Reading Achievement Goal: (Should be based on measured student outcomes and needs identified in your Data Analysis) (SMART Goal)
The percentage of students scoring proficient and higher in reading will increase from: 31% to 37% at grade 3;
29% to 35% at grade 4; and 33% to 36% at grade 5 as measured by CSAP.
The percentage of students scoring proficient and higher in reading will increase from 57.5% to 65% at kindergarten; 32 to 60% at first grade; and 41 to 45% at second grade as measured by DRA2.
The percentage of student scoring unsatisfactory in reading will decrease from 35 to 31% at grade 3; 38 to 34% at grade 4; and 35 to 31% at grade 5.
Equity Goal: The percentage of male students scoring unsatisfactory in reading will decrease from 44 to 34% in grades 3 to 5 combined.
Growth Goal: The median growth percentile in reading will increase from: 47th percentile to 57th percentile at grade 4; and 42nd percentile to 52nd percentile at grade 5.
Strategic Actions:
1.  Further develop content understandings: teachers will plan for and teach to grade level proficiency outcomes.
2.  Use of formative assessments: teachers will know how to analyze running records in order to provide more personal and precise reading instruction.
3.  Use of powerful instructional strategies: the School Leadership Team will understand the “elements of effective instruction” – what they look like, sound like and feel like in reading.
4.  Provide interventions: students who are significantly underperforming will receive targeted interventions.
Tasks to Support the Strategic Actions
Content Understandings:
·  Grade level teams will “plan for learning” weekly. Teacher leaders will guide the conversation so that the teams begin with student data in hand, understand what proficiency looks like for the standards that are being addressed and develop their content understandings.
·  All classroom teachers will receive monthly sub-release professional learning opportunities (vertical) to increase their understandings of how to teach inferring and predicting.
·  Teachers will meet in grade level data teams/CCL to monitor student progress in reading.
·  School leaders will recruit and develop content leaders in reading. They will be invited to participate in TL seminars and to take on leadership roles. / Professional Development in Support of the Strategic Actions
Content Understandings
Monthly sub release days for content understandings: twelve teachers in the morning and twelve in the afternoon – same content. Vertical teams will have representatives of each grade level. Teacher leaders, district coach and reading leadership team will plan for it. Scheduled for December 9, 2009, January 13, 2010, and February 10, 2010
Formative Assessments:
·  Teacher leaders will provide training and support to teachers on how to administer and analyze running records.
·  Teachers will select a target group of students with which to learn about these formative assessments.
·  Teachers will learn how to address the needs of students based on the information gained through these formative assessments. Teacher leaders will guide the learning through individual coaching, data team meetings and collaborative coaching and learning opportunities. / Formative Assessments
After school extended staff development every other month. Scheduled for December 9, February 10, and April 14.
Follow up by the teacher leaders in individual coaching and CCL.
Instructional strategies:
·  The School Leadership Team (SLT) will self assess on the “elements of effective instruction”. They will select the ones that they will learn about and understand better. They will visit each other’s classrooms and come to collective understandings of what each of these looks, sounds and feels like.
·  The SLT will know enough about these to make a recommendation on how to introduce them to the whole staff during the 2010-2011 school year.
·  Grade level teams will identify students who are two or more years below grade level or who have made little or no growth.
·  Time and staff resources will be allocated to provide daily additional and targeted instruction to these students to address their needs.
·  LLI will be purchased and staff will be hired and trained to use this for the targeted students in grades K – 3.
·  Native English speakers may receive reading intervention during the ELD block. / Interventions
·  Train intervention staff to utilize the LLI.
Metrics: CSAP; DRA2; Interim assessments; Mondo assessments; running records
Math Achievement Goal: The percentage of students scoring proficient and higher in math CSAP will increase from: 35% to 41% at grade 3; 47% to 50% at grade 4; and 27% to 50% at grade 5.
The percentage of student scoring unsatisfactory in math will decrease from 30 to 27% at grade 3; 20 to 18% at grade 4; and 35 to 31% at grade 5.
Additional goals
Kinder: 80% at “counting objects” KR assessment
First grade: 75% at “hiding numbers” and “more/less trains” KR assessments
Second grade: 80% at KR assessments 7 and 8
Third grade:75% at KR assessment 9 and 80% meeting all the 3rd grade PVC standards
Fourth grade: 75% meeting all the 4th grade PVC standards
Fifth grade: 75% meeting all the 5th grade PVC standards and 50% meeting the rational number interview
Growth Goal: The median growth percentile in math will be maintained at higher than 65th percentile at grade 4 and will increase from 37th percentile to 50th percentile at grade 5.
Equity Goal: The percentage of male students scoring proficient or advanced in math will increase from 29 to 39% in grades 3 to 5 combined.
Strategic Actions:
·  Further develop content understandings: teachers will plan for and teach to grade level proficiency outcomes.
·  Use of formative assessments: teachers will know how to analyze the CLP and PVC in order to provide more personal and precise math instruction.
·  Use of powerful instructional strategies: the School Leadership Team will understand the “elements of effective instruction” – what they look like, sound like and feel like in math.
·  Provide interventions: students who are significantly underperforming will receive targeted interventions.
Tasks to Support the Strategic Actions
Content Understandings:
·  Grade level teams will “plan for learning” weekly. Teacher leaders will guide the conversation so that the teams begin with student data in hand, understand what proficiency looks like for the standards that is being addressed and develop their content understandings.
·  Monthly sub release professional learning for all classroom teachers focusing on number sense and computation
·  Data team meetings and Collaborative Coaching to monitor student progress in these content areas paying particular attention to male students.
·  Recruit and develop content leaders from across grade levels. Invite them to participate in TL seminars and to take on leadership roles. / Professional Development in Support of the Strategic Actions
Content Understandings:
·  Monthly sub-released half-days.
·  Weekly grade level “planning for learning”
Formative Assessments:
·  Teacher leaders will provide training and support to teachers on how to administer and analyze the CLP and PVC.
·  Teachers will learn how to address the needs of students based on the information gained through these formative assessments. Teacher leaders will guide the learning through individual coaching, DTM and CCL.
·  Teachers will monitor and report progress for their male students on a monthly basis. / Formative Assessments:
·  New teachers will be provided a full day inservice on November 13 on how to analyze the KR data to plan for instruction. Teacher leaders will follow up with individual coaching.
·  A double block of planning time, covered internally, directly following each KR assessment window (primary teachers).
·  A double block of planning time, covered internally, at the beginning of each quarter to analyze the PVC and plan for stations (intermediate teachers).
·  Whole group professional learning: Teachers will align formative assessments with the new standards-based report cards. Grade level teams will decide how they will monitor for report card benchmarks. Date set: November 11, 2009.
·  Other dates of extended staff development for every other month.
Instructional Strategies:
·  SLT will self assess on the “elements of effective instruction”. They will select the ones that they will learn about and understand better. They will visit each other’s classrooms and come to collective understandings of what each of these looks, sounds and feels like.
·  SLT will know enough about these to make a recommendation on how to introduce them to the whole staff during the 2010-2011 school year.
·  SLT will discuss how the elements of effective instruction affect gender performance.
·  Grade level teams will identify students and their gaps who are performing two or more years below grade level. They will collaborate to find time in the day to group these students for additional instruction that addresses their needs.
·  Time and staff resources will be allocated to provide daily additional and targeted instruction to these students to address their needs.
·  Individual teachers will provide daily targeted interventions to male students who are scoring PP through effective use of stations and independent work time. / ·  Teacher leaders will develop the classroom teachers’ ability in providing targeted interventions.
Metrics: CSAP; Critical Learning Phases and Place Value Interviews; interim assessments; Kathy Richardson Assessments; Rational Number Interview; end of unit assessments.
Writing Achievement Goal: (Should be based on measured student outcomes and needs identified in your Data Analysis) (SMART Goal)
The percentage of students scoring proficient and higher in writing will increase from: 18% to 30% at grade 3;
24% to 30% at grade 4; and 20% to 30% at grade 5 as measured by CSAP.
Growth Goal: The median growth percentile in writing will increase from: 62nd percentile to 65th percentile at grade 4; and 54th percentile to 59th percentile at grade 5.
Equity Goal: The percentage of male students scoring proficient or advanced in writing will increase from 12% to 22% in grades 3 to 5 combined.
Strategic Actions:
·  Further develop content understandings: teachers will plan for and teach to grade level proficiency outcomes.
·  Use of formative assessments: teachers will monitor progress towards proficiency in order to provide more personal and precise writing instruction.
Tasks to Support the Strategic Actions
1.  Teachers will use the “Elements of Genre” grids to monitor for student learning and instructional effectiveness.
2.  Teachers will develop their understandings of Explicit English Language Development instruction.
3.  Teacher leaders, administrators and other grade level leaders will develop their content understandings for the instruction of writing
4.  Writing Leadership Team refines writing practices and takes new learning to grade level teams. / Professional Development in Support of the Strategic Actions
Weekly whole staff professional development on Explicit Language Development.
Grade level leaders attend Lucy Calkins Writing Academy
Metrics: CSAP; Interim assessments, student writing samples, elements of genre grids.

Community - Parent and Community Engagement Goal

Goal: : The percentage of African American parents that participate in parent activities (PTO, Accountability, volunteerism and parent education opportunities) will be 18% to match the ethnic representation of our student population.
Strategic Actions: (This may be instructional strategies, parental engagement strategies, community building strategies, and so on.)
1.  Reach out to African American parents
2.  Provide culturally relevant opportunities for participation
Tasks to Support the Strategic Actions
1.  Establish a support group for parents of African American students.
2.  Personally invite African American parents to participate in PTO, volunteer activities, Accountability committee and parent education opportunities.
3.  Designate an African American staff member to help with communication with parents.
4.  Educate staff members on cultural diversity.
5.  Ask African American parents what to do to increase parental involvement.
Revised 10/6/09 / Professional Development in Support of the Strategic Actions
In-service on African American culture for staff and/or strategies for working with diverse students.
Cross cultural education for parents, staff and students.
Metric(s): data from the PTO Manager; sign-in sheets;

Environment - Staff Climate and Culture Goal

Goal: The percentage of staff members that agree and strongly agree that there is an atmosphere of trust and respect between building administrators and staff will increase from 30% to 50%.
Strategic Actions:
1.  Administrators will be purposeful about developing relationships of trust with staff.
Tasks to Support the Strategic Actions
1.  Administrators will purposefully reach out to staff to foster relationships and understand their concerns.
2.  Staff and administrators will revisit the norms for adult behavior that were developed by staff.
3.  Staff will reach out to administrators whenever in doubt.
4.  Administrators will point out strengths and successes to staff.
5.  Teacher leaders and members of the school leadership team will serve as a conduit to inform administrators of issues and concerns.
6.  Staff will approach administrators whenever they have doubts or concerns. / Professional Development in Support of the Strategic Actions
True Colors and team-building activities during one of the pre-service days.
Metric(s): Staff climate survey administered by the district.

Environment - School Safety, Climate and Culture Goal – (Students)

Goal: (Should be based on needs identified in your Performance Analysis. Include any strategies that increase the safety of students such as anti-bullying strategies.)(Smart Goal)
Reduce the over-representation of males in discipline office referrals by 10%.
Strategic Actions: (This may be instructional strategies, parental engagement strategies, community building strategies, and so on.)
1.  Increase teachers’ consistency to provide positive behavior supports.
2.  Increase teachers’ consistency to document student misbehaviors.
3.  Support students with the greatest behavioral and emotional needs
4.  Increase staff awareness of male gender culture.
Tasks to Support the Strategic Actions
1.  Identify the students that were responsible for the greatest number of office referrals and make a plan for supporting them from the onset. Encourage staff to mentor these students. Be purposeful about their placement.
2.  Review with staff the positive behavior support structures including Wolf Bucks and Leader of the Pack Assemblies and the discipline procedures for misbehaviors.
3.  A student intervention team composed of administrators, clerk and psychologists will meet bi-weekly to discuss students that may be of concern. This allows the team to be proactive at intervening with students before there are major problems.
4.  Provide information to the staff on male behavior patterns. / Professional Development in Support of the Strategic Actions
Diversity training on gender equity
Metric(s): Discipline data from Infinite Campus

Environment - Attendance and Enrollment Goal