Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer for Children (SEBTC)
Demonstration Project
Talking Points
What is this project all about
FNS has awarded the State of Oregon a demonstration grant to test the feasibility of delivering nutritional assistance via the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Card to school-aged children eligible for free or reduced price lunchesto reduce childhood hunger during the summer months. Oregon’s goal is to help reduce food insecurity, and eliminate childhood hunger during the summer break from school.
Where will this project be tested
This project is being tested in Linn and Jefferson counties.Linn and Jefferson counties were chosen because they represent urban, rural and Tribal areas and are centrally located. There are nine School Districtsin these two counties participating in the project.
How will the families be chosen
The project will randomly select 2,500 children eligible for free or reduced priced lunches to participate and receive benefits. Each child chosen to participate will be part of the recipient group and receive $60 each per month in most of the summer months. The project will start on June 6, 2011 and end September 5, 2011.Notifications will be made in mid-March 2011 to those families chosen to participate in the project. The process will be seamless and includes easy access to benefits, safeguards for household confidentiality and opportunities for families not currently receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to apply.
Extra incentive given
The project will also randomly select approximately 2,500 children who wish to participateto be part of the evaluation group. These children will not receive benefits but will have a chance to complete surveys throughout the project. Both groups (recipients and the evaluation group) will have opportunities to receive a $10 gift card for each survey they participate in throughout the project.
How soon do the forms need to be completed
On February 15th and 16th school districts will be sending out the initial contact letter, FAQ document and a consent form to families. These consent forms are to be returned by mail to DHS byFebruary 28, 2011. You may also FAX them to (503) 373-7032, attn: Donna Weaver.
Who will answer questions
If you have questions about the project, you can contact Donna Weaver by phone at (503) 945-6823 or e-mail