 What to submit:

-- (1) Provide either a text file or Word doc file with your finished 3NF LDM solution in the email/text format
(i.e. entities like "Entity1 ((keydata1,keydata2)(K), nonkey1, nonkey2,...)" and
relationships like "Verb: Entity1 1:M Entity2" ), with one Entity or Reln per line.
Note: Only maximums are required on these text reln statements for this problem.

-- (2) Provide an E-R Diagram, that matches your 3NF LDM result, as a PDF or JPG or PPT or Word doc. The diagram can be handdrawn if legible. Remember to include the minimums and at least one verb per reln line.


The Boston Food Review Weekly wants the following collection of 23 data items to be implemented in a database to manage its reviews of restaurants in several towns.

Provide the 3NF LDM that satisfies these requirements.

Data items:

Count-of-Items-on-Menu, Date-Tried, Food-Ordered, Head-Chef, Location-Address, Meal-Number, Nearest-T-Stop, Number-of-Locations, Number-of-Specials, Number-of-Tables, Phone-Number, Price-Range-High, Price-Range-Low, Quality-Rating, Restaurant-Name, Review-Comments, Reviewer-Name, Reviewer-Phone-Number, Specialties, Time-Meal-Served, Time-of-Reservation, Time-Seated, Town

The following describe key business rules, definitions, requirements and relationships between data items:

A: A restaurant may have more than one location (e.g. Legal Seafoods, Pizzeria Uno). To be sure that reviews are accurate, the exact location of the test meal must be specified.

B: A reviewer may sample several restaurants in one day. Several reviewers may try the same restaurant on the same day at different times. Each test meal is identified by a meal number.

C: The food ordered and review comments data items are open text fields where reviewer comments are entered as free-form descriptions.

D: Each specialty of the restaurant at that location must be documented. Users want to look up where to go for a good Baked Scrod, etc. Specialties may be different at other locations of the same restaurant.

E: When the reviewer conducts a test meal, many facts are recorded, such as: times of the reservation, actual seating, and meal service suggesting how efficient patrons find the service; numbers of items on the regular menu and on the specials of the day list suggesting the diversity of options the patron has available; high and low of the price range suggesting how affordable the restaurant is.

F: The quality rating is the reviewer's assessment of the dining experience on a 1 to 10 scale.

G: Some restaurants have the same head chef supervise a number of locations. No head chef ever works for more than one restaurant.


Please do not create any data items or write any ideas into this problem that are not stated here explicitly. (Doing so might change the scope of the problem or the system boundary, turning it into a more difficult problem.)