PSR this week 04/032017
PSR Registration for 2017/2018 is NOW OPEN!!!
Registration for the upcoming school year is open online at:
Register by May 31 to avoid the registration fee
Please continue to keep our seventh and second graders in your prayers as they continue to prepare for their sacraments.
Upcoming PSR Dates
April 17 – No class Easter Monday
April 24 – 1st Communion practice in Church 6:30 pm (second graders and parents)
April 26, Wednesday – Bread Making Day (second Graders) 7:45am – 2:30pm
April 29 –SaturdayFirst Communion 10am
April 30, Sunday– Confirmation Retreat (seventh Grade) 1pm-6pm
May 1 – Last night of classes early dismissal at 7:30
May 8 – PSR closing Mass and May Crowning
May 15 – Confirmation 7pm
Parish News
Instructional League Umpire Sign-Ups
Instructional baseball/softball umpire sign-ups for all current 6th
and 7th grade St. Simon students and St. Simon PSR students
are now open. Those interested are asked to please contact lay
director Jeff Lawrence via email at
prior to April 5. In your email,
please provide name, phone #, appropriate email address for
future communications, and current grade. There will be a briefumpire training meeting sometime in mid April. Games that willbe umpired are 1st grade and 2nd grade boys and girls. Theseason will start in late April and end in mid July.
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 8
At 9:00 am
St. Simon Fields Rain or Shine
The Easter Bunny will be here for pictures and crafts.
For ages1-10
$10.00 per family
For reservations please contact:
Erin Lawrence
2017 St. Simon Fish Fry Sponsored by the Madonna Guild
Good Friday April 14th 4:00-7:00 PM
Fish, Shrimp, Hush Puppies and more!
Dinners range from $7 to $12
All entrees include 2 sides, dessert and a drink. (Drink is dine in only)
Senior Discount offered as always!!
Cash, Check and Credit Card accepted.
Please contact Erin Lawrence at 314-565-7101 with questions.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST - All You Can Eat - Sun, April 23rd
Please join St. Simon’s Cub Scout Pack 161 for our ALL YOUCAN EAT Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 23, 2017 in thelower church hall after all the Masses.Sausage, biscuits &gravy will also be available. This is our annual fundraiser that helps to support our activities throughout the year.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Parish Picnic Booth Sponsorship
If you are interested in sponsoring a booth at the St, Simon
Parish Picnic, please let me know. We are sold out of our
$1,000 and our $500 sponsor levels. We currently have four
$250 booth sponsors left and forty $100 left. Private message me or email if you’d like to help support this cause to make this picnic a success. You can do your business or your family name, which we will have a sign made up at one of the picnic booths, I offered sponsorship levels to the Picnic Committee first and the response has been incredible, I will also be sending more info out very soon about the picnic, parade, and raffle, If you have an ideas, please don’t hesitate to call or email me. Thank you inadvance!
Jon Bock
A few years ago, in his annual Lenten message, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote:
"Faith is genuine only if crowned by charity." Here at St. Simon parish we will once again continue our wonderfulopportunity to live out this profound sentiment expressed by the Holy Father. As an expression of faith, on Friday, April 7, 2017 we will pray the Living Stations of the Cross in Church at 7:30 p.m., as members of the parish reenact the last hours of Jesus. Upon conclusion of the Stations, Eucharistic Adorationwill begin, which will continue until 9:00 p.m. We will then "crown" our faith by performing a work of charity on
Saturday morning, April 8, 2017 as we conduct a food driveto benefit our St. Vincent de Paul Society, as well as the Affton Christian Food Pantry, of which St. Simon is a member. On Saturday morning, April 8, volunteers will be outside the lower church doors from 7:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. to receive your "works of charity"in the form of contributions of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for use by these wonderful organizations as they strive to meet the challenges of those in our area who are in need. Following is a list of suggested items for donation by last names:
Canned or box Soup/Ramen Noodles
Rice/Pasta or Pasta Sauce/Mac & Cheese
Jars of Baby Food/Powdered Milk/ Peanut Butter
Canned Meat (chicken/ham/Spam)
Canned Vegetables/Canned Fruit
Canned Ravioli/Spaghetti/Sloppy- Joe/Stew/Chili
Flour/Sugar/Boxed mixes (Cake/AuGratin or Scalloped Potatoes)
Cereal/Pancake mix and Syrup
Additional items needed are: paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissues, bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, household cleaners and laundry detergent. Monetary donations will also be gratefully accepted. Volunteers (of all ages) are needed that morning to help receive, sort, box-up and transport the items. Ifyou (or your family) are available to help, please contact Rick Eschelbach at 314-541-5304 or
Vacation Bible School
Tuesday, June 6 through Friday,
June 9 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. for children ages 4- current5th grade.Attention Parents! Although summer seems far off, our annualVacation Bible School will be here before we know it. Much help and planning is needed in order for VBS to be the fun-filled,faith-filled week that we have all come to expect. This year, dueto unexpected circumstances, we are in great need of your helpto plan this week. If you are willing to help in any way, pleasecontact Mary Miklovic at 314-956-9910 ()or Amy Simmons at 314-487-7890 ().Even if you cannot be there some or even all of the week, thereis something that you can do to help! Thanks!