Music Hub Board Minutes
Tuesday 9 May 2017
4.00pm – 6.00pm
Rob Smith (RS) - School Improvement Adviser (Sport & Culture) (Chair)
Julie Dorr (JD) -School Improvement Adviser (Music) Music Hub Lead
Gavin Dudley (GD)-Backworth Brass Band
Andi Anderson (AA) -Y Studio
Beth Arnott Mellish (BAM) - Enjoy Music Shop
Julie MacNaughton (JMC) -Valley Gardens Middle school
John Walsh (JW) – Percy Main Primary school
Andy Slade (AS) – North Tyneside Peripatetic
Douglas Gibson (DG) – NT Steel Pans
Ian Colthart (IC) – Mr C Events
Kitty Porteous (KP) – Arts Council, observer
Sharon Harries - School Improvement Service Support Officer
Selwyn Thompson (ST) – North East Church of England Academy, Ashington
Item / Actions1. / Welcome and introductions
· RS welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
2. / Apologies
· Apologies received, third meeting that ST has been unable to attend, may need to review date and time of meetings to enable STs attendance. JD to follow up. / JD
3. / Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
· Agreed as a true record.
· JW/JD/JM meeting in the summer term to discuss finance. End of year budgets is on main agenda.
· Invites have been sent to governors to visit schools and attend performances. / JW/JD/JM
4 / Governance updated constitution and TOR
· Review from the governance workshop carried out by Black Radley, an external agency who worked with all North East Hubs and were commissioned and paid for by Culture Bridge North, was distributed showing the strengths and weaknesses of the music hub.
· This is a confidential survey for each music hub, could share findings informally with other hubs but each hub working differently and have a different focus.
· Terms of reference have been looked at and updated, annual review and scrutiny needed.
· Constitution distributed and discussed with some amendments suggested. JD to update points as below
1. Purpose - opening sentence to be amended, JD to update.
2. Membership of Governing Body – include SEND representative, which could be a parent and also highlight there needs at least a 40% representation on the governing body.
3. Amend first bullet point by removing the word hub.
5. 5.1 take out support and advice.
7. IR35 legislation may impact, to be included in point 7?
10. Advice needed on indemnity, KP to seek advice and feedback. JD/RS to also ask advice from North Tyneside Council procurement / HR. / JD
5 / Funding and Arts Council updates and SLA
· KP updated group on the DfE grant, process has changed, hubs now have three year funding. JD will need to complete a 1500 word application reviewing last five years and looking at projections for 2018-2020 to secure funding. If any of the group have ambitious project ideas please inform JD to enable her to add to application.
· Confirmation of the re-application process will be forward to JD on 11 May 2017.
· KP and JD to meet and discuss business plan for 2017-18 which still needs to be submitted but not until November 2017, with the draft submitted on 4 July 2017.
· JD distributed budget spreadsheet for financial year end March 2017 and explained the income from the SLA, the carry forward, creditors still owed and any surplus, which at present is approx £30k.
· Music hub is more viable, the grant enables the hub to move forward and be more flexible but caution is needed as it is the grant which has enable this income to be generated.
· JD explained to group what schools receive for the SLA, which is good value for money. Music SLA starts in April rather than September.
· North Tyneside procurement team have carried out a survey of the schools SLA and the evaluation feedback (shared with group) was very good. / JD
6. / Budget update
· JD distributed budget spreadsheet for 17-18, which estimates where funding will be used this financial year.
· Currently recruiting for a secondary music position who will be employed on a fixed term contract by North Tyneside Council along with JD.
· Currently have an admin volunteer supporting the music hub would like to use some of the grant funding to secure an appropriate music admin support, which would allow independent support to the music service.
7. / New self employed staff tax guidance IR35
· JD explained the new process for self employed staff and the tax guidance they need to follow.
· As the music hub is the agency, JD will need to complete forms for all the individual self employed staff currently working with the hub on projects, which will need to be agreed with the individual and kept on file along with their DBS etc.
· Discussion around who would be the end client if a self employed individual was working in school, the school or the parent? JD will advise all self employed workers to complete their own assessment which they can then show to relevant party. / JD
8. / Evaluation 2016/2017 planned projects 2017/2018
· JD distributed evaluations of projects from 2016-17 and discussed projects planned for 2017-18.
· 100% of schools bought back into the SLA.
· Lots of ongoing CPD and support.
· Beacon Hill and Woodlawn along with two Gateshead schools to perform at the Sage in Gateshead on 27/6/17.
· Music Centre numbers increasing, standards rising.
· Working in partnership with a youth group and the participation team on the newly named Sound Fest event, which will now include a judging panel who will choose the winner to play at the Mouth of the Tyne Festival.
· A CD from the holocaust memorial has been produced.
· Alex Lewis has been approached to make an arrangement of the Beatles Sgt Peppers album which will be performed at Whitley Bay Playhouse on 24/9/17 with staff, students and parents.
· Music hub now has a 15 seater mini bus to support young people attending events.
· JD to submit a bid to secure funding of £30k to deliver a project for the Great Northern Exhibition. / JD
9. / AOB
· BAM to forward details of an event the music shop is having on the 28/9/17 as they have been in business for ten years.
· DG expressed his appreciation of the hub contribution to steel pan accommodation and ongoing support they receive from the music hub.
· JD to forward any details of upcoming competitions that groups could be involved in. / BAM
Next meeting date:
Autumn 2017 – JD to forward dates via doodle poll. / JD