Visual Basic text of the used macros
Public Function CompHAP(ParamArray myRanges() As Variant) As String
Dim c As Object, i As Long
Dim Hap0 As String, Hap1 As String, Comp As Boolean
Comp = True
For i = 0 To UBound(myRanges())
For Each c In myRanges(i).Cells
If c.Text > "?" Then
Hap1 = c.Text
If Hap0 = "" Then
Hap0 = Hap1
Comp = Comp * (Hap0 = Hap1)
End If
CompHAP = ""
GoTo out1
End If
If Not Comp Then
GoTo out2
End If
Next i
CompHAP = IIf(Comp, "TRUE", "FALSE")
End Function
Public Function hap(Ch As Integer, mor As String, far As String, child As String, morORfar As Integer) As String
Dim Hap_M As String, Hap_F As String, FamGeno As String
FamGeno = Left(mor, 2) + Left(far, 2) + Left(child, 2)
Select Case FamGeno
Hap_M = "?"
Hap_F = "?"
Case "AAAAAA", "NoAAAA", "NoNoAA", "AANoAA", "AAABAA", "NoABAA", "ABABAA", "ABNoAA", _
Hap_M = "A"
Hap_F = "A"
Hap_M = "A"
Hap_F = "B"
Hap_M = "B"
Hap_F = "A"
Case "BBBBBB", "NoBBBB", "NoNoBB", "BBNoBB", "BBABBB", "NoABBB", "ABABBB", "ABNoBB", _
Hap_M = "B"
Hap_F = "B"
Case Else
Hap_M = "?"
Hap_F = "?"
End Select
If Ch = 23 Then Hap_F = ""
hap = IIf(morORfar = 0, Hap_M, Hap_F)
End Function
Public Sub FindHotspot()
With frmHotspots
.CommandButton1.Enabled = True
End With
End Sub
rivate Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _
"FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal _
lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _
"GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _
As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _
"SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _
As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias _
"SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal _
hWnd As Long) As Long
Private wHandle As Long
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
Me.Caption = "SNP tools: hotspot"
Image1.Visible = False
If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then
wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption)
wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption)
End If
If wHandle = 0 Then Exit Sub
hIcon = Image1.Picture
SendMessage wHandle, &H80, True, hIcon
SendMessage wHandle, &H80, False, hIcon
frm = GetWindowLong(wHandle, -20)
frm = frm And Not &H1
SetWindowLong wHandle, -20, frm
DrawMenuBar wHandle
setStatusBar 0
With Percent
.Top = progressBar.Top
.Left = progressBar.Left
.Height = progressBar.Height
.Width = 0
.Visible = False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' CommandButton2.Enabled = True
With Me
.MousePointer = fmMousePointerHourGlass
FindHotspot1 Source:=RefEdit1, Target:=RefEdit2
.MousePointer = fmMousePointerDefault
setStatusBar 0
End With
End Sub
'Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
' CommandButton1.Enabled = True
' CommandButton2.Enabled = False
'End Sub
Private Sub setStatusBar(Percentage As Single)
Dim str As String
If Percentage = 0 Then 'clear and init
Progress.Visible = False
With progressBar
.Visible = False
.BorderStyle = 0
End With
With Percent
.BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
.Height = progressBar.Height
.Width = 0
.BorderStyle = 0
.Visible = False
End With
' setStatusBar (0)
progressBar.Visible = True
Progress.Visible = True
With Percent
.Width = Percentage * progressBar.Width
.Caption = Round(Percentage * 100, 0) & "%"
.Visible = True
End With
End If
End Sub
'This macro finds the break point from one region to other on the same chromosome
'1. run the macro FindHotspot()
'2. select the data area includeing 4 columns: SNP_ID, Ch, Loction and comparisonValue
'3. tell the macro where to put result.
'4. click RUN
'Bowang Chen, DKFZ, 29.07.2004, 09.08.2004
Private Sub FindHotspot1(Source As String, Target As String)
Dim SNP(2) As New SNPData
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim rowNo As Long, colNo As Long
Dim rowStart0 As Long, colStart0 As Long
Dim rowStart1 As Long, colStart1 As Long
Dim srcSheet As Worksheet, rstSheet As Worksheet
Dim srcStr As String, rstStr As String
On Error Resume Next
srcStr = Left(Source, InStr(Source, "!") - 1)
rstStr = Left(Target, InStr(Target, "!") - 1)
Set srcSheet = Sheets(srcStr)
Set rstSheet = Sheets(rstStr)
rowNo = range(Source).Rows.Count 'ËùÑ¡ÇøÓòÓм¸ÐÐ
colNo = range(Source).Count / rowNo 'ËùÑ¡ÇøÓòÓм¸ÁÐ
rowStart0 = range(Source).row 'ÆðʼÐÐ0
colStart0 = range(Source).Column 'ÆðʼÁÐ0
rowStart1 = range(Target).row 'ÆðʼÐÐ1
colStart1 = range(Target).Column 'ÆðʼÁÐ1
With rstSheet
.Cells(rowStart1, colStart1 + 0) = "SNP ID"
.Cells(rowStart1, colStart1 + 1) = "Ch"
.Cells(rowStart1, colStart1 + 2) = "Location"
End With
' With srcSheet
SNP(1).SetData _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0, colStart0 + 0), _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0, colStart0 + 1), _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0, colStart0 + 2), _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0, colStart0 + 3)
' End With
k = 1
For i = 1 To rowNo - 1
' If Not frmHotspots.CommandButton2.Enabled Then
' MsgBox "User stoped.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Hotspot"
' Exit For
' End If
setStatusBar i / (rowNo - 1)
SNP(2).SetData _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0 + i, colStart0 + 0), _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0 + i, colStart0 + 1), _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0 + i, colStart0 + 2), _
srcSheet.Cells(rowStart0 + i, colStart0 + 3)
If (Not SNP(1).EqualComp(SNP(2))) And SNP(1).EqualCH(SNP(2)) Then
'new point found
With rstSheet
.Cells(rowStart1 + k, colStart1 + 0) = SNP(1).getSNPid 'the start point
.Cells(rowStart1 + k, colStart1 + 1) = SNP(1).getCh
.Cells(rowStart1 + k, colStart1 + 2) = SNP(1).getLoc
k = k + 1
.Cells(rowStart1 + k, colStart1 + 0) = SNP(2).getSNPid 'the end point
.Cells(rowStart1 + k, colStart1 + 1) = SNP(2).getCh
.Cells(rowStart1 + k, colStart1 + 2) = SNP(2).getLoc
k = k + 2
End With
End If
SNP(1).setDataFrom SNP(2) 'store rurrent SNP
Next i
If k > 1 Then k = k - 1
rstSheet.range(Cells(rowStart1, colStart1), Cells(rowStart1 + k - 1, colStart1 + 2)).Select
' Selection.Copy
End Sub