Forts Ferry General PTA Meeting

January 7, 3015


Members Present: JahanzerBaluch, Colleen Commisso, Michelle DiSchiavo, Melissa Ford, Melissa Heid, Amy Heinze, Candace Lobdell, Kathy Mattison, CoreenPerna, Sue Rys, Jennifer Scavo, Brook Greco

-Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President, Sue Rys.

-Minutes from October meeting were emailed to membership and posted online.

Treasurer Report by Jen Scavo

Balance is $44,182.

Since last meeting we have received the profits of the Yankee Candle Sale ($4809) and the book fair ($1310). Our net profit from the Box Tops was $1145. The Holiday Shoppe profited $200.

Committee/Event REVIEW

The Holiday Shoppe in December went well. The kids enjoyed it and it was not a problem to fit in during the school day. We will resign with the same company for next year. A few suggestions for next year are to create our own flier which could be more accurate for pricing and indicate who to make checks out to. We will also see if we can get a second cash register for next years sale.

Yearbook is going well so far. The cover has been chosen. Melissa H. will be holding a meeting in the end of January. An email will be sent out to notify parents that we need pictures from recent school events. Lisa Borst indicated that she was available during the school day, so Melissa H. can ask her to take group/club pictures at school and coordinate this with Dr. Lobdell.

Committee/Event UPCOMING

Kathy M. is organizing our current Box Tops Contest which will run from 1/5/15-2/13/15. The winning class will receive a PTA sponsored party. Updates will be posted on the PTA website.

Movie Night will be 1/16/15 with the movie being How to Train Your Dragon 2. Michelle D. will be organizing. The movie will start at 7pm; doors open at 6:45. She is contacting a local movie theatre for popcorn and bag donations. A concession stand will be held in the cafeteria.

Family Fun Night will be on 3/6/15 with a Forts Ferry vs. Southgate basketball game at Shaker High School (7pm). Faculty teams will compete. Southgate will run the concession stand. Profit from ticket sales will be split between the schools. The FF Lion will attend. We will look into getting pompoms or something like them with the money budgeted for family fun night.

Colleen C. will schedule a Fundraising Meeting for 2015-2016 sometime in February or March.

New Business/Open Forum

We should be sending out email reminders the night before School Banking to let parents know.

Brook G. asked if flower budget for concerts must remain $40/concert. The gift budget is currently $100 allowing $50/concert. If we have a retirement or special expense in the future we will address it then.

Dr. Lobdell asked about the indoor recess budget. Her budget is $500 each year.

Melissa F. will follow up with website company as many people are not receiving email blasts from our website.

We discussed when we could hold another Used Book Sale. The night of the Learning Fair 2/24/15 was selected. Mrs.Barger is willing to organize as she did last year. We need to get information out for book collection ASAP.

School Update by Dr. Lobdell

The School Play (Princess Who) will be held 1/29 & 1/30/15.

PTA Council Meeting will be held at Forts Ferry on 1/28/15.

The 2nd half of the year is in full swing.

Miss Rosenstein will not be returning this year. Mrs. Wyngowski will remain on for the rest of the year as librarian.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm.