Psi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met at Central Albemarle Elementary School on Tuesday, April 13, 2010, at 4:00 pm. Members gathered in the media center and enjoyed snacks and appetizers provided by the hostess committee.

President Marlene Sanges called the meeting to order and established a quorum. The minutes from April meeting were approved with the correction of Laura Sattenfield working at NSHS, not AHS.

Treasurer Terry Burleson reported a current balance of $2,289.31.

Marlene Sanges gave the president’s report as follows:

New international website design: Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Member News: Babies - Cooper Ryan Haymond, Cidney Eudy

Deaths – Gayle Russell’s father.

We send our condolences to Gayle.

Eta State Convention – Asheville – April 23-25. Marlene Sanges and Pat

Bramlett will be going to represent Psi Chapter.

Upcoming visit by Eta State President, Betty Marshall – May 25 meeting, 6pm,

Stanly Community College, Dennis Room. Installation of new officers.

The following committees gave reports:

Scholarship Committee – Tara Furr reported that there are 6 grant-in-aid

applicants. Psi needs to collect money for the grant-in-aid. Members need to

sell 25 raffle tickets at $1.00 per ticket. The recipient will be determined

after the meeting and will be invited to attend the May 25th meeting.

Membership Committee –Chairman Sarah Staley moved to accept the following new


Sharlina Huneycutt – WSHS

Jennifer Underwood – WSHS

Sally Summey – English, National Honor Society

Rebecca Little – Endy, Resource teacher

Anita Macey – SSMS

Laura Sattenfield – NSHS

The motion passed unanimously.

There was no old or new business.

Four members contributed $1 each for a moment of personal privilege:

Pat Bramlett –Announced a plant sale on Saturday at the Stanly County

Museum, the benefits from which will support the museum. She also

announced that the Public Library will have its annual book sale on


Carlin Styers – Got a wonderful voice recorder. She is now able to type

any message, and the recorder reads it aloud for her.

Meredith Howell – Kristi Shelton is newly engaged. National Honor Society is

having a 5K in Norwood to support its service project.

Marlene Sanges – Encouraged members to text 90999 to donate money to Haiti

Teresa Crump – Serenity Smith is pregnant

Program – Mary Sycuro:

Mary presented a wonderful and educational slideshow of her trip to the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands are 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador. Wildlife is its most notable feature. The islands remain well- preserved as a natural environment in large part due to the national park’s rules.

Following an expression of thanks to the hostess committee, a motion to adjourn the business meeting was made and approved.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Maureen Davis.