UK Gift Card & Voucher Association
Executive Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 10th July 2013, 11am to 2pm
In attendance: Kevin Lake, Siobhan Moore, Wayne Harrington, Stuart Lawrence,
Steve Bradbery
Apologies: Tim Ward, Joanne Peake, Tony Rich
1. / Minutes from last meeting· Gifties
The Executive asked for thanks to be passed to Joanne Peake for organising and the idea for The Gifties. Kevin Lake seconded a proposal by Joanne Peake for the Hall of Fame winner to be given free lifetime membership of the UKGCVA for the individual. The membership is for the individual and not for a company so no fee would be lost be offering this. The winner may attend meetings as the individual but will have no voting rights. The Executive agreed, this needs to be written into the Constitution.
· BDO data collection
Members fed back that there was some concerns about the level of security offered by using the excel sheet being emailed by BDO. AJ to ask BDO to confirm the security. AJ highlighted that certain members were not happy with their ‘re-classification’ into the new categories and this was still under discussion with BDO and the relevant members. Signet and Wickes have both confirmed their participation from the 1st July. Concerns were expressed from some members about the lack of representation from Issuer members at the BDO meeting on 12th June. The objective of this meeting was to finalise the data collection and agree definitions but few members attended.
2. / Budget and Finance Review
· Yearend forecast
· Member status following invoice despatch
Due to the Exec meeting being held earlier than planned there were no accounts available from the accountant. However AJ reported that there were no bad debts from the last membership year carried over, all members had paid their fees.
3. / Farepak Group, BIS & support from BDO
· Email from Farepak Group/Safeguard All Savings
· Feedback from BIS and next actions
· Meeting with BDO, 4th September – who should attend?
AJ gave a summary of his attendance at the Parliamentary Debate on Tuesday 9th July and his subsequent meeting with Marcelle Jansis from BIS. In summary the UKGCVA have been asked to provide evidence to BIS regarding the four points taken forward by the UKGCVA (Ring fenced accounts/trust funds, adoption of Emoney for closed loop cards and vouchers, more substantive constitution, insurance bonding). KL asked that the number of jobs in the voucher industry also be submitted as part of the evidence and how these may be affected by changes in legislation. BIS asked that as a ‘quick win’ issuers of cards and vouchers included an update in their terms and conditions to warn consumers that cards and vouchers are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and that in the event of the issuer of the card entering administration the funds on the card may not be available to spend. The Exec agreed to ask members how viable it is to make these changes as soon as possible.
Deborah Harvey from the Farepak Victims Committee has been in contact with the Association. Exec agreed that a small group should meet with Deborah and her colleagues to discuss how to work together.
Update: AJ spoke with Deborah on 11th July as she called the UKGCVA office following up from the debate. Deborah understood the commercial challengers of gift cards and vouchers; in summary the group would like to see transparency in terms and conditions so that consumers are aware that if a retailer goes into administration the funds on the card or voucher may be lost. AJ and Deborah Harvey agreed to continue to keep in touch.
BDO have agreed to support the UKGCVA to independently investigate the four options. A meeting with BDO has been arranged for Friday 26th July. SM, SL and SB agreed they would attend if they are available. It was also agreed that Mark Boyle or Jim Woodcock from WHSmith.
4. / Conference
· Feedback from members meeting
· Contract with IIR
It was agreed that following member feedback the conference should be managed by the UKGCVA or an appointed representative. The conference should be a one day event focusing specifically on gift cards and vouchers. Exec agreed that SB will produce one page brief for the conference to be sent to prospective conference organisers. KL asked for confirmation of the terms of the IIR agreement – update: the agreement was for 2011, 2012 and 2013 events. The exclusivity clause states: Exclusivity- Neither party will produce a prepaid event with a competitive organization during the term of this Agreement, or for a period of twelve (12) months following the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement.
AJ to contact IIR. Update: AJ called IIR and they can understand the UKGCVA decision. They are looking at a major revamp of Prepaid Expo USA and the European event, the UKGCVA may not have been part of their revamp plans. Prepaid Expo Europe may not be held in London next year!
5. / Christmas Competition
· Update
Rostrum continue to send out press information and manage the Twitter account
6 / VAT
· Update
AJ attended meeting with Jim Wilkinson from PWC and some UKGCVA members at HM Treasury on 25th June. It looks unlikely that the changes will be made to VAT legislation in time for the 2015 deadline, agreement has also been reached for definitions from the Payment Services and Emoney Directive to be used in future VAT legislation. Treasury expect to host another meeting late Autumn.
7. / Member Engagement
· Current levels of member engagement
· Potential change to format of meetings
Following feedback from a small group of members and taking into account some recent activities Exec agreed that member engagement needed to be addressed. The agenda for meetings for example has been very dominated by regulation. Feedback also included concerns that the core focus of the association – retailers – has been lost. Exec agreed to discuss new formats for meetings in 2014 with the potential for meetings to be held with dedicated groups of members rather than all together. Members to be approach for ideas for future meetings and also to discuss the opportunity for members to present at meetings. Whilst historically this has been seen as politically sensitive a fair system for all members to be given the opportunity to speak should give all those interested a chance.
Agreed that Outlook Diary placeholders be used for future meetings.
8. / Constitution
· Change re results of recent election
AJ suggested wording for the Constitution to take account of the recent issue where there were not enough nominees to fill the Exec positions.
1. Where insufficient nominations are received to fill the vacant posts a further call for nominations following the election timetable will be issued. If this second round fails to secure enough candidates the current Executive Members will be asked to stand for another year or the Executive can make a direct approach to potential candidates to co-opt members on to the Executive Board.
2. In order to maintain the objectives of the Association, if insufficient candidates come forward in a specific member group, i.e. 4 posts are vacant, 2 Service and 2 Issuer and 3 Issuer and 1 Service candidates come forward then they can be offered the posts with the in balance in Service and Issuer members rectified at the next year’s election. The Issuer member offered the ‘in balance place’ may only serve for 1 year. However if 3 Service and 1 Issuer come forward then an Issuer member must be co-opted and a ballot undertaken for the 2 vacant Service posts.
Exec members agreed the wording which will be further agreed at the next Exec before being tabled at the AGM of members on 25th September 2013.
9. / Fraud Meeting
· Plan and objectives
Wayne Harrington arranged a meeting with various multi-choice paper voucher issuers following the Exec meeting. This meeting is recorded separately
10. / Secretariat Contract
· Update
Details available from Exec members
11. / Any Other Business
· Tba
Future Meeting Dates: (all 2pm to 5pm) – 2013, 11 Sep, 27 Nov