January 6, 2011

PUBLIC PROPERTY MEMBERS PRESENT: Randy Young, Sandy Polzin, Jerry Erdmann, Tom Martell and Milt Marquardt


ALSO PRESENT: Steve Dreher, Julie Harland, Frank Pascarella, Jay Moynihan, Bob Krause, Tom Tuma, Sheriff Wright, Scott Frank, Cayla Her, Tim Reed

CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairman Polzin at 8:00 a.m.

It was noted that the agenda was appropriately posted

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments

MEETING MINUTES: Young asked if the family was contacted regarding items to be removed from 201 4th Street. Dreher advised he called them and let them know. Motion by Marquardt, seconded by Young to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. All yes. Motion carried.

MOTION TO DEVIATE: Motion by Erdmann, seconded by Martell to deviate from the posted agenda. All yes. Motion carried.

COUNTY FARM TIMBER SALE: Scott Frank and Bob Krause were present to review the timber sale project at the County Farm. Funds from the sale would go to the farm account. Bids will be opened at 10 a.m. today. Ag and Extension Committee meets on January 11th on this project. Motion by Erdmann, seconded by Martell to allow Ag and Extension Committee to award the bid and bring to the County Board. All yes. Motion carried.

There were four bidders for the County Farm timber sale. Bids ranged from $25,186 to $30,725. High bid was received from Algoma Lumber.

SECURITY RESOLUTION: The Committee received copies of the resolution for security in the Courthouse. Sheriff Wright, Tom Tuma and Cayla Her were present to discuss this resolution with the Committee. Marquardt stated that the Courthouse security positions should be part of the Sheriff’s Department and included in the Sheriff’s Department budget. Cayla Her was present and discussed an altercation that happened at the Courthouse earlier in the week. Erdmann would like to see the part time hours in the resolution reduced. Martell stated that the resolution may need to be modified to something more modest in order to increase the possibility of the resolution passing at the County Board level. No action on the resolution was taken.

GARAGE ON CORNER OF WASHINGTONAND FOURTH: Sheriff’s Department has an SRT trailer that is currently kept behind the Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Department is willing to pay the cost to replace the door on the property on the corner of Washington and Fourth and would then like to store the trailer in that garage if the trailer will fit into the garage. Would benefit both the Sheriff’s Department and the Maintenance Department to protect the assets of each department. Motion by Marquardt, seconded by Erdmann to allow the Sheriff’s Department to store the SRT trailer in the garage of the 4th Street property if the Sheriff’s Department is allowed to carry forward funds to replace the door. All yes. Motion carried.

SHAWANO COUNTY 25 X 25 PLAN: The Committee received copies of the report and Frank distributed a summary of the report. Jay Moynihan reviewed the report with the Committee.

CRAWFORD CENTER STRATEGIC PLAN: Dreher advised that there is not a long range or strategic plan for the Crawford Center at this time; however, the County does not have a long range or strategic plan for any of its buildings. Bob Krause advised that the horse camp is moving out of the county because they can rent a horse facility for less than the cost of the Crawford Center. Pascarella advised that we will be working with the Hockey group to establish their long range plan. The utilities are the biggest concern at the facility. More investments will need to be made to reduce the energy costs at the facility. Pascarella said the awareness isn’t really out there that county has a facility of this type available. Strategic plan may be to work on reducing operational costs, working with the Chamber to increase awareness and getting a long range plan from the Hockey Association.

IN REM PROPERTIES: Properties that were vacant have been secured. Corporation Counsel has written letters to the remaining prior owners advising them they have until the end of January to contact Steve to remove any belongings. All properties have been insured. Dreher distributed photos of the Wescott property. Doors and windows are broken at this site. It would take materials and significant man hours to secure this property and Dreher wants direction on whether or not to secure the property. It was the consensus of the Committee to secure the property.

Tom Martell was excused at 10:09 a.m.

PROGRAM EVALUATION: One of the recommendations is when renovations or construction is completed to utilize energy efficient options.

Rental properties do not reflect true costs for maintaining the rental properties. Staff time is now being tracked within the payroll system. Time spent by Work Release employees is at no cost, but their time is being tracked.

COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR UPGRADE: Specifications have been received and reviewed. Will advertise in Shawano Leader, Green Bay and Milwaukee and open bids at next meeting.

No closed session

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATE: 412 Franklin Street has had a lot of interest; however, most interested parties are through the NEWCAP program who the County has not dealt with in the past.

John Hill is looking for furniture for the food pantry. The County doesn’t have much available other than a few very old file cabinets.

Jim Stadler from the city called regarding possible assistance with lead abatement on a property the city is contemplating purchasing. The County has three employees that are certified for lead based paint abatement that could possibility provide assistance if they cannot locate a vendor to assist them.

The Committee received copies of a map of County owned properties in the area near the Courthouse. It was the consensus of the Committee to provide a copy of the map to all members of the Court Board.

NEXT MEETING: Next meeting of the Public Property Committee will be held Friday, February 4th at 8:00 a.m.

Motion by Young, seconded by Marquardt to adjourn. 4 yes, 1 absent (Martell). Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:23 a.m.

Submitted by:

Julie Harland

Recording Secretary