PTFA MEETING – Tuesday 10th November 2015


Present: Ann Robertson, Jacky Staniforth, Hazel Glover, Julie Proudler, Jeanette Coates, Anne Wilson, Vanessa Lester

Item / Action
1.  / Apologies for absence. Kath Jordan, Head of School.
2.  / Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising. Minutes agreed as a true record.
3.  / Finances. Recap on monies available. The Treasurer reminded the meeting of the current funds available.
4.  / Results of questionnaire. The Chair handed out the ‘Findings from the Questionnaire’ sheet (attached).
Funding cultural activities. Discussed.
Ideas for fundraising project considered. No firm decision. Lockers/Lighting rig a possibility. Carry forward to next meeting.
Ideas for spending current funds discussed. The PTFA considered supplying books for a book club but VL said she had subscribed to Harrogate library and could use their facility. The PTFA considered the idea for Film Club. VL said she ran a film club in the library on a Friday.
Ideas for future events considered. PTFA happy to arrange a Halloween Fancy Dress next year and a sponsored event.
Further comments. VL said there was a revision area for students after school already; the library is open to 4.30 pm. / c/f
5.  / Bids for consideration.
a.  Funding requested for Year 11 trip to York 17 December – culture (Museum / Minster), Christmas market. Led by KJ. £300 Approved from culture fund.
b.  Funding requested for Harrogate Pantomime trip probably December, maybe January. To be organised by VL. Up to £250 Approved from culture (either minibus or coach).
c.  Funding requested for Y11 trip to ‘Lord of the Flies’, Alhambra on 2.3.15. Not approved as this was a curriculum activity and should be covered by capitation.
The PTFA said that funding bids may be approved if the cultural visit/theatre trip would be an event that students would not get to go to without PTFA funding.
d.  Funding requested for the Food Technology department to replace out of date pots, pans, oven trays. Some have been in the building over 20 years. Tech department capitation cannot cover this cost but most items are in need of replacement. All KS3 do Food Technology. £569 approved from PTFA other funding.
e.  Considered funding a supply of thesaurus/dictionaries to whole school. Not approved. Parents said students were presented with thesaurus/dictionary on leaving Year 6 at Primary school. Parents felt students would not use it. Treasurer felt it should be paid for, if required out of English department capitation and those present agreed. / AR to info KJ
AR to info KJ
AR to info KJ
6.  / Christmas Fair 20 Nov - progress.
The Treasurer said 5 tables had been sold and 2 for charity.
The event had been advertised in the Church magazine, to all parents, in village voice columns of the Ripon Gazette and Harrogate Advertiser series. Some posters have been put up in Kendalls, Library, Nidd Plus, Todds, Post Office. The signs need putting out on the roadside.
The raffle ticket sales are going well. 10 prizes have been purchased.
PTFA will also run a chocolate tombola (JP/JC), a bottle tombola (JS to ask for bottle donations from families) and a refreshments area (JS/AW – JS to ask for cake donations).
JP asked if Operation Christmas Child could have a table for collection of shoeboxes/donations. Agreed.
Xmas Music was requested. Either a CD to play or JS to ask Stephen Price if some students could play some Christmas pieces. / JS
7.  / Agreed events and dates 2015/16.
A Pantomime trip will be arranged – probably December (VL). VL/JS/JP volunteered to attend if numbers require it.
PTFA Refreshments at Showcase event 15 December. VL/AR volunteered. / VL
8.  / AOB /Dates of next meetings.
Next meeting Tues 12 Jan - to begin arrangements for February disco / Auction of Promises, discuss any bids for spending funds.
Liz Eglin to join the meeting and assist in arranging Auction of Promises. (Half Moon booked). / AR to info LE