest control functions;

p) Numerous improvements to pest control booking and recording systems as

a result of the pest control internal audit - 2006.


  1. This section of the service plan provides a summary of all local and national performance indicators for the Pest Control Service. The information provides a backward look at performance for the previous year (i.e. year ended 31st March 2006) and a forward plan for performance for the next three years.
  2. The information is also presented in a table form and uses the following symbols to aid comparison.

Direction of Travel

  1. This column compares actual figures for 2004/05 and 2005/06 and uses the following symbols to indicate the relative performance for 2005/06.

 / = Improved
 / = No Change
 / = Worse

Performance Standard

  1. This column compares Actual performance with the Min Std and Target for 2005/06 and uses the following symbols to indicate the relative performance standard:

 / = Good (i.e. better than Target).
 / = Acceptable (i.e. better than Min Std).
 / = Poor (i.e. worse than Min Std).
  1. Comments are provided where appropriate to explain reasons for poor performance.


Service Objective – Prevent Spread of Disease

Ref / Performance Indicator / 2004/05 Actual / 2005/06 Min Std / 2005/06 Target / 2005/06 Actual / Dir of Travel / Perf Std / 2006/07 Target / 2007/08 Target / 2008/09 Target
P01_001 / Percentage of Rodent Infestations of public significance treated within 3 working days / 82.14% / 85.00% / 90.00% / 62.43% /  /  / 90% / 90% / 90%
Target changed to 3 days from 2 days as recommended by the Public Protection Review panel on 16 May 2006. Improved % for 3 day target compared to old 2 day target – eg 68.14% 2004/5 and 49.93% for 2005/6.
However, maximum 6 visits per day per officer and the desire of the public to have a visit at their convenience affects 3 day target; customer satisfaction survey is very positive; only one Pest Control Officer working between Aug 05 - Feb 06 due to other Pest Control Officer sickness.Anticipate that figure for 2006/7 will be higher.
Pest control booking service being transferred to CSC October 2006 – we now have the ability to track how many customers chose to take first available appointment compared to the number that choose to take an appointment at a later date for their convenience.
Ref / Performance Indicator / 2004/05 Actual / 2005/06 Min Std / 2005/06 Target / 2005/06 Actual / Dir of Travel / Perf Std / 2006/07 Target / 2007/08 Target / 2008/09 Target
P01_002 / Percentage of insect infestation of public health significance treated within 3 working days of request / 68.54% / 90.00% / 95.00% / 79.56% /  /  / 95% / 95% / 95%
Comment: 6 visits per day maximum and desire of public to have visit at their convenience affects 2 day target; customer satisfaction survey is very positive, only one Pest Control Officer working between Aug 05 - Feb 06 due to other Pest Control Officer sickness. Anticipate that figure for 2006/7 will be higher.
Pest control booking service being transferred to CSC October 2006 – we now have the ability to track how many customers chose to take first available appointment compared to the number that choose to take an appointment at a later date for their convenience.

Service Objective 2 – Public Safety

Ref / Performance Indicator / 2004/05 Actual / 2005/06 Min Std / 2005/06 Target / 2005/06 Actual / Dir of Travel / Perf Std / 2006/07 Target / 2007/08 Target / 2008/09 Target
P01_003 / Percentage of pest control customers who feel the overall service is Good or Excellent / 91.77% / 90.00% / 95.00% / 88.06% /  /  / 95% / 95% / 95%
Comment: Only one Pest Control Officer between Aug 05 – Feb 06 due to other Pest Control Officer sickness.



  1. This section of the service plan reviews how well the Pest Control Service is currently performing against a range of criteria and identifies, where appropriate, issues that need to be addressed over the next three years. This section provides the basis and justification for identifying and prioritising service improvements.
  2. Health & safety courses eg highway safety, working at heights etc;Awaiting Corporate course
  3. Pest control leaflets for FBC; Working with regional PCO group on leaflets.
  4. Change targets from 2/3 days to 3/5 days response for rats and insects respectively;In Discussion with T Greenwood;Target for rodents changed to 3 days by Public Protection Review Panel (16 MAY 06).
  5. Pest control officers to become part of the enforcement team to provideflexibilitye.g. to look at fly tipping incidents etc and vice versa;Not considered as a viable option either way at present. More likely to employ a private pest control company in emergency situations.
  6. Hampshire wide benchmarking exercise;
  7. Promotional events to increase awareness of service;
  8. To increase the number of commercial contracts to increase revenue;
  9. BPMS checklist for filthy and verminous premises;
  10. To continue to evaluate the results of internal audit and implement recommendations;
  11. Assessment of future capacity;
  12. Assessment of business continuity position;
  13. Mobile electronic working;
  14. Both pest control officers to be provided with leased vans;
  15. With appropriate training, to pursue sewer baiting programme under contract from SWS plc;
  16. To look to offer more variety in type of treatments offered;
  17. To assess the feasibility of charging for rodents;
  18. To evaluate the website information;
  19. To provide inspection books for contract premises;
  20. To provide a risk assessment section on the ocella sheet;Completed Nov 05
  21. To assess areas for improvement from completed quality matrix such as peer review and document review;
  22. Increase hours of work to increase availability;This was required due to one PCO long term sick Aug-Feb
  23. This service may form part of the next Best Value Review called “A Safe and Healthy Fareham” which will commence later this year. It is likely that actions from this review will be incorporated into the 2007/8 service plan.
  24. The information presented above has been used identify and prioritise a range of service improvements, which are listed in the following section.
  25. CSC Process map to be developed; Completed Spring 06. Likely start for CSC

dealing with pest control requests Oct 06.


service improvement plan

Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Increase the percentage of service requests that are responded to within the performance target. / Heather Cusack / Increased effectiveness / Desirable / Number and percentage of rodent infestations treated within 3 working days / 2006/7 / 90% / 95%
Number and percentage of insect infestations of public health significance treated within 3 working days of request / 2006/7 / 90% / 95%
Customer satisfaction survey - What is your overall opinion of the pest control service? / 2006/7 / 90% / 95%
Customer satisfaction survey – Did the pest control officer keep to appointments? / 2006/7 / 90% / 95%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Review the impact of the Customer Service Centre on the Pest Control Service and prepare action plan. / Heather Cusack / High / Dec 06 / Likely to be transferred to CSC mid Oct 06.
Further development of the Council’s Business Process Management System (BPMS) and its application to Pest Control / Heather Cusack / High / Mar 07 / Existing Staff Resources
Assess impact on future Customer Satisfaction Survey / Heather Cusack / Med / Mar 07 / CSC not yet implemented – due mid Oct 06
Investigate and implement appropriate mobile working facilities for officers working on the district to increase efficiency. / Heather Cusack / High / Mar 07 / Existing Staff Resources plus additional ICT equipment funded from the corporate ICT budget.
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Generate additional income to make the service more cost effective by increasing the number of commercial contracts / Heather Cusack / Revenue enhancement / Desirable / The pest control officers to each have at least 3 commercial contracts running at any one time / 2006/7 / 6 / 12
Contract sites visited at least 4 times a year / 2006/7 / 100% / 100%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Survey commercial companies for potential contracts and the range / type of treatments required. / Kevin Wright / Med / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources – information to be included in 10/06 business newsletter
Develop the service and promote on the web pages highlighting the service provided. / Heather Cusack / Med / Mar 07 / Ongoing
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Assess the feasibility and impact of charging for rodents in domestic properties / Heather Cusack / Revenue enhancement / Desirable / Number of enquiries regarding rodent infestations / 2008/9 / 1200 / 1300
Actual number of properties treated for rodent infestations / 2008/9 / 900 / 1000
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Benchmark & Survey other local authorities / Heather Cusack / Low / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources
Report to H & R panel on options / implications / Heather Cusack / Low / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources
Develop procedures and policies for those / Heather Cusack / Low / June 07 / Existing staff resources
Develop monitoring system with reporting to CHRSO on regular basis / Heather Cusack / Low / Mar 08 / Existing staff resources
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Improve overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Pest Control Services / Heather Cusack / Increased effectiveness / Desirable / Benchmarking exercise every 5 years / 2008/9 / 100% / 100%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
To continue to assess the Hants & IOW Inter Authority Quality Matrix and implement any recommendations and best practice. / Heather Cusack / Medium / Ongoing / Complete for 2005/6 – continued attendance at regional meetings
Continue to participate in the Hants & IOW Inter Authority Benchmark group and implement any recommendations and best practice. / Heather Cusack / Medium / June 07 / Existing Staff Resources- possibility of inter authority audit sometime in 2007
Review specific customer satisfaction feedback for the Pest Control Service to identify and implement improvements that address any weaknesses in service delivery. / Heather Cusack / Medium / Ongoing / This is being done – good results
Analyse the pest control service quality matrix scores and make any necessary improvements / Heather Cusack / Medium / Jun 07 / Existing Staff Resources
Evaluate and action results of internal audit / Heather Cusack / High / Dec 06 / 10/06 – Majority of the outcomes actioned
Implement regional pest control group work plan for FBC service where appropriate / Heather Cusack / Medium / Ongoing / Review and Implement from regional meetings
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Provide improved access to information for both the public and commercial premises / Heather Cusack / Regional priority / Med / FBC leaflets available for rats/mice/fleas/wasps/bedbugs/brown tail moth/cockroaches / 2006/7 / 100% / 100%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Liaise with ETS/PCOs/regional group / Heather Cusack / Med / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources
Check existing website and other websites / Heather Cusack / Med / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources
Develop leaflets / web site with BDM / Heather Cusack / Med / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources
Further review customer satisfaction questionnaire / Heather Cusack / Med / Mar 07 / Cost of printing
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Improve the way filthy and verminous premises are responded / Heather Cusack / Increased efficiency / Desirable / BPMS checklist in use for filthy and verminous premises / 2006/7 / 100% / 100%
Percentage of complaints of filthy and verminous premises responded to within 2 working days / 2006/7 / 85% / 90%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Review existing arrangements and liaise with BDM/EHOs/PCOs / Heather Cusack / Med / Dec 06 / Existing staff resources
Further development of the Council’s Business Process Management System (BPMS) throughout the Pollution function. / Heather Cusack / Med / Dec 06 / Existing Staff Resources
Review and implement new policies and procedures for all F&VP`s / Heather Cusack / Med / Dec 06 / Existing Staff Resources
Develop monitoring system with reporting to CHRSO on regular basis / Heather Cusack / Med / Dec 06 / Existing staff resources
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Ensure staff are fully trained and aware of the appropriate health & safety requirements in undertaking this service / Heather Cusack / Risk reduction / Important / PCOs complete Ladder safety course / 2007/8 / 100% / 100%
PCOs complete highway safety course / 2007/8 / 100% / 100%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Update and check training schedule for each operative / Heather Cusack/ Kevin Wright / Med / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources plus corporate health and safety courses eg working at heights
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Update existing risk assessments and COSHH associated with the provision of the service to ensure that the service is provided in a safe and effective way / Heather Cusack / Mandatory / Important / Risk assessments updated / 2005/6 / 100% / 100%
COSHH updated / 2005/6 / 100% / 100%
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Develop an action plan of required changes / improvements / Heather Cusack / High / Dec 06 / Existing staff resources
Review the procedures for PCOs signing completed statements and actions / Kevin Wright / High / Mar 07 / Existing staff resources
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Review alternative options for the provision of the pest control service / Garry White / Efficiency / cost / Desirable / Cost of the Service / 2007/8
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Review how other local authorities provide the service identifying advantages and disadvantages / Garry White / High / April 08 / Existing staff resources –
08/06 - Similar charges to other LAs and private companies; some LAs charging for rodents
Assess options and report to H&E RP / Garry White / High / June 08 / Existing staff resources
Service Improvement / Resp / Source / Priority / Performance Measure / Year / Min Std / Target
Investigate contract with Southern Water for the treatment of public sewers / Garry White / Efficiency / cost / Desirable / Number of sewers treated / 2006/07
Actions Required to Achieve Service Improvement / Resp / Priority / Target Date / Resource Implications
Identify the number of sewers that can be treated and the cost per treatment by the existing resource / Kevin Wright / High / Jan07 / 09/06 – Letter to SWS re contract to bait public sewers – positive response – to assess what other LAs are charging and respond to SWS
Undertake the necessary risk assessments, identification of H& training requirements, equipment needs / Kevin Wright / High / Jan 07 / Existing Resources
Develop an annual programme schedule that could be undertaken by the existing resource / Kevin Wright / High / January 2007 / Existing Resources
