PSYC 300 Lab

Psychology Statistics

Spring 2008

Innovation Hall 319

Section 203: Thursday 12:30-2:20 p.m.Section 204: Thursday 2:30-4:20 p.m.

TA: Lucy BuchholzTA: Daniel J. Zapp

E-mail: (preferred)E-mail:

Office: Thompson 131Office: David King 1020P (Cognition,

Office hours: TBDAffect & Temperament Lab)

Mailbox: David King mailboxesOffice hours: Thurs 11-12 pm or by appt

Office Phone:(703)993-2241

Mailbox:David King mailboxes

Text: Gravetter, F.J. & Wallnau, L.B. (2007). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 7th Edition. Belmont, CA Wadsworth/Thompson.

Lab Objectives:

This lab is designed to reinforce the material from PSYC 300 lectures and allow you to practice the statistical methods you will learn in class. The lab also provides a time for students to ask questions and review difficult concepts with the Teaching Assistant.


Your grade in this lab will account for 25% of your final PSYC 300 grade and will be assessed based on your attendance, homework, in-class assignments, and quizzes. Each aspect will represent an equal portion of your final lab grade.

Attendance: Self-explanatory, show up on time each week. Being late for class will reduce your attendance grade.

Homework: You will receive a homework assignment at the end of lab each week that will be due at the beginning of the following lab. We will then review the homework together before moving on to the in-class exercise. Late homework will be accepted up to 1 week following the due date for 1/2 credit, beyond that, no credit will be given for late work. If you are more than 10 minutes late for class, you will only receive ½ credit for your homework. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped.

In-Class Assignments: During each lab you will be given activities to work on, some independent and some focused on group work, which will reinforce the lecture material. We will also have an opportunity to work with the computer program SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences). Students will not be able to make up these In-Class Assignments, so attendance in lab is essential. However, your lowest In-Class Assignment grade will also be dropped.

Quizzes: Towards the end of each lab, students will also take a quiz on the material covered in the homework assignment due at the beginning of that lab and put into practicewith the in-class activity. Quizzes cannot be made up, but your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Exams: Although not part of your lab grade, you will take your exams (except the final exam) during lab time. Because we are a week behind lecture in the material we will cover in lab, some material may not be covered specifically during our lab time. All the more reason to take advantage of the office hours or appointments with your TA.


*Subject to change

Week / Date / Assignment / Homework Due
1 / 1/24 / Syllabus, Lab Overview
2 / 1/31 / Chapter 1 / HW #1
3 / 2/7 / Chapter 2 / HW #2
4 / 2/14 / Chapter 3, 4 / HW #3
5 / 2/21 / EXAM 1 (Chapters 1-4)
6 / 2/28 / Chapters 5, 6 / HW #4
7 / 3/6 / Chapters7, 16, 17 / HW #5
8 / 3/13 / Spring Break
9 / 3/20 / EXAM 2 (Ch 5, 6, 7, 16, 17)
10 / 3/27 / Chapter 8 / HW #6
11 / 4/3 / Chapters 9, 10, 11 / HW #7
12 / 4/10 / EXAM 3 (Ch 8, 9, 10, 11)
13 / 4/17 / Chapter 13 / HW #8
14 / 4/24 / Chapter 15 / HW #9
15 / 5/1 / Chapters 16, 18, 20 / HW #10
5/13 / FINAL EXAM (Cumulative)

George Mason Honor Code: Working in a group to discuss course material is encouraged, but all assignments submitted for the lab (unless otherwise specified) should represent your own work. All provisions of the GMU Honor Code will be followed in this class and are detailed in your university catalog.

Disability Help: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703-993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office.

Add/Drop Deadlines:

Last day to Add – 2/5/08

Last day to Drop – 2/22/08