Psychology 240 December Exam Review Questions
Dr. C. Lomore
The following questions will help you to prepare for the upcoming December exam. For the December exam, I will select some questions from this list for the written portion of the exam. The remainder of the exam questions will be applied in nature. That is, the rest of the questions will present you with a social situation and will ask you to apply your knowledge of the course material to the question. However, if you know the material in all of the questions below and can correctly apply that material, you will be prepared for these applied questions.
Please note, that these questions will only help you study the lecture material. Use the iStudy Guide (available online by purchasing a pin card at the Bookstore) to study the textbook material. Questions on the written portion of the exam may be generated from material in the textbook that has not been discussed in class.
Introduction to Social Psychology
1)Describe and discuss the three key themes of the social psychological perspective. Use research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study) to support your response.
2)Describe and discuss the history of social psychology, beginning in the period from the 1880-1920 through to social psychology in the 21st century.
Research Methods in Social Psychology
1) Describe and discuss the process of formulating a hypothesis. That is, define “hypothesis” and explain the steps necessary to develop a hypothesis.
2)Hypotheses always include conceptual (i.e., abstract) variables that need to be operationally defined. Describe what an operational definition is, as well as the two different types of operational definitions generally used by social psychologists. Include specific examples of such types of operational definitions in your response.
3)Social psychologists sometimes use the observational method to test their research questions. Overall, what is the observational method? Discuss the three different types of observations methods used by social psychologists (i.e., naturalistic, participant, archival).
4)Describe and discuss the correlational method. What is the objective of the correlational method and why do social psychologists use the correlational method? Describe the three types of correlational relationships that can be uncovered in correlational studies. What is the primary limitation of the correlational method and describe why this is a limitation to the correlational method? Use an example of a correlational study in your response.
5)Define random sampling. Provide an example of random sampling in your response.
6)Describe and discuss the experimental method. What is the objective of the experimental method and how is this objective achieved in experiments? Describe and discuss the two different types of variables used in the experimental method. How are participants assigned in experiments? Use an example of an experimental study to support your points.
7)Define random assignment. Why is random assignment used? How is random assignment distinct from random sampling? Use an example to support your points.
8)What is a quasi-experiment? When/why are quasi-experiments used? Give an example in your response.
Social Beliefs and Judgments
1)Ambady and Rosenthal conducted a series of studies examining how quickly we are able to form first impressions of other people. Describe and discuss their studies.
2)What is a schema? Why do we have schemas; that is, what do schemas provide us with? What are the three purposes of schemas [use research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study) in support of this point]? What are the three disadvantages of schemas [again, use research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study) in support of this point]?
3)Describe and discuss belief perseverance, confirmation bias, and confirmatory hypothesis testing. Where possible use research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of studies) in support of this point.
4)Describe and discuss self-fulfilling prophecies. In your response, describe and discuss a study showing a self-fulfilling prophecy. What are the limits of self-fulfilling prophecies?
5)Define the fundamental attribution error. Why do we make this error? In your response, describe and discuss the methods and results of a study showing the fundamental attribution error. How does the actor-observer effect differ from the fundamental attribution error?
6)Describe and discuss Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment. Why did the guards and prisoners behave the way they did?
7)Describe and discuss Heider’s three dimensions of causal attributions. When we are trying to explain a single-instance observation of behavior, we often use either the discounting or augmentation principles. Describe and discuss these two principles.
8)According to Hal Kelly, when we are trying to explain people’s behavior across multiple instances, we consider three factors. Describe and discuss each of these three factors. When can we use these three factors to make clear attributions?
The Social Self
1)Why, when and with whom do we socially compare ourselves? In class, we discussed two types of social comparisons: downward and upward comparisons. Define and discuss each of these types of comparisons: how do these comparisons make us feel? For each type of comparison, describe the methods and results of a study that illustrate the effects of the comparisons.
2)What is the paradox of the contented woman? Why does this paradox occur?
3)What is self-esteem? In class, we discussed three theories about where self-esteem comes from (Looking Glass Self Theory, Sociometer Theory, & Contingencies of Self-Worth). For each of these theories, first describe and discuss the theory, then describe the methods and results of a study to illustrate the theory.
4)Describe and discuss the Self-Evaluation Maintenance Model. Support your response with the methods and results of a study.
5)Describe and discuss Self-Discrepancy Theory.
6)Self-Affirmation Theory suggests a method that people might use to maintain their self-esteem. Describe and discuss this method. In your response, be sure to discuss the theory’s proposed differences between people with low and high self-esteem. Support your response with the methods and results of a study.
7)In class, we discussed two different motivations for self-presentation: instrumental and expressive. Define instrumental self-presentation and discuss five different means of instrumental self-presentation. Define expressive self-presentation.
8)In general, we tend to present ourselves to others in a positive way. However in class, we discussed a factor that moderates the degree of positivity/favorability we present ourselves with. Describe and discuss this factor and four reasons why it moderates how positively we present ourselves. Support your response with the methods and results of a study.
1)Define attitude. Why do we have attitudes? Describe and discuss the three components of attitudes, and use a concrete example of an attitude to illustrate these components.
2)Where do our attitudes come from? In addition, some of our attitudes are cognitively based, some are affectively based, while others are behaviorally based. Describe and discuss these bases.
3)In class, we discussed four different factors that determine attitude strength. Describe and discuss these four factors. Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study or studies) where possible.
4)Discuss whether our attitudes always predict our behavior. Describe and discuss the variables that predict both our spontaneous behaviors and our planned/deliberate behaviors.
5)What is cognitive dissonance? When we experience dissonance, what are we motivated to do and why? Describe and discuss the two elements necessary for cognitive dissonance to occur. Support your response with the methods and results of a study.
6)In class, we discussed four methods of reducing dissonance. Describe each of these methods. Where possible, support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
1) People either take the central route or the peripheral route to persuasion. In class, we discussed two variables that influence which route people take: motivation to pay attention and ability to pay attention to a message. Describe and discuss the factors that influence our motivation and ability to pay attention to messages. Where possible, support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
2)Discuss the factors related to the source of a persuasive communication that enhance persuasiveness.
3)In class, we discussed four factors related to the message content of a persuasive communication. These factors influence how persuasive the message is. Describe and discuss these factors, using research evidence (i.e., methods and results of a study or studies) to support your response where possible.
4)What is attitude inoculation? How does it work? Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
5)In class, we discussed several persuasion techniques including good mood, scarcity and reciprocity. Discuss each of these techniques, using examples to support your points.
6)Describe and discuss the foot-in-the-door effect. Why does this persuasion technique work to influence people? Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
7)Describe and discuss lowballing. Why does this persuasion technique work to influence people? Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
8)Describe and discuss the principle of social proof. Why does social proof influence us? Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
9)Describe and discuss the Tag-Team Persuasion Model. Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of two studies).
1)What is normative social influence? Why do people conform to normative influence? Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
2)Describe and discuss Asch’s line studies. That is, describe the methods and results of Asch’s studies and the variations of the studies.
3)Describe and discuss Social Impact Theory.
4)What is informational social influence? Why do people conform to informational influence? Support your response with research evidence (i.e., brief methods and results of a study).
5)Describe and discuss Milgram’s studies of obedience. That is, describe the methods and results of Milgram’s studies, their variations and the importance of Milgram’s work. Why did people obey the experimenter in Milgram’s studies?