Town of West Rutland

Public Meeting - Sidewalk Improvements

Monday, July 13, 2015

Present: John Harvey, Sean Barrows, Pete Bianchi, Chet Brown, Mary Ann Goulette, Mike Moser, Adam Moser, and Emily Cutts.

“The Town is preparing to apply for a 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian grant from the Vermont Agency of Transportation for a design/construction grant to install sidewalk improvements at Campbell Avenue from Main to Marble Street; Thrall Avenue from Sheldon Avenue to Pleasant Street; Clarendon Avenue from shared use path to Dewey Avenue; Ross Street to school street parking lot; Fairview Avenue through Recreation Area.’

Mary Ann Goulette, Town Manager, spoke about the grant application. Five segments of sidewalks were identified as deficient in the Safe Routes to School Study. We are applying for design and construction to fill these gaps in the amount of $820,700. Segments are: Clarendon (1), Campbell (2) Thrall (3), Fairfield (4), and Ross (5). The cost is $228,600 for Clarendon Avenue;

$179,900 for Fairview; $174,700 for Thrall, $122,800 for Ross and $114,700 for Campbell. Our match is $80,900 or 10 percent. The total amount of 3,305 feet for sidewalks.

The Hearing closed at 6:19 p.m.


West Rutland Selectboard

Monday, July 13, 2015

Present: John Harvey, Sean Barrows, Pete Bianchi, Chet Brown, Mary Ann Goulette, Mike Moser, Adam Moser, and Emily Cutts.

Call to Order: Sean Barrows called the meeting to order at 6:19 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda Approval: John made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Chet seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Minutes: June 22nd meeting. Pete motioned to accept the minutes as written but adding that Ted Sheloski offered the town a Christmas tree. John seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The minutes of June 29th were accepted as written on a motion by John and a second by Chet. Unanimously approved.

Public Concerns: Mike Moser asked if there were any public action after the executive session at the last meeting. Mary Ann shared that there were three action items that are reflected in the minutes. Mike also asked if the town has a

noise ordinance for excessive noise. Yes they do. There have been complaints about noise, safety, and speed. Mary Ann can forward number plate numbers to the sheriff’s department. The noise is especially loud on rainy days.

Action items:

Set tax rate: Mary Ann proposed the homestead tax at 2.0868 (residential) and 2.1618 for non residents. The tax rate will be a .7% increase which equals an increase of $14.68 per $100,000 in assessment. Municipal tax is .7036. Grand list went up a little bit. John made a motion to set the tax rate at above rates. Pete seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Letter of support for VTrans Bike/Ped Grant. This letter states our support of the grant application, our commitment to the 10% match and adding the new sidewalk segments into our ongoing maintenance plan. Chet made a motion to sign the letter of support to the VTrans Bike/Ped Grant to apply for the grant. John seconded and motion was unanimous.

Discussion Items:

Town Hall Structural Survey: The town received a $500 grant from Preservation Trust of Vermont for an evaluation of the balcony. Good news is that it is safe. Recommended annual monitoring of the cracking and monitor the weight and capacity of the balcony. 50 seats up there now. The only time the balcony is used is for school concerts and the variety show. Discussion about repointing some bricks on the outside of the building.

WWII Memorial Ceremony: Logistics: Stones have been set today. Crane hasn’t come to move the old flag pole. Aug. 15th at 10:00am is the ceremony. We will close Marble Street from Main to Campbell for 24 hours. There will be drop off locations. Any activities at the school? Mary Ann will check. Discussion around possible bussing of older people. Will need some Jersey barriers and signage. Also need to notify the fire department and Vtrans. There was discussion around signage. Reception will be upstairs immediately following the ceremony.

Town Manager’s Report: Finished painting most of the crosswalks etc in town. Ad for wastewater/water worker was posted today. Reminder on the concert series on Thursdays. Auditors will be here on Wednesday. The water and sewer contract is out to bid and last letter to businesses went out last week. Nothing

yet back from Rutland Town on the intermunicipal agreement. Preconstruction meeting is Friday and opening of the bids is the 29th. Paving is almost complete and back filling of driveways are being done.

Patch on Dewey looks good. Might want to spray a white fog line on it.

Board Member Concerns:

Chet: Crosswalks on Clarendon Avenue- they missed Noonan’s/Blanchard and the Shared Use Path. Chet also discussed the white line is missing on the corner by Jiffy Mart and shared he had a request for a new sidewalk on Dewey Avenue.

John: None

Pete: Can we stripe Dewey Avenue? Or at least on the curve by Tower?

Sean: We need a police officer between 5 and 7 to sit in Chamberlain’s driveway for speeders.

Pay orders were signed:

Adjournment: Peter made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. and Chet seconded. Unanimously passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Charleen Bowen