Welcome to 7th Grade!

Team 7-2 Guidelines

Agenda: Most students were not given a paper agenda this year. Assignments will be recorded in the calendar on your Macbook. (Put in in the Dock). During 4th period, your teacher will review the team homework for the day, and you will record it in the electronic calendar.

MacBook: Team Guidelines

·  Always transport your computer in a sleeve or backpack. Backpacks and sleeves MUST be kept out of the aisles. Do not store your Macbook in your locker.

·  Charge your computer at home, not at school.

·  Clean your computer with a microfiber rag intended for cleaning technological devices.

·  Only open your computers when directed by your teacher, and only when you are seated.

·  No drinks allowed on desks when computers are out.

·  “45 Degrees”: when you are working on your computer and your teacher wants your undivided attention, “45” or “45 Degrees” means to pull your screen down partially so that you do not lose your WiFi signal and the computer does not go to “sleep” but you are not looking at the screen or typing.

·  If you are off task during computer work—non-allowable website, not doing the assigned work, etc.—your teachers will cut off your computer privilege for the rest of the day. If your teacher decides that is not possible due to the class activity or effect on others, you will receive a demerit instead.

·  Saving Documents: Your files should be saved to your Team Desktop Folder, which will have a place for saving documents for each core class. Additionally, you should back up your files to either a flash drive or One Drive.

·  Technical Problems: Ask 3 Before Me!

·  Side Note: Your phone and other electronic devices are not equal with your Macbook. Those devices should not be out during class unless you are instructed by a teacher to do so. Two day detention still applies for violations of that technology procedure.

Morning/Afternoon Procedures

7:00 AM: Library passes available in the office

7:30-7:50: Cafeteria and Plaza open; teachers are available upon request

3:00: Students must clear the building unless the are supervised by a teacher. Wait in the front lobby for your ride, if necessary.

Lunch Procedures

·  Walk silently to lunch in a single file line.

·  Ask for permission to get up.

·  Wait until the your table is checked and dismissed before going to the field.

·  Take care of your trays and garbage!

·  Lunch Detention will still be utilized for students who need to complete work (3rd Floor SBDM).

Mrs. Kampschmidt’s Classroom:

Reading Book: You must always have a book to read! The book may be paperback book or one to read electronically. On some days, you may not have a lot of extra time to read, but you need to always be prepared with one for when you do have time.

Late Work: It is accepted for half credit.

Supplies: You will need your Macbook, LA Folder, and pencil. Although our Springboard book is online, we will still be completing some things with pencil and paper. (Collect Folders)

Backpacks: Backpacks or bags MUST be out of the aisle.

Food and Drink: Gum is allowed. Do not abuse your privilege. Water is allowed, but must be in a sealable bottle or cup. You are not allowed to have your water on your desk while your computer is on the desk as well.

Entering the Classroom: Our warm up procedure will be practiced next week.

Class Interruptions:

·  Raise your hand to be called upon to speak, unless I instruct you otherwise.

·  Sharpen your pencil before class starts or during quiet time in class.

Restroom: Go to the restroom in between classes when possible. If you need to go during class, find an appropriate time (not during direct instruction or directions) and do not abuse this privilege. Use the sign out sheet.