UNGEI website update, 1 October – 31 December 2006
- Mongolia welcomed Into prestigious “Education For All” Fast-Track Initiative
- Joint Message on the Occasion of World Teachers’ Day 2006
- UNESCO Director-General condemns murder of women’s rights champion and educationalist, Safia Ama Jan
- World Teachers' Day: Teachers key to meeting major Commonwealth challenges
- Spotlight on Girls’ Education in East Asia and the Pacific
- Zimbabwe launches ground-breaking national girls' education strategic plan
- Major progress report on education to be launched at UNICEF House
- UNICEF: Early childhood care key to gender equality
- Oxfam: Seven million Afghan children missing an education
- Letter to Mr. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Mrs. Nane Annan
- World Teachers' Day 2006
- Over 300 schools closed in southern Afghanistan
- OBAAS pushes girls' education
- The UN Secretary-General’s Study Report on Violence against Children
- Teachers go back to school in southern Sudan
- ‘Catch-up’ kids saved from permanent school expulsion
- VOY Discussion: UN study on violence against children
- Senegal: Helping girls make the grade
- World Education: Girls' secondary scholarship program
- Reclaiming normalcy, children in Lebanon return to school at last
- Chile Grows with You’ policy promotes early childhood development
- Despite challenges, early childhood development efforts move forward in Iraq
- Early childhood care and education is the forgotten link in the education chain
- Daycare in Colombia
- A recipe for success in Papua New Guinea
- Ireland: Mothers talking to mothers
- Playing under the fig trees in Kenya
- Jamaica: A smile makes it worthwhile
- Jordan: Fathers included
- ‘Global Monitoring Report’ links early childhood care with lifelong benefits
- CAMFED Director Wins International Prize
- The Long Road to Success
- Zimbabwe: New plan to get girls back to schools
- Interview with Angelique Kidjo from Wide Angle
- Interview with Gene Sperling from Wide Angle
- Life skills-based education gets girls back to school in Tajikistan
- For a young married girl in India, education is a dream come true
- A success story for girls' education in Zimbabwe
- Educating young children left behind in China’s poor and remote communities
- Global partners meet in Cairo to advance girls’ education and early childhood care
- World Vision opens new school feeding project
- Pre-school classes boost girls’ enrolment in northern Nigeria
- World AIDS Day 2006
- GEM clubs help more girls get to school in Southern Sudan
- Girls’ education – a lethal blow to AIDS
- UNICEF Deputy Executive Director talks women’s and children’s rights in the Middle East and Africa
- School access a challenge for girls at camps in northern Uganda
- A young Roma woman in Serbia overcomes poverty and discrimination
- Mothers Clubs playing a crucial role advocating for girls’ education in Gambia
- The Multi-Country Child-Friendly Schools for Africa Capacity Development Workshop II Report (2006)
- UN Secretary-General's study on violence against women (2006)
- UNGEI Forum: Sector Wide Approaches (SWAps) in Education (2006)
- National Strategic Plan for the Education of Girls and Other Vulnerable Populations: 2005-2010 (2006)
- Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2007 - Strong foundations (2006)
- Waiting Opportunities: Adolescent girls experiences of gender-based violence at schools (2006)
- Free, Quality Education for Every Afghan Child (2006)
- Equals: Issue 18, August - November 2006 (2006)
- Mainstreaming gender for better girls' education: Policy and institutional issues (2006)
- Measuring gender inequality in education in South Asia (2006)
- The State of the World's Children 2007: The Double Dividend of Gender Equality (2006)
- Girls' education: towards a better future for all -- Progress Report (2006)
Resources – new publishers
- United Nations Secretariat
- Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR)
New/Updated countries
- Mongolia
- Central African Republic
- Côte d' Ivoire
- Chile
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Burundi
- South Africa
- Girls Too! 12 October 2006, Issue No. 5 - Violence
- Girls Too! 22 November 2006, Issue No. 6 - Gender and Early Childhood Care and Education
- Girls Too! 19 December 2006, Issue No. 7 - Women's Empowerment
- eDiscussion 1: Early Childhood Care and Education
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