Students, it is possible to have fun while acting responsibly. In fact, on this trip you will have much more fun, adventure and excitement if you adhere to the behavior expectations spelled out below.
On the other hand, if you act in a manner that causes trouble or endangerment, you can expect to be sent home – an early end to your trip, no discussion and no second chances.
All 8th graders are capable of meeting these behavior expectations. So please read them over carefully and ask your parent or a trip organizer if you have any questions or are unclear about the expectations. Then decide if you are willing to cooperate, and indicate your agreement by signing this contract at the bottom.
General Behavior Expectations
1. You and your group of 12 students will be assigned a chaperone. This person is responsible for your safety for the entire trip. Instructions and directions given by your chaperone are to be followed, without delay or discussion.
2. Students must meet all schedules. That means being on time for flight departures, bus departures, meals and any other specific times set by your chaperone.
3. Courtesy is expected at all times to students’ fellow travelers, chaperones, tour guides, Motorcoach drivers, hotel personnel and all others students come in contact with on this trip.
4. Every effort will be made to provide a secure environment for each student’s personal possessions. However, the financial responsibility for the lost possessions shall rest with each student and his/her family.
5. The tour group stays at top quality hotels, and top quality behavior is expected – in the lobby, in the hallways, in the pool, in the elevator and in the rooms. No running, shouting or inappropriate behavior. Rooms must be left in an orderly manner upon check out.
6. No telephone calls are to be made between rooms, unless there is an emergency. Laptops are not allowed on this trip. Because you are aware that they are not allowed on this trip, laptops will be confiscated for the duration of the trip if you bring one. There will be an opportunity to phone your parents each evening from the hotel.
7. If someone knocks on your hotel door, do not open the door until you are absolutely certain you know who is knocking. If knocking persists call your chaperone. Once the “lights out” in given, there is to be no visiting between rooms.
8. Students must ALWAYS travel with a buddy, even to public restrooms.
9. Absolutely no taking, borrowing, shoplifting or requisitioning of hotel items or any items anywhere. Any souvenirs must be paid for.
10. No alcohol or other illegal/ unhealthy substances. Any student on medication should make his/her chaperone aware of the medication, dosage and prescription number (so that it can be reordered if it gets lost).
11. Cellular-Phones, Music, IPOD’s, CD’s: Students may use these devices only during specific times and as directed by the adult chaperones. Music is usually allowed during the plane flight, in your hotel room or long rides on the bus. Cellular phones traditionally are allowed in the evening when students are contacting their parents to share their experiences, check in, say “hello”, etc. Although the school recognizes that cellular phones can be used for safety and emergency purposes, cellular phones need to remain in student’s possession, turned off, and in backpacks, purses or pockets or only used when instructed by the adults. Should a student take out a cellular phone during the trip when not permitted and it becomes visible, the cellular phone may be confiscated and returned when deemed appropriate. This policy also applies to Music, IPOD’s, MP3’s, CD’s and other related items. Disciplinary action may occur for continuing offenses.
12. Any behavior that is not acceptable at CMS is not acceptable on this trip. This trip is an opportunity to demonstrate your maturity, good judgment and the Pelican Way traits of courtesy, respect, responsibility, appreciation, honesty, cooperation, and self-discipline. Show the Pelican Way in all that you do and say!
13. Dress Code
Adherence to CMS dress code is required.
No extremely baggy pants, cut-offs, t-shirts with remotely offensive language or grunge clothing is to be worn on trip.
For girl students, please remember that we will be in large cities. Clothing that might be acceptable for a beach town like Coronado is no necessarily appropriate for New York or WashingtonD.C. Specifically, this means that spaghetti straps, very short shorts or skirts and other attention-getting clothing is strongly discouraged.
No bathing suits or sleeping attire is to be worn out of the hotel room. Never leave your room unless dressed in street clothes. Use the changing areas by the pools to put on bathing suits.
At least one set of dress clothes (e.g. dress shirt and a tie for boys and dresses or pant suits for girls, plus appropriate footwear) MUST be included for scheduled events that require formal attire.
Recommended clothing for boys includes twill slacks, polo shirts, nice shorts and comfortable walking shoes. Recommended clothing for girls include twill slacks or skirts, polo shirts and comfortable walking shoes (no heels). Use good judgment when choosing your wardrobe. Comfortable, coordinated and classic are the best rules to follow.
The chaperones reserve the right to determine on a daily basis if any attire is not appropriate for touring, and may require a student to change into appropriate clothing before proceeding on the trip.
By signing below you and your parents/ guardians acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the CMS East Coast Education Adventure Behavior and Dress Code requirements. Furthermore by signing, you and your parents/ guardians agree that you may be sent home for a violation of any of the above expectations, as well as other violations that may not be listed, at the sole discretion of your chaperone, with any additional costs to be borne solely by you and your parents or guardians.
Please return this signature page with your payment for the trip, and keep a copy of your Behavior Contract.
Student Signature Date
Parents/Guardian Signature Date