The Mountain Park School PTO is again compiling a student directory. The directory is for the exclusive use of the parents and guardians of Mountain Park students. The directory is never to be used for solicitation or advertisement of any type. The information in the directory includes: the student’s first and last names, grade, home telephone number, name of parent(s) or guardian(s), street address, city, and parent/guardian primary email address.

The school district does not provide any information for the directory. You mustprovide the information listed above in be listed in the directory. There are two ways to be included in this year’s directory:

1. If your child’s information was listed in last year’s PTO directoryat any in-district school:

If you chose to be included in any PTO Student Directory for the 2011-12 school year, the same information will be used again this year unless you indicate changes below. Please print the change/addition on the line next to the item. Lines left blank will remain the same. DO NOT complete the form below if there are NO changes or corrections to your directory information.Please note if your child is new to our school, your Directory information has been passed on to us by the PTO of the sending in-districtelementary school. If you do not wish to be included in the directory again this year, please check the box below and return the form as indicated.

2. If your child is new to the school district this year OR your information was not in last year’s PTO directory: Please go to the district web site at and look for “PTO Directory Data Collection” under “Quick Links” in the left column of the district home page or in the same location on each school home page. Please enter the information as prompted and be sure to review your entry for accuracy before submitting it. The onlinedirectory data collection will close on September 30th. Onlycomplete the form below if you would like to excludespecificinformation from the directory.You don’t need to take any action if you want to be omitted from the directory entirely.

Student name: Grade 2012-13:

(Please print clearly)

Exclude C / CXC Changes or Corrections
Last Name
First Name
Home Phone
Parent or Guardian
Street Address
Zip Code
Email Address

Parent/Guardian signature: ______

Check here if you wish to be excludedfrom the 2012-2013 PTO student directory:______

Please return this document with any corrections/omissions/changes by Wednesday, September 12, 2012 to:

PTO Directory Committee, c/o Mountain Park School,55 Fairfax Drive, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922.

If you have questions, please contact Barb Forrester at 908-578-9274/ or Catherine Solfaro at 908-464-0793 / . Thank you for your cooperation and attention.