UNGEI website update, 1 October – 31 December 2006


  1. Mongolia welcomed Into prestigious “Education For All” Fast-Track Initiative
  2. Joint Message on the Occasion of World Teachers’ Day 2006
  3. UNESCO Director-General condemns murder of women’s rights champion and educationalist, Safia Ama Jan
  4. World Teachers' Day: Teachers key to meeting major Commonwealth challenges
  5. Spotlight on Girls’ Education in East Asia and the Pacific
  6. Zimbabwe launches ground-breaking national girls' education strategic plan
  7. Major progress report on education to be launched at UNICEF House
  8. UNICEF: Early childhood care key to gender equality
  9. Oxfam: Seven million Afghan children missing an education
  10. Letter to Mr. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Mrs. Nane Annan


  1. World Teachers' Day 2006
  2. Over 300 schools closed in southern Afghanistan
  3. OBAAS pushes girls' education
  4. The UN Secretary-General’s Study Report on Violence against Children
  5. Teachers go back to school in southern Sudan
  6. ‘Catch-up’ kids saved from permanent school expulsion
  7. VOY Discussion: UN study on violence against children
  8. Senegal: Helping girls make the grade
  9. World Education: Girls' secondary scholarship program
  10. Reclaiming normalcy, children in Lebanon return to school at last
  11. Chile Grows with You’ policy promotes early childhood development
  12. Despite challenges, early childhood development efforts move forward in Iraq
  13. Early childhood care and education is the forgotten link in the education chain
  14. Daycare in Colombia
  15. A recipe for success in Papua New Guinea
  16. Ireland: Mothers talking to mothers
  17. Playing under the fig trees in Kenya
  18. Jamaica: A smile makes it worthwhile
  19. Jordan: Fathers included
  20. ‘Global Monitoring Report’ links early childhood care with lifelong benefits
  21. CAMFED Director Wins International Prize
  22. The Long Road to Success
  23. Zimbabwe: New plan to get girls back to schools
  24. Interview with Angelique Kidjo from Wide Angle
  25. Interview with Gene Sperling from Wide Angle
  26. Life skills-based education gets girls back to school in Tajikistan
  27. For a young married girl in India, education is a dream come true
  28. A success story for girls' education in Zimbabwe
  29. Educating young children left behind in China’s poor and remote communities
  30. Global partners meet in Cairo to advance girls’ education and early childhood care
  31. World Vision opens new school feeding project
  32. Pre-school classes boost girls’ enrolment in northern Nigeria
  33. World AIDS Day 2006
  34. GEM clubs help more girls get to school in Southern Sudan
  35. Girls’ education – a lethal blow to AIDS
  36. UNICEF Deputy Executive Director talks women’s and children’s rights in the Middle East and Africa
  37. School access a challenge for girls at camps in northern Uganda
  38. A young Roma woman in Serbia overcomes poverty and discrimination
  39. Mothers Clubs playing a crucial role advocating for girls’ education in Gambia


  1. The Multi-Country Child-Friendly Schools for Africa Capacity Development Workshop II Report (2006)
  2. UN Secretary-General's study on violence against women (2006)
  3. UNGEI Forum: Sector Wide Approaches (SWAps) in Education (2006)
  4. National Strategic Plan for the Education of Girls and Other Vulnerable Populations: 2005-2010 (2006)
  5. Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2007 - Strong foundations (2006)
  6. Waiting Opportunities: Adolescent girls experiences of gender-based violence at schools (2006)
  7. Free, Quality Education for Every Afghan Child (2006)
  8. Equals: Issue 18, August - November 2006 (2006)
  9. Mainstreaming gender for better girls' education: Policy and institutional issues (2006)
  10. Measuring gender inequality in education in South Asia (2006)
  11. The State of the World's Children 2007: The Double Dividend of Gender Equality (2006)
  12. Girls' education: towards a better future for all -- Progress Report (2006)

Resources – new publishers

  1. United Nations Secretariat
  2. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR)

New/Updated countries

  1. Mongolia
  2. Central African Republic
  3. Côte d' Ivoire
  4. Chile
  5. Iraq
  6. Ireland
  7. Burundi
  8. South Africa


  1. Girls Too! 12 October 2006, Issue No. 5 - Violence
  2. Girls Too! 22 November 2006, Issue No. 6 - Gender and Early Childhood Care and Education
  3. Girls Too! 19 December 2006, Issue No. 7 - Women's Empowerment
  4. eDiscussion 1: Early Childhood Care and Education

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