GAIN Request for Proposals (RFP)

National Food Fortification Programme

Implementation and Strengthening Grants


Submission date: / 7 August 2005
Board review date: / October 2005

Please ensure that all the following information is completed.

Proposal Name / Iron & Folic Acid Flour Fortification Programme in Georgia
Country / Georgia
Address of Institutional Contact / NFA - Georgia
Parliamentary Committee for Health & Social Affairs
Date / 05/08/2005 (use dd/mm/yyyy format)

Transparency statement

Please list the names of all individuals (including their institutional affiliation) and institutions that have contributed to the preparation of this proposal.

Of those who assisted in preparing the proposal, which people will be hired as consultants or staff with GAIN funds?

GAIN understands that all information submitted in this proposal is accurate and complete to the best of the knowledge of the National Fortification Alliance members. Provision of intentionally inaccurate or misleading information is, and will be, cause for rejection of the proposal or termination of the project at any point in time.

[Please add rows to the table below as required for each individual (using the menu option ‘GAIN Options>Add Row Below’). Please click on ‘(Select answer)’ in the ‘To be hired?’ column and choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop-down list.]

TableA: Transparency statement

Name of individual / Name of organization / To be hired?1 /
Mr. Giorgi Gegelashvili / MP, Parliament of Georgia, NFA Chair / (Select answer)YesNo
Ms. Mariam Jashi / UNICEF Georgia / (Select answer)YesNo
Mr. Quentin Johnson / GAIN Consultant / (Select answer)YesNo
Mr. Gela Kodalashvili / Ltd Forte / (Select answer)YesNo
Ms. Manana Tsulukidze / Parliament of Georgia / (Select answer)YesNo
Ms. Eka Kandelaki / Pediatricians & Neonatologists Union / (Select answer)YesNo
Mr. Levan Baramidze / Head, Public Health Department / (Select answer)YesNo
Mr. Vaniko Kurua / EDRB BAS Project / (Select answer)YesNo
Mr. Shota Chkeidze / Ministry of Agriculture / (Select answer)YesNo
1Will the individual be hired as a consultant or staff [Yes/No]?

TableB: National Fortification Programme Management Institution Details

Name of Institution / Committee of Health & Social Affairs, Parliament of Georgia
Legal Status / Public Institution
Type of Organization / State Authority
Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer / Mr. Gigi Tsereteli, Member of Parliament (MP)
Head, Parliamentary Committee of Health & Social Affairs
Name and Title of Contact (if different from the above) / Mr. Giorgi Gegelashvili (MP)
Deputy Head, Parliamentary Committee for Health & Social Affairs, NFA Chair
Address / 8, Rustaveli Ave, 0118, Tbilisi, Georgia
Telephone / (+ 995 32) 996178; (+ 995 32 990905)
Email / ;

If the institution named in TableB is NOT the focal point for the proposal submission and subsequent correspondence, please use TableC to provide details of the institution acting as focal point for the proposal process.

TableC: Proposal Focal Point (if different from TableB)

Name of Institution
Legal Status
Type of Organization
Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer
Name and Title of Contact (if different from the above)

TableD: Expected Proportion of Food Vehicle Fortified Nationally

Food vehicle / Percentage
Current level / (Select vehicle)Vehicle 1Vehicle 2Vehicle 3Vehicle 4Vehicle 5Vehicle 6Vehicle 7Vehicle 8Vehicle 9Vehicle 10 / 0%
Level in 18 months / (Select vehicle)Vehicle 1Vehicle 2Vehicle 3Vehicle 4Vehicle 5Vehicle 6Vehicle 7Vehicle 8Vehicle 9Vehicle 10 / 35%
Level in 3 years / (Select vehicle)Vehicle 1Vehicle 2Vehicle 3Vehicle 4Vehicle 5Vehicle 6Vehicle 7Vehicle 8Vehicle 9Vehicle 10 / 80%


GAIN RFP Round 4/d1 Georgia

National Fortification Alliance (NFA) composition

GAIN only accepts proposals from a National Fortification Alliance (NFA).

Please use the table below to describe the composition of the NFA. Include the name and type of organization for organizations that are actively involved in supporting the fortification effort, and the role defined for the organization within the proposed fortification programme.
In the hard copy of this proposal, please provide a copy of Table E, with the signatures of the NFA representatives, as Attachment 5.1.8, affirming their participation in the NFA processes, including the development of this proposal.
[Please add rows to the table below as required for each representative (using the menu option ‘GAIN Options>Add Row Below’).]

TableE: NFA Representatives

We have reviewed the final proposal and endorse it. We have read and accept the GAIN Request for Proposals Guidelines. If the proposal is approved we further pledge to continue our involvement and implement the roles and responsibilities designated to our organization in the proposal. /
Name of Organization / Type of Organization1 / Position in NFA2 / Role in proposed fortification programme / Name of NFA Representative / Title of NFA Representative / Signature and Date /
Please refer to attachment 5.1.8 for Table E hardcopy with signatures by NFA representatives
Attachment 5.1.5.C reflects minutes of the NFA meeting on 04/08/05 with final review and endorsement of the GAIN proposal
1Individual government ministries, regulatory agencies, health and development NGOs, food production sector, other private sector, professional associations, productivity councils, academic or research institution, media, consumer and volunteer organizations, international organizations, and others.
2Optional—might include Chair, or other formal position.


GAIN RFP Round 4/d1 Georgia


National Food Fortification Programme

Implementation and Strengthening Grants


Part1: Programme feasibility – analyses the existing situation, and the feasibility of the overall Programme.

Part2: Market analysis – covers supply, demand, and market for the food vehicle.

Part3: Programme detail – requests detailed information on the implementation and coverage of the project.

Part4: Budget (to be detailed in the separate GAIN RFP Excel spreadsheet template).

Part5: Required attachments.

The GAIN Request for Proposal Guidelines are available at and form an integral part of this request for proposals.

Please read the following advice on how to complete this form and the GAIN logical framework before attempting to proceed

Technical advice for using this form

  1. If you have any problems entering information into this document or working with it in any way, please contact the GAIN RFP Helpdesk at . This document is designed to make your communication with GAIN easier, not more difficult, so do please contact the Helpdesk with any queries for assistance with the Word document, Excel spreadsheet, or the requirements of the Proposal.
  2. Please enter responses in the spaces provided in the form. The majority of this document is ‘protected’ and cannot be changed. You can only enter information into certain areas or ‘fields’. Where the text ‘please enter response’ is visible, it can be typed over. (Please see the ‘Tips on completing this form’ section below).
  3. Tables in the document may require more than one row of information. To add an extra row to a table, place the cursor in a row and choose the menu option ‘GAIN Options>Add Row Below’. To delete a row, place the cursor in the row to be deleted and choose the menu option ‘GAIN Options>Delete Current Row’.
  4. If the menu options in the ‘GAIN Options’ menu do not appear to work, ensure that you have enabled the macros in the document. [You should be asked to enable macros when you open the document. Click on the ‘Enable Macros’ button. If the button does not respond, click on the checkbox ‘Always trust macros from this source’ and then click on the ‘Enable Macros’ button again. If no prompt appears at all, and the menu options do not appear to work, choose the menu option ‘Tools>Macros>Security…’, set the Security Level to ‘Medium’, click OK, and then close Word and re-open the GAIN document.] Note: You should only enable macros that you know to be safe—unknown documents may contain harmful macros.
  5. Additional documentation and annexes (in addition to those provided in Part5: Required attachments) can be included in Part6, where the proposal document is not ‘protected’.
  6. GAIN’s Proposal Reviewers are aware of the importance of micronutrients in human health. It is therefore not necessary to include basic or scientific facts about micronutrient malnutrition (such as the global prevalence, the consequences of deficiencies or the general the rationale for fortification, etc).
  7. Proposals should be presented in English.
  8. All Proposals should be submitted in hard-copy on 8 ½ x 11 inch or A4 pages as well as in electronic format in Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets.
  9. Proposals submitted become the property of GAIN but they will be shared only with people associated with the review and negotiation process. GAIN will obtain approval from the applicant if it wishes to share the proposal with others.

And here are some tips to make completing the form easier:

  1. You can use the TAB/SHIFT-TAB or PAGE-UP/PAGE-DOWN keys to move the cursor between the different fields or parts of the document that should be completed, or use the scroll-bar on the right-hand side of the window to move up and down in the document, then click with the mouse to select where you would like to type or paste text.
  2. Some of the tables in the document use special ‘drop-down selection boxes’. When you see an entry in a table marked ‘(select)’, this means that you can select one of several fixed values from a list. To select a value, click on the text with the mouse (or move the cursor to the field with the TAB/SHIFT-TAB or PAGE-UP/DOWN keys). A small downward-pointing arrow should appear at the right-hand end of the field. Click on this arrow with the mouse (or press and hold the ALT key and press the CURSOR-DOWN key once) to display a list of choices. Click on one of the choices (or highlight one by using the CURSOR-UP/CURSOR-DOWN keys) and then move to the next field.
  3. To navigate more quickly through the document, you can click with the mouse on the page numbers in the Table of Contents to move directly to a particular section of the document. Choose menu option ‘GAIN Options>Go to Table of Contents’ to return to the Table of Contents page. To update the page numbers in the Table of Contents after you have entered some text, choose the menu option ‘GAIN Options>Update Table of Contents’.
    Alternatively, choose menu option ‘View>Document Map’ to display a list of sections on the left-hand side of the window that can be clicked on directly.
  4. To view the document more easily, you can use ‘Page Width’ view (choose menu option ‘View>Zoom…’, click on the ‘Page Width’ radio button, then click ‘OK’). An alternative way to view the document is in ‘Print Preview’ mode: choose menu option ‘File>Print Preview’.
  5. If the document seems slow to respond when you are working on your computer, try switching to ‘Normal’ view mode (choose menu option ‘View>Normal’). This will reduce the work for your computer.
  6. In order to update the budget tables from the spreadsheet, choose menu option ‘GAIN Options>Update Budget Tables’. If the tables display the wrong values, or the update fails, choose menu option ‘GAIN Options>Find Spreadsheet’ and a window will be displayed to allow you to locate the correct spreadsheet. (Once the update process has completed, the Microsoft Word window may not be visible. Press ALT-TAB or click on the Microsoft Word icon on the task bar – usually along the bottom edge of the screen – in order to make Word visible again).
    REMEMBER: Always save your work before performing complex operations or switching to a different application.
  7. You may find it convenient to create draft text in a separate Word document and then copy and paste the text into this document (or you can prepare text in Part5 Required attachments).
  8. If an error message is displayed while you are working, please contact the GAIN RFP Helpdesk at the address above. Also, it is very important to choose menu option ‘GAIN Options>Update Table of Contents’ to ensure that the document is properly protected again before continuing to work.

Introduction to the GAIN logical framework

Different organizations tend to use slightly different definitions of logical frameworks (logframes). This process of customization maximizes the usefulness of the logframe approach for each institution. However familiar you are with logframes, it is necessary for you to work within the specifics of the GAIN logical framework. As there are five components to a food fortification programme, in the GAIN logical framework you will find five component objectives, each one already defined.

The logframe helps programme designers by supporting logical thinking and is a means whereby an organization, programme, or project may be developed, structured and described. The logframe approach also helps to set, from the beginning, indicators of programme success and impact.

Logframes are a development of the ‘management by objectives’ approach. They are a methodology that provides a structure for designing a project, and a tool for project management, evaluation, and impact assessment. The logframe specifies what the project is attempting to achieve and indicates the means by which the achievement may be measured. It makes the project logic explicit.

Logframes can be read both top-down and bottom-up.

A logframe involves a detailed breakdown of the chain of causality in the project design, which can be read from the bottom-up. For example, this can be expressed in terms of:

§  IF inputs are provided, THEN activities can be undertaken;

§  IF activities are undertaken, THEN outputs will be produced;

§  IF outputs are produced, THEN component objectives will be achieved;

§  IF component objectives are achieved, THEN the programme objective will be achieved;

§  IF the programme objective is achieved, this should support the achievement of the programme purpose;

§  IF the programme purpose is achieved, this should then contribute towards the overall goal (and thereafter, the ‘super goal’).

Each level thus provides the rationale for the next level down: (reading from the top-down) the goal helps define the purpose, the purpose the objectives, the objectives the component objectives, and so on down the hierarchy.

National Fortification Programme (NFP) logical framework hierarchy