Protein Synthesis

  • Protein synthesis is the making of ______, using the information that is found in ______.
  • Proteins are long chains of small molecules called ______. Different proteins are made by using a ______sequence of amino acids.
  • Pieces of information in DNA are called ______.

Transcription: means ______

  • Protein synthesis begins with the ______molecule. The DNA of this gene will ______like it does in replication. *The enzyme that separates the DNA strand at a specific gene is ______.
  • In protein synthesis, only ______of the DNA will be used.
  • A single strand of ______forms and ______(copies) the genetic information from the DNA. This strand of RNA is called ______or mRNA. *The enzyme that connects and assembles the ribonucleotides is called ______.
  • The DNA “zips” closed and remains in the ______.
  • The mRNA will leave the nucleus and travel to a ______.

FYI: RNA which stands for RIBONUCLEIC ACID is ______stranded, contains a ______sugar, and has URACIL instead of ______.


mRNA Strand:


  • The mRNA contains information in sets of ______and each set of ______codes for a specific ______. Each set of three is called a CODON.
  • The mRNA molecule wil attach to the ______found in the cell. Ribosomes are also made up of RNA. Ribosomal RNA is called ______. (Where in the cell are ribosomes (rRNA) made? ______)
  • A molecule of ______RNA or tRNA will carry in the proper amino acid. If the tRNA ANTICODON matches with the codon sequence, the tRNA will attach temporarily to the mRNA strand.
  • After a 2nd tRNA molecule matches an mRNA codon, an amino acid will be deposited. tRNAs will continue to deposit amino acids when codons and anti-codons match. The bond created between 2 amino acids is called a ______bond.
  • The chain of amino acids is called a poly______or a ______.