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Journal article information
Title: Reporting of adverse events in surgical trials: critical appraisal of current practice
Journal: World Journal of surgery
Authors: Rachel Rosenthal, MD, MSc, Henry Hoffmann, MD, Kerry Dwan, PhD, Pierre-Alain Clavien, MD, PhD, Heiner C. Bucher, MD, MPH
Corresponding author: Rachel Rosenthal, Department of Surgery, University Hospital Basel, Spitalstrasse 26, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland, Phone: +41 61 556 53 63, Fax: +41 61 265 88 81, Email:
Online-Only References (References of the studies included in the analysis)
* references of the studies included in the analysis (other references in the manuscript are presented without *)
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3* Ishikawa Y, Kiyama T, Haga Y, et al. Maximalsterilebarrierprecautions do not reduce catheter-related bloodstream infections in general surgery units: a multi-institutional randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg2010; 251(4):620-623.
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5* Langeveld HR, van't Riet M, Weidema WF, et al. Totalextraperitonealinguinalherniarepaircompared with Lichtenstein (the LEVEL-Trial): a randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg2010;251(5):819-824.
6* Danielsen PL, Agren MS, Jorgensen LN.Platelet-richfibrinversusalbumin in surgicalwoundrepair: a randomizedtrial with paireddesign. Ann Surg2010;251(5):825-831.
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11* Burdess A, Nimmo AF, Garden OJ, et al. Randomized controlled trial of dualantiplatelettherapy in patientsundergoingsurgery for criticallimbischemia. Ann Surg 2010; 252(1):37-42.
12* Peeters E, Spiessens C, Oyen R, et al.Laparoscopicinguinalherniarepair in men with lightweightmeshes may significantly impairspermmotility: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 2010; 252(2):240-246.
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14* Jochmans I, Moers C, Smits JM, et al. Machineperfusionversuscold storage for the preservation of kidneysdonatedaftercardiac death: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. Ann Surg 2010; 252(5):756-764.
15* Petrowsky H, Breitenstein S, Slankamenac K, et al. Effects of pentoxifylline on liverregeneration: a double-blinded, randomized, controlledtrial in 101patientsundergoingmajorliverresection. Ann Surg 2010; 252(5):813-822.
16* Bretagnol F, Panis Y, Rullier E, et al.; French Research Group of Rectal CancerSurgery (GRECCAR). Rectal cancersurgery with or without bowelpreparation: The French GRECCAR IIImulticentersingle-blindedrandomizedtrial. Ann Surg 2010; 252(5):863-868.
17* Fischer M, Matsuo K, Gonen M, et al. Relationship between intraoperativefluidadministration and perioperativeoutcomeafterpancreaticoduodenectomy: results of a prospective randomized trial of acute normovolemichemodilution compared with standard intraoperative management. Ann Surg2010;252(6):952-958.
18* Bernard SA, Nguyen V, Cameron P, et al. Prehospitalrapidsequenceintubationimprovesfunctionaloutcome for patients with severetraumaticbraininjury: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 2010; 252(6):959-965.
19* Gervaz P, Inan I, Perneger T, et al.A prospective, randomized, single-blindcomparison of laparoscopicversusopensigmoidcolectomy for diverticulitis.Ann Surg2010; 252(1):3-8.
20* Bassi C, Molinari E, Malleo G, et al. Earlyversuslatedrainremovalafterstandardpancreaticresections: results of a prospective randomized trial. Ann Surg 2010; 252(2):207-214.
21* Huang J, Yan L, Cheng Z, et al.A randomizedtrialcomparingradiofrequencyablation and surgicalresection for HCCconforming to the Milancriteria.Ann Surg2010; 252(6):903-912.
22* Rogers SJ, Cello JP, Horn JK, et al. Prospectiverandomizedtrial of LC+LCBDEvsERCP/S+LC for commonbileductstonedisease. ArchSurg 2010;145(1):28-33.
23* Itani KM, Hur K, Kim LT, et al. Comparison of laparoscopic and openrepair with mesh for the treatment of ventralincisionalhernia: a randomized trial. Arch Surg2010; 145(4):322-328.
24* Mishra PK, Mathias H, Millar K, et al.A randomizedcontrolledtrial to assess the effect of audiotapedconsultations on the quality of informedconsent in cardiacsurgery.ArchSurg2010; 145(4):383-388.
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26* Schmittner MD, Schreiber H, Janke A, et al.Randomizedclinicaltrial of perianalsurgeryperformedunderspinalsaddleblockversustotalintravenousanaesthesia. Br J Surg 2010; 97(1):12-20.
27* Mekako AI, Chetter IC, Coughlin PA, et al.; Hull, Antibiotic pRophylaxis in varicose VeinSurgeryTrialists (HARVEST). Randomized clinical trial of co-amoxiclavversus no antibiotic prophylaxis in varicose veinsurgery.Br J Surg 2010; 97(1):29-36.
28* Søvik TT, Taha O, Aasheim ET, et al. Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopicgastric bypassversuslaparoscopicduodenalswitch for superobesity.Br J Surg2010; 97(2):160-166.
29* Nyström PO, Qvist N, Raahave D, et al. Randomized clinical trial of symptomcontrolafterstapledanopexy or diathermyexcision for haemorrhoidprolapse. Br J Surg2010; 97(2):167-176.
30* Hessman O, Westerdahl J, Al-Suliman N, et al. Randomized clinical trialcomparingopen with video-assistedminimallyinvasiveparathyroidsurgery for primary hyperparathyroidism. Br J Surg 2010; 97(2):177-184.
31* Wang ZG, Wang Q, Wang WJ, et al. Randomized clinical trial to compare the effects of preoperativeoralcarbohydrateversusplacebo on insulin resistanceaftercolorectal surgery. Br J Surg 2010; 97(3):317-327.
32* Subramonia S, Lees T.Randomized clinical trial of radiofrequencyablation or conventionalhighligation and stripping for greatsaphenousvaricose veins. Br J Surg 2010; 97(3):328-336.
33* Maggiori L, Rullier E, Meyer C, et al. Randomizedcontrolledtrial of pelviccalciumalginatefollowingrectalcancersurgery. Br J Surg 2010; 97(4):479-484.
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37* Jiang ZM, Wilmore DW, Wang XR, et al. Randomizedclinicaltrial of intravenoussoybeanoilaloneversussoybeanoilplusfishoilemulsionaftergastrointestinalcancersurgery. Br J Surg 2010; 97(6):804-809.
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40* Braga M, Frasson M, Zuliani W, et al. Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopicversusopenleftcolonicresection. Br J Surg 2010; 97(8):1180-1186.
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42* Hendry PO, van Dam RM, Bukkems SF, et al.; EnhancedRecoveryAfterSurgery (ERAS) Group. Randomizedclinicaltrial of laxatives and oralnutritionalsupplements within an enhancedrecoveryaftersurgeryprotocolfollowingliverresection.Br J Surg2010; 97(8):1198-1206.
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46* Reid K, Pockney P, Pollitt T, et al. Randomized clinical trial of short-termoutcomesfollowingpurse-stringversusconventionalclosure of ileostomywounds.Br J Surg 2010; 97(10):1511-1517.
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50* Chalmers RT, Darling III RC, Wingard JT, et al. Randomized clinical trial of tranexamicacid-freefibrin sealant during vascular surgical procedures. Br J Surg 2010; 97(12):1784-1789.
51* Watanabe M, Murakami M, Nakao K, et al. Randomizedclinicaltrial of the influence of mechanicalbowelpreparation on faecalmicroflora in patientsundergoingcoloniccancerresection. Br J Surg 2010; 97(12):1791-1797.