PS 410/510, BSC 410/510 - 4 credit hours

Physics of Remote Sensing with Applications

Fall Semester 2010 - Science 259

Instructors - James Brumfield, S260, 696-3361,

Ralph Oberly, S254, S253, 696-2757,

Textbooks - Sabins, REMOTE SENSING, Principles and

Interpretation, Third Edition

Eastman, IDRISI32 for Windows, Student Manual, Version 2.0

ER Mapper Student Manual and NASA STATS Manual

The following schedule will be followed as nearly as possible. Note that this is a two semester sequence. Manuals for IDRISI32 and ER Mapper software and the NASA Stats manual will be loaned (as opposed to given. At the end of semester no manual results in an “I” in the course!) to students as needed. Each student will be expected to have access to the text by Sabins and a bound logbook. The format of the course will consist of lectures, group discussions, literature reviews, and laboratory exercises (involving both physics principles and image processing/Global Positioning Systems andgeospatial software).


Aug. 24, 26Chapter 1Physical Principles: Vision and Perception, Lenses

Aug. 31 Sept. 2Chapter 1Intr. to IDRISI32-Introduction

Sept. 6Labor Day - No classes

Sept. 7, 9Chapter 2Light, Spectra, Filters

Sept. 14, 16Chapter 2B&W Photography, Printing

Sept. 21, 23Chapter 3Field Work - GPS

Sept 28, 30NASA/STATS Handbook Exercise handout;

Principles of Stats in Image Proc. Discuss project proposals

Oct. 5, 7 STATS HandoutIDRISI32-Ex. 1 & 2

Oct. 12EXAM Chapters 1, 2, 3, & STATS

Oct. 14Chapter 8IDRISI32-Ex. 3 & 4

Oct. 19, 21Chapter 8Digitized Data and image based map.

Oct. 26, 28Chapter 4 IDRISI32-Ex. 5, 6 & 7

RS/GIS Applications in image based mapping

October 29W-day

Nov. 2, 4Chapter 5Blackbody Radiation

RS/GIS Applications

Nov. 9, 11Chapter 5IDRISI32-Ex. 8, 9 & 10

RS/GIS Applications - hydrology

Nov. 16, 18Chapter 6IDRISI32-Ex. 11, 12 & 13

RS/GIS Applications

Nov. 18TAKE-HOME EXAM, Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8

Nov. 22 - 26Thanksgiving - No Classes

Nov. 30, Dec. 2Chapter 7IDRISI32-Ex. 14 through 17

RS/GIS Applications

Dec. 7Logbook and paper due!

Dec. 9Oral project report

Note that most of the practical software exercises will be done with the IDRISI32 package. It is a total integrated package for RS, GIS, GPS image based mapping. However, some introduction to other relevant packages such as ER Mapper, ArcView, etc, will be given as time permits. The faculty reserves the right to alter the schedule as needed.

Office hours:

Oberly:MW 11:00 – 11:45, MW 2:00 – 4:00, R 1:00 – 2:00

Brumfield:TR 3:00 – 4:00, or by appointment

PS 410/510, BSC 410/510 Remote Sensing – Syllabus Fall 2010 Page 2

Material from chapters 9 through 14 will be covered as appropriate to emphasize applications for material from chapters 1 through 8. It is recommended that you be aware of the topics in these chapters and read sections as they are appropriate. The faculty can help direct you to readings if necessary.

Note that a bound logbook containing: (1) practical exercises, and (2) IDRISI32 progress is due at end of the week 15 class period. In addition a written project proposal is due at this time. The proposal should be no more than six typed pages and it should be in a standard scientific form (an example of the form will be distributed by the instructors). The topic for your proposal must be approved by the instructors well in advance of the deadline date. The project must include use of the IDRISI32 software with other software packages being optional. The topic for the written report is the same as the topic for the oral report.

Your grade will be determined as follows:

Exam I100 (possible points)

Exam II100

Logbook/Practical Work/Practical Exams 50

Oral/Paper Presentation150

For the practical exercises you may be working in groups (sometimes large and sometimes pairs). Software work is to be done individually. The instructors reserve the right to lower practical work scores if it is observed that an individual is not contributing her/his fair share. Since much practical work and a significant amount of slide presentation will be done during class time it is expected that you will attend class punctually unless an emergency keeps you away! Note that you must complete the practical exercises by December 7th. There will be five practical quizzes on software: times to be announced.

The second semester will emphasize image processing and project development, software familiarity and application exercises, extra outside reading, and a significant project (proposed by the student at the end of the first semester) which you must have approved by the instructors. Project work is encouraged as a team activity.

Note that when a lecture is being presented your attention should be with the lecturer. You should not be reading email on a terminal or any other terminal activity. You should not have on any electronic communication device such as pagers, cell phones, Ipods, etc.