Board of Directors Meeting

1:00 PM – 5:00 PMMAY 17, 2010

Abbotsford Coast Hotel


  1. Present: Paul Barnett (chair), Gord Irving, Darryl Goll, Tim Veresh, George Curran

Inder Madok, Wendy Richardson, Bob Ens andShelley Cookand Marla Chandler-Soanes

Regrets:Tim Agg,Shawn Bayes, Yvonne Rigsby-Jones, Dave Johnson,Dawn Hrycun and Dave Trepanier

Call To Order 1:05 pm

  1. Adoption of Agenda
  1. Minutes of last meeting

Moved by George, Seconded by Bob and carried.

  1. Financial Report

No questions

Discussion of the Pressing of Conference

Moved by Wendy, Seconded by Shelley and carried.

  1. Membership Report

Missing ARC and CampTrapping


  1. B C Halfway

Discussion on Funding Formula to be reviewed by The Minister who is positive around addressing this.

This is a National Initiative.

BC Yukon asking for 100% increase in Funding.

Raised eyes of CSC

Treasury Board would not allow this increase.

93% - 94% to break even. Should be around 70%.

3% - 5% would be what they could cover for.

Other monies would have to come out of Operations.

Brian Lang is not retiring in the near future.

Funding increases will be looked at and released in November 2010.Discussion on Level 1 Offender and will look at Funding per Houses and not through Global Funding.

All Houses are at capacity.

Budget this year was 1.5% increase across the board.

Discussion on 2 for 1 and where it is at.

Discussion on placements of individuals in Homeless Shelters rather than being in Half-way Houses.

Osoyoos Indian Band close to opening up a 5 bed facility.

Inder talked about the differences between male and female populations.

Discussions on Swing Beds and the safety issues that are happening.

A great deal of these operations are Ma and Pa shops or dangerous individuals in Homeless Shelters.

CAWRO – Canadian Association of Woman Residential Organization. Shawn has established it as an off shoot of the Halfway House Association.

Looking at fostering women’s issues in the system and the overall challenges that they are faced with, by women in the system.

Gender specific issues and will look at youth also.

Discussion of the CSC Practice of putting male and female offenders in the same facilities.

Discussion on Homeless Shelters and the “ticking time bomb” that could possibly happen mixing the homeless population with offenders.

The Hostel Bed Counts are with specific agencies.

Discussion of how housing these offenders, increases overall operation dollars.

Discussion on the hidden homeless and the lack of representation of females in homeless counts.


Bargaining is continuing and are talking again.

No rolling over of Agreements.


Tim not available. No Report.


-Dave Johnson not available for meeting. No Report.

B C Corrections

Acting Administrator Brent Merchant.

Continues to be triple bunking.

Very small budget increase of 0.5%.

No word on Federal Government proposal on new legislation.

Tension between inmates and guards is unbelievable and morale is at an all time low.

Will be interesting to see who they put into the Administration. Position.

Dave Johnson or Paul will ask if they can join us at next meeting.

Adult Forensics

Not much to report.

Possibility of a RFP going out for North Island Contract next year.

7.Regional Reports

Prince George

-Snow is gone as of last week.

-Camp Trapping Contract is fine.

-Darryl talked about September cuts and how they formed a committee to look at these cuts.

-The Ministry did not look at anything the Group came up with. Shredded it and did what they wanted.

-$900,000 cut from Residential. The remaining $1.6 from Non-residential.

-CampTrapping was passed by due to being a Provincial Resource.

-Intersect had Camp is over subscribed. Three session waitlist.

-Lots of data due to master students.

-Many more youth with prescription addictions being seen at camp.

-Discussions on how youth are coming up with these drugs.

-Rampant issues with youth exiting custody on greater amounts of medications.

-A discussion on IRCS Youth and their entitlements.

-Children in Care and learned behaviour that comes with them and more entitlement.

-Could be something to address in Residential Review.

-Discussion of how the Prosecutor has swung to a very closed door at Prince George Corrections.

-Corrections staff not happy about the Accreditation process and how it has affected the culture.

-Discussion of Contract review and Contract template.

South Vancouver Island

-Contract review process with MCFD will wrap in July.

-Mark Armitage will meet with Youth Justice Agencies.

-All Programs at high capacity.

-Severity rating has increased.

-Looking at how to deal with these Youth as it is putting a huge strain on the system.

-A great deal of Youth have been shipped into Victoria.

-A discussion on splitting Victoria region into smaller regions. Kids pass back and forth from all South Island communities.

-A discussion on Pension piece and how non-union Agencies are not involved in the process.


-JH C.O. managed to grow in a difficult time of cuts.

-Employment Training Programs have grown and are an excellent service.

-Energy Efficiency Program with power.

-Social Enterprise/Coffee Shop is close to opening very soon.

-Last Friday announcement of a 49 unit apartment in Rutland.

-A discussion on what JH would have done differently in building and operating Cardington House. Open since September 2008.

-Would have changed partnership with Health and contract only with them.

-The Model has changed where JH is now doing it all.

-Building is of award winning design.


Contract only with the Federal System.

Moving out of Kelowna House and relocating the facility.

In negotiation with CSC around changing the Model.

Some reaction from staff around the move to mobility issues and older population.

An architect drawing up plans for the facility.

Will not go to the rezoning process with the City.


ARC has been hit hard with the closing of 3 Group homes in Kelowna and Penticton

Other cuts to nonresidential Programs

Difficult on staff as have had to let go of some long term employees

North Vancouver Island

Small cuts only .4 of FTE for Sexually Intrusive Children.

Facing Residential Review for attendance

Looking at cutting $30,000.oo out of Forensics, PSCYC services must be included in the Contract.

Looking at potential Residential Resource in Port Hardy for MCFD,

Might look at including Courtenay and Campbell River.

Port Hard would be predominately 1st. Nations Youth, FASD of Effects.

Wendy has completed extensive research of Best Practice and provided a 15 page document on findings. This is so MCFD and JH are on the same page around philosophy and Practice/Model.

Looking at a camp model for staff and business in a staff team.

The youth who are from the community are in other facilities in the province at the moment.

Costing the Ministry significant $$$$. Wendy has priced it and the Ministry cannot afford what it is costing at the moment.

A discussion on why the Contract Review isn’t really happening on the NorthIsland.

#’s are the highest in years for FTAP

Some Programs cut with other Agencies and $$ going to Aboriginal Services.

CARF three year Accreditation.

Barnett House – 5 units for Youth.

Went through new contract writing tool and used JH Logic Model.


Chilliwack Amut program, no cuts.

Model upgraded having brought in Elders from Vancouver Island.

Lot of First Nations curriculum.

Elders have not been receiving Honorariums but have moved to gifts.

Some difficulty in retaining staff.

Co-ed facility. Six beds.

Rio hotel in Abbotsford has been purchased for housing. Will be for women and women with 1 -3 children.

A larger piece of property. Halfway house with high risk, extreme m/h and high needs woman

Excellent staff with high level of skills, doubled staff 24-7

Very interesting program and are seeing a lot of long-term supervision individuals.

This is a small community and most of the woman all know each other

The Youth Outreach in custody settings is doing very well. Lots of advocacy around providing groups for girls

Downtown community court is going excellent

E-fry has been lucky as they are very diversified with many funding sources


Cuts of 10% across the Fraser region

Cuts of 6.42% in Vancouver Coastal

The Agency is growing and shrinking at the same time

-Lots of referrals from Yukon and Aboriginal Agency in Vancouver/Coastal due to them having very limited capacity, also some from regional 1st nations

-Discussion og adult services and medical fragile youth being another huge piece

-Discussion of restructuring in Fraser region

-YJ, lost curfew check monitoring- 2 FTE’s, checked 50 youth a night

-Lost % of FTE in ISSP and SEY

-Unionized caused issues around bumping & bumping up

-career path Program, dealing with gang members and getting them jobs and having a mentor on site. No school just straight into a position. Some excellent results with mentors taking leadership role with these youth

-Mixed race youth & referrals come from Gang PO’s

8.Old Business

-Paul distributes a Board Voice document

-Discussion of document is a great concept and looks like to be an excellent tool

-Cheers to the Fed for setting up “Board Voice”


-Accountant at NIJH received a note & has taken it forward Agencies are obliged to collect 12% and then remit

-Ministry is telling them to bill back the whole 12% on whole contract

-Please check with Contract people and ask accountants what is happening.

Society Act Changes

-Carry over to next meeting

SS Roundtable

-Tim A, has been attending ongoing, Paul has attended one time.

-Tim Beachey & Doug Hayman are heading up

-Another good initiative

-Will again carry forward to the next meeting as Paul doesn’t have a lot to report.

Adjourned 4:55pm

10. Consultation

-Consultation with Alan Markwart, Senior executive Director MCFD and Jennifer Charlesworth, Federation of Community of SocialServices of BC

-Alan gave us all an overview of the residential redesign

-Looking at all residential services throughout the Province

-This will include all areas of Youth residential within MCFD (Residential, CYMH, YJ and CLBC)

-Discussion of CIHR, Kith and Kin, restricted Foster Care, Foster Care, Staffed Resources & Tertiary Care

-Series of consultation throughout the Province

-Partnership with the Fed in review process

-Along with targeted groups like PARCA

-Principal focus has been Foster Care and Staffed residential Care

-Timeline for focus groups is now unit, June, Interior in September

-Have the capacity for online access to the consultation and have had the opportunity to consult with 100 people so far.

-Results and captured material will be released in fall

-Leadership group will meet in Jan 2011 and then a 5 year plan will come of it.

-Discussion of the 5 year plan

-Report will be Public and will high profile

-Current economic climate will steer first 2 years

-Co-leads, both are committed in improving outcomes of young people, not a cost reduction exercise

- Separate conversations around Aboriginal Foster Care system

-Round table discussion with each Agency represented and the cuts that have occurred

-Discussion of Family Care beds $ Wrap around services and how it works far more effectively than the Level III

-Discussion of Wendy’s literature review

-Discussion of bridging to adult system, FASD, Justice related and the 18-20 year old range.

-Discussion of question; “The 1 thing you would change in a youth’s world to make things better”

-Round table on this question was excellent!

-Another great round table and special thanks to Al and Jennifer

Meeting adjourned 11:55

Next meeting in Kamloops October 6 & 7, 2010