Supplementary material.
Table S1 Mean (±CI, confidence interval) of leaf-litter decomposition rates per region (CC: Cornisa Cantábrica; CLC: Cordillera Litoral Catalana; SG: Sierra de Guadarrama; SN: Sierra Nevada) in the Up and Down sites. Relative geographical location is indicated next to the region code between brackets. Highest of the Up or Down values are in bold when confidence intervals do not overlap.
CC (N) / CLC (NE) / SG (Centre) / SN (S)Mean / CI / Mean / CI / Mean / CI / Mean / CI
Decomposition rate / Up / 0.00249 / ±0.00030 / 0.00768 / ±0.00046 / 0.01976 / ±0.00433 / 0.00482 / ±0.00067
(k) / Down / 0.00174 / ±0.00027 / 0.00678 / ±0.00203 / 0.00745 / ±0.00162 / 0.00197 / ±0.00057
Total inv. richness / Up / 13.6 / ±2.5 / 12.0 / ±4.0 / 17.3 / ±2.7 / 20.8 / ±1.4
Down / 10.2 / ±1.5 / 6.7 / ±1.2 / 19.5 / ±1.8 / 16.2 / ±1.6
Total inv. density / Up / 55.2 / ±20.7 / 45.4 / ±20.0 / 84.7 / ±24.4 / 341.6 / ±37.5
no. bag-1 / Down / 35.6 / ±12.2 / 27.2 / ±12.2 / 80.3 / ±24.8 / 245.5 / ±47.1
Total inv. biomass / Up / 19.9 / ±5.7 / 30.6 / ±7.5 / 76.3 / ±12.7 / 74.5 / ±9.6
mg. bag-1 / Down / 19.1 / ±5.7 / 7.5 / ±2.6 / 53.6 / ±3.6 / 44.0 / ±5.3
Shredder richness / Up / 4.0 / ±0.7 / 4.7 / ±0.9 / 5.3 / ±0.9 / 5.6 / ±0.6
Down / 3.0 / ±0.6 / 2.7 / ±0.7 / 5.8 / ±0.6 / 4.4 / ±0.7
Shredder density / Up / 21.7 / ±7.8 / 10.4 / ±3.0 / 43.9 / ±17.5 / 37.7 / ±9.1
no. bag-1 / Down / 5.8 / ±1.9 / 3.1 / ±0.9 / 25.7 / ±10.9 / 12.3 / ±5.7
Shredder biomass / Up / 10.8 / ±4.5 / 17.6 / ±13.1 / 68.8 / ±9.8 / 46.7 / ±12.2
mg. bag-1 / Down / 8.0 / ±2.9 / 5.2 / ±3.3 / 41.1 / ±4.6 / 18.6 / ±3.8
AH richness / Up / 0.75 / ±0.21 / 3.37 / ±1.46 / 1.42 / ±0.68 / 0.25 / ±0.12
Down / 0.69 / ±0.15 / 2.22 / ±0.27 / 1.38 / ±1.04 / 0.49 / ±0.36
AH sporulation rate / Up / 13.8 / ±1.0 / 14.3 / ±2.4 / 16.3 / ±3.2 / 13.0 / ±1.4
Down / 14.6 / ±0.9 / 13.3 / ±2.7 / 17.3 / ±2.9 / 11.0 / ±4.1
Fig S1 Boxplots for the Down:Up ratios for the basic geographic, morphological, riparian vegetation cover and water descriptors of the 17 sampled catchments with dams. The p values for the Up-vs-Down source of variation after mixed models with region and catchment as random factor is shown. Note the logarithmic scale to standardize for changes in magnitude. Winter and summer cover of the zenith was determined using a spherical densitometer (Model-A, Forest Densitometers, Bartlesville, OK, USA).
Fig S2 Histograms for the bioclimatic variables used in our study for Europe, the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal including the islands) and the four regions sampled for the study. Source: WorldClim database of current climatic conditions, from ca. 1950 to 2000 (, with a resolution of 30 seconds of latitude and longitude The colours of sites and regions on the map correspond with the colours in the histogram (green for studied sites, orange for the Iberian Peninsula and blue for Europe).