

October 6, 2014

Public Issues & Comments:

Minutes: previous monthly meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: written reports were sent with agendas. 5Trash fees are unpaid for 2014 along with miscellaneous late fees totaling$990. Late charges are added monthly and sent to the home owners with collection letters. Certified letters will go out soon giving them one last chance before turning the account to the Magistrate for collection. Balance due for 2014 RE taxes:$10,181.20, Fire Tx:$1495.42


Realty Transfer Tax: July-$3,748.50 and August $0

Commonwealth of Pa. Fireman’s Relief Asso. direct deposited9/23/14 for $8526.73.

Lockard Agency-$126 refund for removal of a Fire Co. Vehicle.

Open Records Officer:No O.R. forms received.

Street Superintendent Report: 6 Street lights reported out.

Zoning & Ordinance Officer report:Permits:Steve Wilds- addition, Mary & Steve Kletter-2nd floor addition, Kathleen & Dick Deasy-1st floor bathroom, EM Conservancy for a treehouse.

Code Inspections:Permit: James & Debbie Brown for new home.

COG-2nd Quarter shared fees paid-$158.26

Continued Business:

  1. Emergency Planning:

a)Ad Hoc Committee- emergency procedures for Council are outlined in the Emergency Management Handbook for Elected Officials and a one page reference is in development.

b)Swift Reach – need to work on standard messages to deal with recurring events, such as power outages.

  1. 2013 Tax collection- Mr. Byrnes’ daughter has tracked down overpayments made to the SCSchool District. Email received detailing amounts and stating it may take some time to recoup these funds to pay the borough what is owed.
  2. Eagles Mere Inn Sign- contacted solicitor for advice concerning further responsibility after the insurance company denied payment for the sign. Reply received and emailed to council.
  3. Memorial plaque(s)for past Mayors Council members?
  4. STC-Mcfadden resignation received.
  5. Private road maintenance assistance from the borough (directed to Infrastructure Cmte).
  6. Museum Ordinance Amendment hearingto increase board to 15.
  7. Budget- 1st draft

Pending Issues:

  1. Petition to mandate permits for vertical construction and drilling- (on hold pending determination of Act 13).
  2. Ordinance amendments to limit drilling- on hold for determination regarding Act13See Court decision in Borough News giving municipalities back the authority to limit drilling.

New Business:

  1. Proclamationfor Penna. State Police service.
  2. Museum- Lisa Sperry resignation as shopkeeper.
  3. Claim form for Municipal Derivatives Settlements-
  4. COG- letter received regarding sharing permits for building permits & land use.
  5. Subdivision for Bauman/Ettinger to the EM Conservancy -
  6. Street use application for EMHVI approved by Secretary and filed with appropriate agencies.

Mayor’s Report:


Infrastructure Committee:

  • Water drainage issues @ J. Stauffer, S. Funk & F. Shoemaker when Allegheny Ave is paved2015.

Museum:see above.




Website:renew current domain name for one more year. Decide on new one.

Points of Interest:

Secretary medical leave will begin Oct 16 through 26th ???

Stiffler & McGraw letter advising EMB that the EMBA is applying for a new DEP NPDES Permit.

Penna.Utility Commission

  • Has a new website for reporting Act13 funding usage.
  • Penelec has requested an increase in rates beginning Oct 3, 14.

PSAB up-scaled website.

Workshops& Information –

A new look at reviewing subdivision and development plans.