protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms

Diplomatic visit of the President Miloš Zeman in Russia – November 2017. The biggest diplomatic mission that was ever dispatched, more than 140 participants. I was pleased to be a member of this President's mission.

The Alena Vitáskova Institute, for which I participated in this mission, deals with the protection of human rights and freedoms. The Institute is not funded by unknown foreign agencies, which are more interested in lobbying, enforcing their interests, or in disrupting good relations between the nations instead of protecting human rights.

Russia is a country I have visited many times. Surely every participant in this mission was interested in something else. Business opportunities, culture, sport, tourism, or the incredible wealth that this country has to offer. By wealth, I mean both, mineral and cultural/scientific. The wealth of this nation I see in a huge national sense and pride. The nation that had lost the most lives in World War II - over 25 million people. Almost every family lost at least one person in the great patriotic war, the people they loved, those who had the right to live, which is the fundamental right of man.

I consider it is a duty for every decent person to honor these miserable human lives. To ensure that such atrocities can never, ever be repeated.

It was my duty to initiate the Institute for the protection of Human Rights and Freedoms just as a honor for those who wanted to live. They wanted to enjoy their life not die in wartime conflict. The right to live, live in peace, personal freedoms is the basis of the Institute's activities.

I appreciated honoring the war heroines and heroes by the President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman in Moscow, honoring those who participated in the struggle against fascism and liberating the Czechoslovakia. Only those who do not know the past have no future ahead. Only a poor man, who did not have respect for human life, heroism and bravery, can sit in a café or a pastry shop in Prague and make history according to the order. They spit on all marked ones.

In fact, I think it is necessary to apologize to Prague cafés and pastry shops. They are wonderful places to meet with friends or just sit over a cup of coffee. That is why I will change this common used group’s name "Pražská kavárna/Prague café"[1] for „Prague spitters“. Please do not mess spitting with swimming[2], even though their members are really good swimmers in their own shit, of course with the effective cooperation of some "so-called media". The name "so-called media " I will explain in the explanatory notes to this commentary.

The first part of my journey - live in peace, respect for life, freedoms, empathy for ordinary people - was by this mission fulfilled. As a chairwoman of the Institute, I’m not gaining experiences only from my 6-year term as head of the Energy Regulatory Office, but also from the longterm analysis of the life of ordinary people in the Czech Republic. Their complaints, cries and the despair does not concern anyone. Because of that the Institute is directly overwhelmed by this "pain". The laws are not for humans, but for thiefs and tripes. The laws had to be simple and should make clear interpretation for a non- studied person.

We must fight for respect for human rights and freedoms especially in our country. I cannot penalize my neighbour for throwing thrash on the street while I am taking a shit on it.

The second part of my journey, which I was intensively and conscientiously preparing, is the international platform for discussion led by the Institute. Main topic is "Energy resources and their impact on the environment". With environmental issues is dealing the second section of the Institute.

For better relations between countries it is very important cultural and sport cooperation too. As a great success I find a discussion with possible publishers about printing my trilogy "Solar Barons in Russia.

Explanation of the terms "media" and "so-called" media".

Media - inform about events seriously and fairly, without the intention of harming anyone. They are not paid by any interest group or individual. They are independent and not idiotic. They are surprisingly oriented in the issues they present to people.

"The so-called media"- they inform only about half of the facts, within order of their client, and at the same time to satisfy it’s owner and fulfill his assignment. Moreover, some of them are really stupid. If you want to have a quiet life I honestly recommend to keep them away as far as you could.

For illustration, let me say at least two examples:

1) "The so-called media" post: „Vitásková is non-enforceably convicted to 8 and half years for granting a license by a fraud.” That's a halfway true. What writer forgot to say is that: The licenses were granted on New Year’s Eve more than half a year before Vitásková has taken the office. Those who issued the licences are in court only as witnesses. Vitasková is convicted of not removing the licences from ovners, even though it actually wasnt her agenda.

2) „The so-called media” doesn‘t even notice that the newly appointed members of the Energy Regulatory Office’s Council were appointed according to a questionable key. For example, Mr. Rostislav Krejcar, a person who worked for the ERO more than 5 years ago, is responsible for fixing the purchase prices for the renewable resources, when these high prices overstepped not only the rules for setting them up but also the law. His actions cost the Czech republic billions of crowns. In 2008, the ČVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague) vainly pointed out that the investment costs of renewable resources are about CZK 70 000, while the ERO counted CZK 110 000. Why is this person in position like this? Will he be useful to set prices for another theft from public finances? Will he construct other crimes to cover up the felony of those who helped him into this position? Mr. Rostislav Krejcar was appointed to the Council by the government of Bohuslav Sobotka.

The Institute will not provide statements and interviews to the „so-called media". We recommend you to pay attention to affairs such as OKD, the biomethane tunnel, lithium and other interesting themes that causes damage to the economy, environment and the living of ordinary people.

Prague, 26th November 2017

[1] In the Czech republic the intelectual society living in Prague are called „Prague cafe“ – „Pražská kavárna“.

[2] In Czech language the verb „to spit“ („plivat“) is very similar to „plavat“ which means to swim.