TUESDAY, December 12, 2017
2:30–4:00 P.M., YU 203
Chair Kronzer called the meeting to order 2:30 p.m.
Present: Kronzer, Maguire, Augsburger, Breckenridge, Simpson, Churchill, Stewart, Notbohm, Tucker, Gard, Moore, Sloboda, Cuzzo
Wachter, Weissenburger, Yohnk, Pinnow, Jacobs, Cook, McCormick, Schlacks, Rio Mendoza, Roth Day, Notton, Einerson, Vollrath, Fank, Zobel, Anderson
Approval of Agenda
Motion (Churchill/Tucker) to approve agenda dated December 12, 2017. Motion carried.
Approval of minutes dated November 14, 2017
Motion (Maguire/Gard) to approve minutes dated November 14, 2017. Motion carried.
Approval of minutes dated November 17, 2017.
Motion (Simpson/Tucker) to approve minutes dated November 17, 2017. Motion carried.
Public comments presented by several guests.
Chancellor and Provost
Update/information provided by Chancellor Wachter and Interim Provost Weissenburger. UWS will not be merging or closing, not financially feasible for the BOR to do so. Other issues we are facing include structural deficit, discretionary income from BOR cannot be counted on. Midwest demographics are not favorable.
Review of communication of information to campus and community, info was leaked to press before communication to students, 42 students are affected by the suspensions. Resources must be managed, strategic plan linking to our region and focuses on the student’s needs.
Reports were run to describe performance of programs, FTE, SCH, number of credits to graduate, found that students were not graduating in a timely manner, concerns over the drop in retention and graduation rates and student success.
Faculty Senate Chair
Kronzer-Faculty Senate Exec report of last meeting with administration sent out, administration will not rescind, review or reconsider the decisions. A retreat with FSE is being planned during opening week.
Faculty Senate Secretary
No report
Faculty Representative
Sloboda-Outcome based funding model was formally approved. Four key areas are set, 16 measurements in four measures. Faculty workload reporting was addressed, call at state budget level to submit workload reports including credit hours by the beginning of the of the year. A Low Producing System Taskforce will be providing guidelines for each campus, each campus is to report, survey given to each campus and distributed to APRC-criteria for minimum productivity level report will be sent to the BOR for approval in June.
Faculty SPCT Representative
No report
Academic Program Review Council
Jacobs-Music review editing has been finalized and sent to department chair. Evaluating how to s
strengthen PBC and APRC, possible joint meetings to take place this spring.
Graduate Council
No report
Personnel Council
No report
Planning and Budgetary Council
Pinnow-have been charged with updating by-laws, discussion in regard to IPBP structure and PBC function, and that PBC has no oversight into the process. Have met with Jackie and Dean Dean and discussed all points, all suggestions were positive, one item with need consultation with the Chancellort.
Undergraduate Academic Affairs (attachment 4)
Agenda item
Academic Staff Senate
Zobel-will meet tomorrow, instructional academic workload policy to be updated. Survey sent
regarding climate and changes.
University Staff Senate
No report
Student Government Association (SGA)
No report
- Approve Personnel Council Bylaws (attachments5 and 5a)
Motion (Gard/Stewart) to approve Personnel Council ByLaws. Motion carried. - Postponed Motion for Rescinding and Negotiating Program Array Decisions
attachment 6
Item already moved and seconded. Discussion. Notbohm would like to consider other proposals.
Motion (Notbohm/Augsburger) to remove item from agenda. Motion carried.
- Approve a vote of no Confidence (Full motion attachment 7) Augsburger, Social Inquiry
Motion (Tucker/Augsburger) to reintroduce motion for process to review/reconsider program suspensions and warning. Motion carried.
Motion (Augsbruger/Tucker) to approve process to review and reconsider program suspensions and warnings. Discussion. No point in extending this, similar to one put forward last month, questions have been asked and reported. Motion called. Motion fails.
Motion (Notbohm/Augsburger) to approve a vote of no confidence (full motion is attachment 7)
Discussion. Motion (Breckenridge) to postpone. Motion to postpone fails, no second.
Statement by CommArts read to group. Motion to approve a vote of no confidence called.
Hand and paper vote: 6 ayes, 6 no and 1 abstention. Motion to approve vote of no confidence failed. - Approve UAAC to conduct a “curricular impact” review focused on the ripple effects of the suspensions to the undergraduate curriculum.UAAC (attachment 4)
Motion (Gard/Tucker) to approve. Discussion. UAAC is asked to clarify the purpose, details and data to be gathered. Motion fails. - Canvas Update- Roth Day(old business January)
- Request Senate discuss departments that are not completing assessment reports. Assessment Committee. (old business January)
Motion (Maguire/Cuzzo) to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 4:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted on this 23rd day of December 2017 by Linda Sharp, Academic Associate,Faculty Senate.