Funding Guidelines

The United Way of Mid & South Jefferson County is working to improve lives by uniting people and resourcesfor a stronger community.

The United Way of Mid & South Jefferson County (UWMSJC)is pleased to announce our next

Community Investment Grant Cycle, beginning in July of current year and ending in June of the following. Our goal is to align funding, volunteers, and partner agencies with programs that work. Our donors expect their dollars to measurably improve the quality of people’s lives and build a stronger community. United Way is aligning its resources to goals targeted atpositively changing community conditions.

United Way is recognized as a community leader that:

  • Identifies and builds on community strengths and assets
  • Helps individuals and groups with specific community interests find ways to contribute their time and talents
  • Supports programs and agencies that provide direct services to help individuals and families
  • Advocates for public policy that improves community conditions

We are encouraging local organizations to work collaboratively towards addressing root causes, and finding solutions to those community needs. Together we want to Change the Odds for children and families in our community so they may have an opportunity for a better life.

  • We have identified three key focus areas in our community. Education, Income (Financial Independence), and Health. For programs to be considered for funding, they must align with at least ONE of United Way's areas of emphasis of: Education, Income or Health.
  • Grant applicant agencies will be requiredsubmit their most recent annual audit. United Way requires all programs/organizations submit an annual audit. If your organization does not have a current annual audit or preforms audits that include more than one year the application will not be accepted. Organizations with budgets less than $250,000 should request the Financial Reporting Requirements to determine if they qualify to submit a review, compilation or Internal Control Questionnaire.

This year we are excited to transition the Community Investment Grant to an online process. Organizations/programs that are currently receiving CIG funds as well as programs that have completed the Letter of Intent before the deadline will be provided a user ID & password to access their application portal on our website in January.

The online web form must be completed and submitted by noon on the third Friday in February. Applications will be reviewed by a non-partisan committee. Following the Application programs will be notified if they have advanced to site visits and/or Program interviews.Additional certifications and forms will be sent to each organization that advances in the grant process to include: Annual Memorandum of Agreement, Annual Organization Certification, Business Continuity of Operations Plan Memo, and the Agency Emergency Contact Form. Agencies Advancing in the Grant Process will also receive for informational purposes copies of the United Way of Mid & South Jefferson County Fundraising Policy (updated), Inclusion Statement, and Designation Policy.

Programs that are not advanced will be notified in writing.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

The United Way concept is based on an expectation that desirable community needs/services for the zip codes 77619, 77627, 77640, 77641, 77642, 77643, 77651, 77655 (Groves, Nederland, Port Arthur, Port Neches, and Sabine Pass) which cannot be totally funded from other sources may be funded by the United Way.

Applications will be reviewed only if the packet submitted is completed and all requested documentation is included at time of submission. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the committee.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. An active governing board (with local, Mid & South Jefferson County representation) of adequate size, background, and diversity to represent the community, serving without compensation, holding regular, documented meetings (at least quarterly) and demonstrating effective administrative control.
  2. Clearly stated, measurable objectives for each program seeking Community Investment Funds.
  3. A program that addresses a clearly demonstrated community need in reference to at least one of the three areas of United Way focus of Education, Income and Health.
  4. A satisfactory past record of providing community services demonstrated by
  5. two years of service utilized by the community as evidenced by service utilization figures;
  6. individual program financing during this time period from several sources (including at least one that is inherent to the community.)
  7. A categorized operating budget system which
  8. translates program plans into financial terms;
  9. uses proper financial accounting procedures;
  10. regular annual financial reviews/audits, as outlined in the Annual Financial Reporting Policy of the UWMSJC, prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant.
  11. Evidence of consultation and cooperation with established, related agencies to prevent duplication of effort and achieve efficiency and economy of operation.
  12. Programs available to citizens of the community without regard to race, religion, national origin, or political creed;
  13. Incorporated, non-profit corporation status under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.
  14. Demonstrated compliance with all applicable statutes and licensing, accreditation, and governmental code requirements.