System Integrators----


Bound by Ethics**Committed to Professionalism**Driven Towards Excellence

Shane D. MullenExecutive Vice-President

Change Coalition Minutes

August 13, 2005


Shawn, Kevin Turner, Chris Bedore, Tim Peterson, Alex M, Brad, Bill, Sheila,

Shawn started the meeting by listing the 3 things he wanted to accomplish in the meeting.

1.Talk about Changes

2. Details for the upcoming company retreat

3. Pre-employment presentation


Observation: Matt had sent an e-mail regarding the work that Cliff that performed on the fire alarm system at (Rockwell City, Litton CSD) couldn’t help but get us the job at USD because the administrator for Linton

Shawn “Steven is finishing up the newsletter, according to Shawn he is including an atta boy section”


Very close to be finished being moved into the branch office. Bill implemented Monday morning branch meetings. Bill is expecting all Branch members to be there. At this meetings Bill goes over everything. To date, not much feedback from the employees.


Wow, changing the literature for the sales team getting really well organized. Alex feels that Roy did some remarkable craftsmanship on the piping on the Cabala’s project. Comment on Safety, Bill has addressed the issue of safety with Roy who has developed a piece of equipment to handle himself. But Bill has informed Roy that Matt will be


New people, new office, Hired a new trainee named Pete. Pushing Hard and asking questions. Trying to move Zoë through to get upstairs. Our daily meetings have helped a great deal in communication. It really works to bring people together. Tim says a multitude of changes.

Bill had asked Tim when it was that the techs actually call in, as he needs to implement in Hastings

Kevin: (Rev)

The last 6 weeks, the changing face of PCI, when we started last September we were hoping that not everyone would still be here. Both from hiring and from people leaving. That pace will continue for the next 6-12 months. We are making the investment/resources to change the company. Kevin is a little nervous regarding the money side of the business specifically the payroll.


As best can be expected. The techs have not seen the change. The first week or two with Kevin being gone. Everyone is not on eggshells but the question as to why Kevin is leaving is still uncertain to the techs even though Kevin and qualified people may take that position. Chris doesn’t think that there has been much change


Noticed people walking through the new building. Taking an interest in what’s going on. Jerry Levander is starting to change. Maybe thinking that he actually has to change. Sheila told Jerry earlier this week that if he was going to yell he needed to go elsewhere.

The GE alliance access control system, Greg has been trained on and according to Bill, Brad is the type of system that we need to start going to


Lots of things

The role of the change coalition and the management team has come into focus over the course of the past two weeks. Shawn mentioned. With the issues surrounding DJM, cancer issue with MM has now emerged into the roles that we started them from. This is not just busy work that we are involved in. We cannot keep defaulting to DJM to set the direction. We have to find the self-discipline for urgency. Need to be less Denny dependent. Our values and principal needs to be played out everyday. Mark and Mike have both left. Justin has stepped up to the plate and began to take command. The new hire Phil cottinghamn is a plug and play tech. He has stepped in and just gone. Shawn has had to relay heavily on Matt and Jerry L. Both guys have been extremely devoted to getting the things done. They did find out that the reason Mike A. left was because of the accountability. Shawn then spoke about David Johnson and the way that he applied. He knew about PCI because of our web site. Shawn has met with David and we are continuing to pursue him.


Spoke about the web site. Kevin Black and Tim went on a site survey for Pepsi. The guy from Pepsi said that the way that he found us off the GE web-site (because they have a casi system). Pepsi was looking for a casi service provider to do the plants in this area.

The GE web site listed 2 companies. This guy choose PCI over the other company just because of our web-site and the fact that we list 40 years in business as well as all the things we do.

Shawn then went to the GE web site to see exactly how the guy found us. Time was spent searching GE and we did not find out where he found us.


All responses were sent into Mark Summers. Mark will be with us on Tuesday 8/15 to review. He is to help us define our vision

Company Retreat:

Thus 10/20 & Friday 10/21:

Mark will allow all employees to interact in groups that they normally do not interact with.

Also, Thursday night after diner is served to get the groups to focus on enumerating tech, company and pop culture change from when the company started until today. This will demonstrate to the employees how things have really changed.

Friday we will have a series of compressed sessions 2 in the a:m and have 1 after lunch. To under stand the dynamics of a company that has three offices. Communicate to the employees that the C2 is not a high & mighty things but rather a tool in the growing process.

Retreat ideas:

No Scott Conf Center, no dumps

The group conscience is to have everything at one place where people are somewhat sequestered


Look at Mahoney State Park:

Arbor lodge in Nebraska City:

Some small town that has a quaint hotel:

 Old Market Area

Colleges that hold business retreats

Lincoln has 38th & Holdrege

Re-treat Schedule

Thursday –10/20/05

6:00-6:30 – Greeting/Social ½ hr.

6:30 7:30 - Diner

7:30-9:00 - Mark Summers


6:30-7:45 -Continental Breakfast

8:00-9:45 -Start classes at 8:00

9:45-10:00 Break-coffee/rolls

10:00-11:45-Class Sessions

11:45-1:00 Lunch (Sandwich board) Recognition of special employees, NICET etc… have the web-site showing in the background for all to see, lead track, quote trak etc…

1:00 –3:00 Class sessions, end

3:30 Sales Meeting - Hotel must have wi-fi or connection to Internet

PRE-EMPLOYEMENT PRESENTATION: Currently exists in the “about PCI” Section

We can edit or adjust the “what about PCI”

For those that either schedule an interview or walk in off the street

A current PCI employee will take the applicant into a room where they can log onto the PCI web site. From there they will view the power point presentation “Welcome to Protex Central.”

Have (wallpaper) pictures in the background that depicts the jobs we do. Not just a solid color.

Version 1.2 adds voice to the presentation that states more detail about the company.

Version 1.2 list prime customers in a “fly-in” fashion using pictures that show the facility and not referencing the actual company name.

The remainder of the meeting was spent clarifying the pre-employment PowerPoint

Next meeting date is:

Tuesday 8/16/05 @ 12:30 sharp

1239 North Minnesota * P.O. Box 1467 * Hastings, Ne 68902 * 800-274-0888 Fax 402-463-6057

3305 104th Street * Urbandale, Ia 50322 * 800-274-0889 Fax 515-252-8946

1246 Royal Drive * Papillion, Ne 68046 * 402-592-8225* 800-274-0887 Fax 402-592-8222

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