9 NOVEMBER 2009-11-11


Attendance: Approximately 20 people attended the meeting

Ra Chel/Kerry: ‘Low’ turn-out due to high levels of illness in the school

Peter Welby:

Nordic Network: CIS will be hosting the next conference in April 2010

Gates: Paul Michael will speak to Admin about how to open the gate and keep it open

COP15 activities: A rich programme of activities in CIS will be announced soon

A1H1: no confirmed incidences but significant absences due to 4 other strains of influenza

Simon Watson:

Reiterated high level of absence in MYP owing to influenza and asked parents to keep their child at home until 24 hours after symptoms have passed.

Thanked PTA for the Seventies Night event.

Announced Language A information session at 9.30 in PAC on Tuesday-

MYP5 parents and children invited to IB Diploma orientation on 24th November.

IB programme talk scheduled for next term.

Heikki Soini:

Could not be present but is hoping to organize a round table discussion for PYP focusing on one or two specific topics.

Website demonstration by Dan Palomares:

Dan demonstrated how to access various parts of the site and then focused on PTA needs

18 people are contributing to the site. Barbra Coyle is in charge of the calendar. PYP events should be sent to Suzanne O’Reilly. MYP/DP events should go to Lesley McDonald. They will then pass this information to Barbra. A copy of submitted material should also be sent to Eva Chu. PTA ‘blurbs’ should also be sent to Suzanne and Lesley who will pass these to Mette for inclusion in the Newsletter.

The website has the dual function of promoting the school to prospective parents and communicating with the student and parent body. As much of the information for the latter is sensitive (reports etc.) it will be on a secure part of the site. From January there will be a password protected, single sign-in portal to access this information (on the Veracross database). The secure site will also allow videos and photographs of the children to be uploaded.

The PTA thanked Dan, his team and Eva for their hard work.

Ra Chel:

Thanks to the Halloween Committee for a very successful event involving 300 kids with 30 MYP volunteers. The neighbours were all supportive and expressed willingness to participate next year.


Thanks to the 70’s Committee for a great party on Saturday which was attended by 150 people.

Ra Chel:

The interviews for a new Director are continuing. Out of 74 applicants, 5 have been short-listed. A decision will be made shortly.


TheHalloween event made a profit of 4,000dkk. The 70’s party made 26,000 dkk. The net change in cash is now around 30,000dkk.


Louise spoke about the Round table which is being organized rather than a Q&A session. This format is thought to encourage greater involvement from the parents.


In the absence of Abbie and Paige, Heather mentioned the MYP1 Pot Luck lunch which she will promote through Lesley and Eva.


Paola wanted to know how mass emails could be sent and how to access grade-level addresses. Ra Chel said she would speak to Pam. Kerry suggested asking for a Veracross demonstration at the next PTA meeting to help with these issues.


UN lunch had had a great response from parents.

A DP social event will be organized in the New Year.

Kerry thought that ½ day ‘holidays’such as those for the DP conferences should be announced on the website.

Newcomer committee:

The Superbest tour was very successful

An international shopping tour is planned.

There will be a Coffee morning on 3rd December.

Fabrizia is compiling a Christmas Things to do for the website.


The Hamburg friendlies went well with the volleyball teams winning some games and the soccer teams scoring some goals. The new schedule for afterschool activities is being finalized and sign-up will take place on 23rd November at 7.30.

Thanks from Rob for the 15,000dkk raised from the Sports Clinic and Margherita Mums events.

Rob has ordered hoodies which will be available for Xmas. Jeanette suggested selling them at the CIS Fair. A discussion followed about having a common logo for all schoolwear but this was seen as an Administrative issue. Kerry said the PTA had been asked for input about new school tee-shirts.

Jill announced a ski sports evening featuring a dvd showing, skiwear swap, ski fashion show and chili supper to be held on 6th February. However, the Charities Committee pointed out that they, too, had booked the PAC/Atrium for that night for the Salsa night.


The Mediterranean lunch raised 4,000dkk.

They will try to change the date of the Salsa evening.

There will be a ’sleepover’ for PYP kids with a link-up to the Team Peru participants on 26th March.

Book Fair:

12 volunteers have signed up to read to children in various classe.

PYP students will promote the event to older students using bookmarks which have been made by Eva.

On 17th children will be invited to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book.

Suzanne O’Reilly had mounted and laminated posters produced by the children.

Money raised from this event will go to the Library.

Greening Committee:

Information updated on website.

COPCIS events programme to be announced and will kick off on 7th December.

Cultures committee:

This year’s event currently has 25 countries signed up but still needs more Danes to be involved. There is no theme this year but there will be some interactive workshops. There will be a coffee morning on Thursday to discuss details.

Holiday Fair:

This will take place from 1-4pm followed by a pantomime in PAC. This means that PAC will be unavailable so space will be tight. The crafts will have a Scandinavian theme this year. Volunteers are needed for the craft stalls and also help from MYP/DP kids (CAS hours). Stalls are available at 150dkk.