Name ______________________________ Date______________ Period _____
Using Virtual Algebra Tiles to
Review Distributive Property and Solving One-step Equations
Click the Virtual Library connection on the top menu.
Click the Algebra/9-12 box.
Click on Algebra tiles (3rd tool on the list)
Teacher will guide you through the Guided Practice.
Name ______________________________ Date______________ Period _____
Guided Practice
1. 3(x + 2)
2. 2(x + 3)
3. 5(y + 1)
4. 4(x + 2)
5. x(x + 3)
Independent Practice
6. 2(x + 5)
7. 7(y + 1)
8. 4(2x +4)
9. 6(x + 1)
10. y(y + 5)
Name ______________________________ Date______________ Period _____
Use Back button to return to the list of tools.
Click on Algebra Balance Scales
Click on Create Problem
Name ______________________________ Date______________ Period _____
Guided Practice
11. x + 4 = 8
12. x + 5 = -1
13. x + (-4) = -7
14. x + (-5) = 3
15. x – 2 = -4
16. x – 3 = 6
Independent Practice
17. x + 2 = 5
18. x + 6 = 7
19. x + (-4) = -7
20. x + (-5) = 3
21. x – 1 = -9
22. x – 9 = 1
Name ______________________________ Date______________ Period _____