One Planet Action Plan ImberaMay 2012


  1. Introduction
  2. Governance One Planet Imbera
  3. Zero Carbon
  4. Zero Waste
  5. Sustainable Transportation
  6. Sustainable Materials
  7. Local and Sustainable Food
  8. Sustainable Water
  9. Wildlife and Land Use
  10. Culture and Community
  11. Equity and Local Economy
  12. Health and Happiness
  13. Monitoring



Governance refers to the establishment of a monitoring scheme within the organization, seeking to accomplish the following objectives:

a)Permanent monitoring of IMBERA’s Action Plan progress

b)Ensure the delivery of an Annual Progress Report of Imbera´s One Planet Action Plan

c)Ensure the continuity of the defined strategies, seeking the fulfilment of the Common International One Planet Objectives.

d)Generate effective, internal and external communication mechanisms for the implementation and effects of the defined strategies.

e)Timely identification of pending actions, barriers, opportunities or any situation that is related to the implementation of Imbera’s sustainable strategies or their communication.

One Planet Imbera Committee

The One Planet Imbera Committee is a group of employees that manage and watch the fulfilment of the defined strategies as tools to achieve the Common International Targets of the One Planet Companies Programme.

The Committee concentrates its efforst on two main areas:

1)Management of the 10 One Planet principles, where the Champions and their teams implement, measure and control the proposed strategies.

2)Internal and external communication, developing adecuate communication tools to raise awarness inside and outside the company in relation to theAction Plan implementationand results.

General activities of One Planet Imbera Committee

1)Produce an Annual Progress Report

This One Planet annual report is adocument that is issuedto BioRegional each year, where Imberaprovides information of its advancements on the implementation of the defined strategies and its progress towards thefulfilment of the CITs of the One Planet Companies programme.

2)The One Planet Imbera Committee has two annual meetings

a)Start-up meeting:

It takes place on the first two months of the year. It’s objective is to allow the committee to verify the publication in proper time and manner, of the internal and public versions of the Progress Report, as well as its delivery to BioRegional in order to continue the endorsement as part of the One Planet Companies Programme. During this meeting, the Committee also establishes the objectives that the company will pursue for each principle in thefollowing year; for example: the forecastedenergy factor for the plant, or the amount of liters of water per employee.

b)Partial Meeting:

It is organized between the sixth and the seventh month of the year; the Committee carries out a a partial review of the progress of the Action Plan, as defined at the start-up meeting.

3)Monitorthe continuity and work efficiency of the One Planet Champions. The Committee collaborates with the champions on the development of a rotation schemefor this role.

4)Seeks thecreation of a work calendar with teams of every principle where feasibility analysis, implementation strategies, and measurement and control tools of every defined Action Plan strategy are contemplated.

5)Manage the collaboration relationship between BioRegional as part of the One Planet Companies programme.

One Planet Committee Members:

A)One Planet Council

AlPunto Director: Mariano Montero; representativesof FEMSA Sustainability; BioRegional ; other stakeholders.

  • Monitorsthe company’s performance within the One Planet Companies Programme.
  • Seekspermeating the sustainability work and culture developed by Imbera towards other areas of the corporation, or external to it..
  • Gives suggestions on the strategies´ implemention .
  • Aligns the progresses as a One Planet Company with the sustainability strategies pursued by the corporation.

B)One Planet Imbera Guru

General Director of Imbera: Hernán Mendoza

  • Establishes the direction that Imbera pursues as a One Planet Company in its operations in Mexico and abroad.
  • Approves the final version of Action Plan as well as the annual Progress Reports.
  • Approves the necessary resources to be able to implement the defined strategies as required by the One Planet Committee Coordinator.

C)Committee Coordinador

Operations Directorof Imbera: Juan Pablo Valdés

  • Approves the final version of the Action Plan and the Annual Progress Reports.
  • Analyzes and approves the planning and the implementation schemes of the strategies.
  • Manages the resources that are required by the Champions to implement the strategies.
  • Managesthe actions at Imbera’s facilities in Mexico and abroad, integrating the international objectives with Imbera’s global operations.

D)Coordination Assistant

Quality System and Ecology Coordinator: Yahaira Quintanar

  • Summons the Committee membersfor the corresponding meetings.
  • Generates and publishes the summaries of the Committee meetings and gives follow-up to the planned actions.
  • Integrates the related procedures of certain principles in Imbera’s Quality System in order to ensure their control and monitoring.
  • Ensures the registration of progresses orany kind of change in Imbera’s One Planet Action Plan and in the annual Progress Reports.
  • Identifies the pending actions to be carried out within the Committee’s tasks.
  • Gathers the champions of every principle and ensures the fulfilment of their strategies in the defined periods.

E)One Planet Principle Promotores (Champions)

  • Integrate the information of principles into the Annual Action Plan Progress Report
  • Analyze and establish objectives and strategies for the the period.
  • Analyze and establish the work schedule of their corresponding principle.
  • Monitor the integration of objectives and results on timely and proper manner.
  • Request and report the required resources to the Committee Coordinatorin order to implement the defined strategies for every principle.

F)One Planet Communication Responsible

  • Watches the fulfilment and efficiency of the communication strategies defined in One Planet Imbera Communication Plan.
  • Integrates the contents and format of One Planet Imbera Newsletter for allImbera’s facilities
  • Integrates the information and develops the editorial design of the One Planet Action Plan (internal and external), the Annual Progress Report (internal and external) and Imbera’s One Planet Newsletters
  • In coordination with the organization’s marketing and communication departments shares the public version of the ProgressReport with stakeholders ,internal or external to the organization.
  • Ensures the fulfilment of BioRegional’s communication protocol according to the One Planet Companies Programme.
  • Integrates the communication strategies on Imbera’s facilities abroad.
  • Monitorsthe establishment and fulfilment of minimum criteria to publish notes, advices, articles, etc. related to One Planet principles such as:
  • Listing of the the consulted bibliographic and electonic references..
  • Generate a format for electronic communication that is known and used b y all champions and their teams
  • The published information must be truthful, verifiable and obtained from reliable sources.
  • The written publications fulfil the criteria of Sustainable Materials.

Imbera´s One Planet Action Plan

The Imbera One Planet Action Plan is a joint effort between BioRegional and Imbera; it is not meant to be a report of objectives and targets but a clear and detailed map of different options to construct sustainable operations; that is why its structure has the following characteristics:

  • Every One Planet principle is developed in general terms, presenting the Common International Target as the goal to reach.
  • Short, Medium and Long term objectives: related to CIT.
  • Strategies: They are the general actions to reach the CITIt refers to the “category” of work.
  • Tools:They are the specific actions that will be carried out, for example activities, written policies, manuals, etc.
  • Indicator (Key Performance Indicator, KPIs): It is a strategy performance indicator that shows the progress of the proposed objective.
  • Term: a period (short, medium or long) when the activity is carried out, with the maximum date of fulfilment.


PRINCIPLE: / Zero Carbon Emissions
CHAMPION: / Abraham H. Cano
POSITION OF CHAMPION: / Maintenance Responsible
AREA: / Maintenance
1 / Tania Martinez / Laboratory Engineer / Reliability / Development and fulfilment of the procedure of destination and recovery of the refrigerant gases of the laboratory prototypes. Support for documentation jointly with Yahaira.
2 / Alejandra Salas / Process Engineer / Process Engineering / Measuring of refrigerant gas emissions in the production areas, development of the procedure for the recovery of these gases.
3 / Xóchitl Pinto / Maintenance Programmer Assistant / Maintenance / Purchasing the equipment for the recovery of the gases; implementation of the recovery of the refrigerant gases in the production areas.
4 / Flavio Rocha / Maintenance Leader Assistant / Maintenance / Substitution of the normal compressors for variable speed compressors, study and implementation, training of the personnel for the segregation of refrigerant gases.
5 / Gabriel Paz / Maintenance Leader Assistant / Maintenance / Changing of the office lights.
6 / Aaron Lopez / Stockroom Coordinator / Stockrooms / Substitution of the normal compressors for variable speed compressors, study and implementation, training of the personal for segregating the refrigerant gases.


All buildings and structures occupied by the company will be “net zero carbon” by 2025; powered and heated by a combination of on and off site renewable energy. / Tons of CO2e per generation of electricity.


Connection to FEMSA’s Wind Farm in 2013 / FEMSA has generated a strategy of signing long term energy purchasing contracts (20 years) through self-supplying societies s with a wind power company.The energy is generated by a Wind Park of 132 wind turbines of 3MW located at Istmo de Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, in the zones of San Dionisio del Mar and Santa María del Mar.It is projected that the wind farm will supply close to 85 % of electricity demanded by FEMSA, excluding the charging points in Baja California. / 1,654 Mwh/year will be supplied through this system to Imbera’s facilities in San Juan del Río.
Solar panels / In July 2010 Imbera installed a 56-panel solar system and one inverter. Each high efficiency panel is made of monocrystalline cells and produces 200 W/p. Every product is manufactured in Mexico (the supplier is ERDM Solar). / The system generates daily aproximately 60 kW/p
Refrigerant gas recovery machines / Recovery machines for refrigerant gases have been purchased to avoid the liberation of the gases in the laboratory area or in the destruction area of non-confirming units.
Use of natural light / Translucent panels were installed on the roof of Imbera’s production plant to increase the daylight in the facilities.


The objectives of Zero Carbon Emissions are developed around five main areas:

1)Monitoring and training of Imbera’s personnel in measuring and documenting Greenhouse Gases.

2)Refrigerant gas containment in aasembly lines, stockrooms and laboratories (as long as Imbera has the control of the coolers)

3)Decrease the use of LP Gas (canteen and forklifts)

4)Increase the plants’ energy efficiency through developing and implementing energy saving projects.

5)Encourage renewable energy supply.


(12 months ahead from the publishment of the Action Plan)

Participate in the GHG Mexico programme, participating in the reportingplatform for carbon emissions. / •
Recover 100 % of the gases generated by the destruction or refurbishment of the units in the laboratory or stockrooms. / • / • / •
Reduce the use of LP gas in the facilities / •
Implement 3 energy saving projects. / •
Scale the release of refrigerant gases in production and determine a process and infrastructure for its recovery. / • / • / •
MONITORING AND TRAINING / Become part of the GHG MexicoProgramme / Generate internal capacities to continue the inventory of Greenhouse Gases und publish it through the GHG Mexico Programme / Number of trained employees.
The published inventory in the GHG Mexico platform. / December 2012
CONTAINMENT OF THE REFRIGERANT GASES / Develop and implement a process for the destination and recovery of refrigerant gases handled within Imbera’s facilities / Establish and implement a process for the segregation ofrefrigerant gases of destrucion or reworking of the laboratory andstockroom equipment. / Number of the destoyed equipment from which the refrigerant gas was recovered.
Volume of refrigerant gas (not liberated) / Contained tons ofCO2 / December 2012
Training of the maintenance, stockroom and laboratory personnel on refrigerant gases managementgood practices.
Determine and acquiere equipment for the recovery ofrefrigerant gases.
Generate a retrofit and updatingprogramme for air conditioning to remove the R22 ofrefrigeration chambers. / Generate a short term inventory and a retirement plan for the units that use R22. / Generated inventory.
R22 retirement plan. / October 2012
Avoid the release of refrigerant gases from air conditioning systems and refrigeration chambers. / Generate a control policy for the maintenance service suppliers and avoid the release of refrigerant gases from the air conditioning systems and refrigeration chambers. / Generated policy.
Training of the maintenance service suppliers of air conditioning systems and refrigeration chambers. / July 2012
Determine the quantity of released refrigerant gas in the production cells. / Establish formats to know the amount of refrigerant gas released- / Number of the destoyed equipment from which the refrigerant gas was recovered.
Volume of refrigerant gas (not liberated) / Contained tons of CO2 / December 2012
Develop a process for the recovery of refrigerant gases in the production lines.
Determine and implement the necessary infrastructure for the recovery of refrigerant gases (personnel and necessary equipment).
REDUCE THE USE OF LP GAS / Evaluate the replacement of the current cooking grills for electrical ones / Evaluate the substitution of the cantin’s current gas cooking grills for electrican ones, considering that an important part of Imbera’s electrical energy is going to be provided by renewable sources.It also could help strablish a better control on the grills so that they’re only on at used instead of being working without purpose for long periods. / Reductions in the LP Gas consumption in the facilities / Tons of CO2 / November 2012
IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY SAVING PROJECTS / Replace lights in the production area and offices. / Evaluate the levels of lighting and energy consumption / Lighting systems report and inventory.
Lighting systems updating plan. / August 2012
Replace the obsolete lightning systems in the office areas, stockrooms, refrigeration chambers and SCYF.
Participate in SEMARNAT’s Environmental Leadership Programme for Competitiveness as a leading company[1]. / Training Imbera’s employees jointly with the 11 suppliers of the company in the PLAC methodologyto generate joint projects about the reduction of energy consumption, waste reduction (Zero Waste) and reduction of water consumption (Sustainable Water). / Generated projects. PLAC indicators. / December 2012



Have energy efficiency measurements of Imbera’s facilities and generate projects to increase it. / • / • / •
Develop GHG inventories at every plant. / • / • / •
MONITORING AND TRAINING / Train employees at every plant of Imbera to generate GHG Inventories / Train personnel within every plant of Imbera in WRI guidelines of corporative inventories. / The trained employees in the generation of GHG inventory at different plants.
Imbera plants that generate GHG inventories. / December 2013
ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF RENEWABLE SOURCES. / Seek to have at least one project of energetic supply at Imbera’s facilities abroad / Seek adecuate technologies for every plant of Imbera and generate implementation projects. / Renewable energy supply at Imbera’s plants. / December 2015
IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY SAVING PROJECTS / Replace of the lights in the production areas and offices. / Install equipment to measure the energy consumption (power logic) in the principal boards of the production area and the offices. / Comparativa en Consumo de energía anterior contra actual / Junio 2014
Increase the natural lighting in stockrooms and warehouses. / Seek possible adaptations in stockrooms and offices to increment the natural lighting. / Implemented pojects of increasing the natural lighting. / December 2015
Higher energy efficiency compressors / Study the air consumption to determine the necessary compressor capacity and evaluate the actual energy consumption compared with the future one. / Cost of compressed air compared with kW/h. / August 2014



90 % of the consumption from renewable sources / •
Have renewable energy supply projects / • / • / •
Collaborate with Imbera Services in the refrigerant gas control when the units leave the markets. / • / • / •
COOLANT GAS CONTROL OF PRODUCTS / Generate collaboration agreements to avoid the release of products’ refrigerant gases / Generate efforts jointly with Imbera Services and other suppliers of refrigerant equipment to generate waste control and refrigerant gas programmes. / Progress of the collaboration projects to control the refrigerant gases. / October 2020
RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLY / Secure supply from wind farm. / Implementation of FEMSA Group’s project of generating electricity through wind turbines and connecting the plant with them. / Quantity of electricity supplied by CFE compared with the electricity supplied by the wind park. / December 2020
A feasibility analysis of replacing the combustion forklifts with electrical ones. / If the replacement of the forklifts is feasible a substitution programme will be established. / Quantity of the used LP gas at the plant. / December 2020


PRINCIPLE: / Zero Waste
CHAMPION: / Carlos Martinez Nuñez
POSITION OF THE CHAMPION: / Manufacturing Manager
AREA: / Manufacturing
1 / Ing. Jesus Guerrero Ramirez / Manufacturing Engineer / Metal Manufacturing / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
2 / Ing. Javier Moy Trejo / Manufacturing Engineer / Metal forming, pre-assembly and insulating foam production. / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
3 / Ing. Reyes Mota Madrid / Manufacturing Engineer / Assembly Cells / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
4 / Ing. Lucia V. Carlos Cruz / Manufacturing Engineer / Glass doors, condenser and evaporator unit. / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
5 / Ing. Abraham Cano Candelas / Maintenance Engineer / Maintenance / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
6 / Lic. Helier Yubari Rios / Social Development Responsible / Human Resources / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
7 / Ing. Iran Ortega Pacheco / Industrial Engineer Metálicos / Metals and Laboratory Prototypes / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
8 / Ing. Marcos Cruz Garcia / Responsible of Raw Material Stockrooms / Raw Material Warehouse / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
9 / Ing. Gilberto Sanchez Ugalde / Responsible of Final Product Stockrooms / Final Product Warehouse / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
10 / Lic. Martin M. Frias Anaya / Human Resources Resbonsible / Human Resources / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.
11 / Ing. Tania Martinez Perez / Laboratory Engineer / Testing Laboratory / Re-using, recycling or reducing the waste of the area.