April 10, 2017
6:00 p.m.
As required by Section 311, Title 25, of the Oklahoma statues, notice is hereby given that the Board of Independent School District, No. 50, Osage County Oklahoma will hold a Regular Meeting in the High School Conference Room at 104 Broadway, Prue Oklahoma
1. Call to Order and Statement of Compliance.
2. Call roll and record members present and absent, and establish a quorum.
3. Consent Agenda
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at Board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless a Board Member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration and approval of the following items.
a. Minutes of the March 6, 2017 Regular Meeting
b . Activity Fund Report
c. Treasurers Report
d. General Fund Encumbrances
e. Building Fund Encumbrances
f. Bond Fund Encumbrances
4. Discussion and possible action to approve the increase amount of $1000.00 on PO
Number 108.
5. Discussion and possible action to resolve a parent teacher grievance submitted
to the Board of Education.
6. Personnel:
a. Propose executive session to discuss the following items
pursuant to O.S. Title 25, Section 307 (B) (1)
1.Discussion of contract for the following Certified Teachers for the 2017- 2018 school year.
Steven Burroughs Deanna Howard
Scott Kohnle Johnny Ray
Michelle Horton Chasidy Hays
Bryanna Stuever Jessica Horton
Stephanie Blackman Brant Tevebaugh
Colin Tevebaugh Lori Rotramel
Roy Hemphill Lisa Monforte Susan Baugher Lisa Lewis Heath Kelley Ashley Watashe
Bryan Meyers Bill Zahringer
Courtney Holt Christine Seek
2.Discussion of contract for the following Support Personnel for the 2017-2018 school year
Johnny Capps Lisa Blevins
Margaret Evans Kim Goff
Weldon Owens Valerie McGonigal
Courtney Spurgeons Brenda Scully
Jolynn Thompson Tresa Snow
Barbara McGuire Courtney Sills
b. Vote to enter into executive session.
c. Vote for the board to return to open session.
7. Action to approve a contract for the following Certified Teachers for the 2017-2018 school year.
Steven Burroughs Deanna Howard Scott Kohnle Johnny Ray Bill Zahringer Brant Tevebaugh
Michelle Horton Lori Rotramel
Bryanna Stuever Susan Baugher
Stephanie Blackman Chasidy Hays
Colin Tevebaugh Roy Hemphill
Bryan Meyers Heath Kelley
Ashely Watashe Jessica Horton
Lisa Monforte Lisa Lewis
Courtney Holt Christine Seek
8. Action to approve a contract for the following Support Personnel for
the 2017-2018 school year.
Johnny Capps Lisa Blevins
Margaret Evans Kim Goff
Weldon Owens Valerie McGonigal
Jolynn Thompson Brenda Scully
Courtney Spurgeons Tresa Snow
Barbara McGuire
Courtney Sills
9. Discussion and possible action to approve the 2017-2018 school calendar.
10. Discussion and possible action to enter into contact with TLC Occupational
Therapy for the 2017-2018 school year.
11. Administrative Report
12. New Business
13. Adjournment
Posted this 7thth day of April . 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the entrance of the Prue High School located at 104 Broadway , Prue Oklahoma
Name & Title of Person Posting Notice Tom Scully,Superintendent