PSA Tournament Rules

  1. Each team is guaranteed 3 games with the 4th game being the championship game.

2. Team Acceptance

a. The Tournament committee has the right to accept or reject any team application.

b. Team application will be posted on our website

c. All teams are required to register Friday, June 12th from 6-8pm. Only 1 represenitive is required to be present.

3. Roster and Player Documentation

Teams must have approved state rosters and signed medical release forms.

Teams are allowed rosters according to the chart below

U8-U10 6 VS 6 Max number 12

U11-U12 8 VS 8 Max number 14

U14 11 vs 11 Max number 18

U18 11 vs 11 Max number 18

Documentation is required to support the age of each player.

At the U8-U10 Age group offsides will not be called.

Players must be at the field 30 minutes before game time.

4. Eligibility

This Tournament is a non-restricted tournament. Rec and Travel Teams are allowed to participate. Rec and Travel Teams will put in separate divisions.

5. Divisions and Awards

Each Division will have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal winner

6. Forfeits

The Team that is not present to play within 15 minutes scheduled start of the match a forfeit will be awarded to other team at a score of 3-0

7. Division Standings

Win 3 points loss 0 points

Tie 1 point forfeit -1 point

8. Division and Ranking

a) Results head to head competition b) Record with points

c) Fewest goals allowed

9. Ties

Ties in the first 3 matches shall stand and no overtime. Overtime will be allowed in the championship game. One 5min overtime will be added and if no points are scored 5 players will be picked to shoot penalty kicks until the most goals are scored.

10. Player Participation

Each coach must ensure every player plays one half of each game unless injured.

Player and Equipment:

a)Shin Guards are mandatory

b)All field players must have matching uniforms

11. Substitutions

a) Possession throw-ins

b) Goal kicks on either team

c) Following a goal

d) Injured players

e) After half-time and before overtime


The referee will make sure equipment has been checked prior to each match. All rosters must be given to ref before start of each match.

13.Player, Coach, Spectator Ejection

Any player ejected from match will not be replaced and will not be allowed to participate in his or her team’s immediate match. Ejection for fighting by player or coaches will result in not being allowed to participate in any more matches. Spectators ejected must not be insight or sound of playing field.

14. Duration of Play and Ball Size

Age Groups Length Game Halftime Ball size

U8/U10 2 X 25 Min Halves 5 Mins 4

U11/U12 2 X 30 Min Halves 5 Mins 4

U14 2 x 35 Min Halves 5 Mins 5

U18 2 X 35 Min Halves 5 Mins 5

15. Score Reporting

The tournament committee will be responsible for providing a match report. The referee will turn in match report after each match. Coaches are to sign match report after each game.

16. Protests

No protests will be allowed on referee’s judgment. The Tournament director will consider matters that involve improper procedure.

17. Inclement Weather

Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their team must be prepared 15 mins before Game. If the game is called at halftime then the score stands.

18. Disclaimer

Neither the tournament committee, PSA, or The Town of Pembroke for any expenses incurred by any team in the event

That games are discontinued or cancelled due to inclement weather or adverse filed conditions or any refunds be made.