PTSA Executive Board Meeting Minutes

September 5, 2017

I. A. Meeting called to order at 7:06AM

B. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Review of last meeting minutes. Minutes from Executive Board Meeting of 8/14/17 were read by Suzy Maraboto. Ms. Hale move to file the minutes as presented. Erin Shellenberger second the motion. No discussion. Everyone in favor. Motioned passed.

III. Audit. Paperwork turned into Nancy. She is on vacation and won’t be able to get them back before next General meeting, and thus not ready for the deadline given my Camarillo PTSA Council. Marissa Lopez to contact PTSA Council to advice we will be late. Emergency General Membership might have to be schedule. Possible on September 28 during the family movie night event.

Marissa send email to Folklorico to find out about the money that is owe to them from last year.

IV.By-Laws- Michelle read the changes that were made, which included*:

1. Dues changed to $6.25;

2. Amount paid to local PTSA changed to $4.75; Items

3. To 6. Had to do with elections being moved from May to April. (Annual election meeting changed from May to April; Annual election change from May to April, etc.;

7. Changed number of members needed to have quorum to 6 members;

8. Selected council vs. council and district;

9. If members want to call a special meeting, it was changed to 3 members vs. 2 members have to request meeting.

* (see attached for specific section and page changes)

Motion to adopt by-laws as presented was made by Suzy Maraboto. It was second my Mrs. Goodson. No discussion. All in favor. Motioned passed.

Discussion regarding the need to amend by-laws to add our current school name and update meeting dates.

V.Staff Update-

a). Mrs. Hale asked about posting UPTD TV show online and/or Facebook. She will research if it can be in a secure and protected way, not available to everyone.

b). Gout- Teachers are asking if they can get some man power help with their key experience fieldtrip, i.e. counting and collecting money. Perhaps the parent PTSA room contact person can help with this.

VI. Membership Report- some kids at middle school do not know if their parents have signed them up. Michi to send report of members to Mrs. Goodson. Contest is due on Oct 3. Motion made by Mrs. Goodson to release funds to pay for membership envelopes and ink for approximately $75. Motion was second by Tori Saadati. No discussion. All in favor. Motioned passed.

VII. Red Ribbon Week- Parent Gloria Martinez will take lead. Motion made by Ms. Hale to release $600 for Red Ribbon week. Motion was second by Mrs. Goodson. No discussion. All in favored. Motioned passed.

VII.a) Dine-Outs and Fundraisers-Panda Express is cancelled because it conflicts with Movie Night. Next one is Sky High. Trying to determine if Insurance/Liability will authorize it. Scheduled for Oct. November Dine-out is at Snapper Jacks. Motion to approve next three Community Events/Dine-outs was made my Suzy Maraboto and second by Michell. No discussion. All in favor. Motion passed.

b) Access books- Michelle has volunteered to head that. She can call two people from the list of volunteers and ask for help. She will coordinate with Tori. Motion made to release funds for Access Fundraiser was made by Suzy and second by Heather. No discussion. All in favor. Motion passed.

c) Book fair was very successful. We made approximately $4,731.07.

d) Middle School Color Run- Supposed to be Oct. 27. Discussion that we had said perhaps every other year. Needs to be reconsider. Perhaps change in date to coincide with Fun Run. Table to meeting to discuss current fundraising and calendar events and to get middle school students input.

Teachers, Erin and Marissa had to leave then. Meeting continued.

IX. Reflections-Video message went to families this week. Winners will be picked by committee of volunteer parents. Show case by PTSA in November and winners go to State.

X. Harvest Festival- Schedule for Nov 3 from 4-7:30pm. Baskets and booths not finalized. In teacher lounge for update, otherwise we will do the same as last year. Donation letter was translated and Tori will go seek out donations.

Discussion about having Harvest Festival at middle school to try to engage that community. Auction is crowded and gym would be better. If not at middle school campus, at least having the entire MPR. Discussed using numbers instead of people signing their name so people would feel comfortable to bid. Tori will take it into consideration. Mrs. Hale to explore both of these options with Administration and staff. Idea of including leadership into PTSA meeting for suggestions, student representative, and as training for them on different leadership roles.

XI. Middle School Dance- Motion was made by Mrs. Hale to amend budget to allocate $500 to the middle school dance, from the allocated balance and to create new line item expense and to present this budget amendment to the general membership at the upcoming meeting. Motion was second by Michelle. No discussion. All in favor. Motion passed.

Motion was made by Mrs. Hale to release $500 for Middle School Dance. Motion was second by Tori. No discussion. All in favor. Motioned passed.

XII. Calendar- we need to have a committee formed to look at the calendar and weather proposed calendar events need to be modify or not. Mrs. Hale, Tori, and Suzy said they would be willing to meet.

XIII. New Business-

8. Meeting adjourn at 8:38AM