In April three representatives from the MSFCA and one representative from the MSFDA traveled to Washington DC to participate in the Federal Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI). We were joined by a few hundred other fire service leaders from across the country. Representing the MSFCA was President/Fire Chief George Esbensen, Fire Chief John Piper and myself. Dave Yurczyk represented the MSFDA. This was my first trip to Washington DC for the purposes of meeting with our federal elected delegation. We learned a lot and were able to meet with the Congressman or their staff of all ten of our state’s elected federal officials. It is amazing how in tune some of our federal elected officials are with specific fire service issues. One comment we heard consistently was that you must show up and be present for your issues to be considered. This comment helped confirm the need to not only be engaged in our state legislative process but also with the federal process. We discussed the following issues with the Congressman and their staff:
-Minnesota’s lack of financial support for the fire service while having the second most volunteer firefighters per capita in the nation
-Protecting funding for FIRE/SAFER grants
-Funding for the US Fire Administration and National Fire Academy
-Federal tax incentives for volunteer firefighters
-Incentivizing fire sprinkler retrofits
-Creating a nationwide voluntary cancer registry for firefighters
-Requirement to give back public safety communication spectrum in the T-band
-Protecting access to emergency medications (DEA requirement issue)
-Reauthorizing the Mediate ambulance extender payments
-Improve hazardous materials response training for first responders
All of our Congressman and their staff were receptive to our issues and comments. I also requested that that the Congressman meet with fire service leaders in their district later this year. Congress has a summer break in August which would be a great time to get them to meet with all of you in their district. If you are interested in helping me coordinate a meeting in your federal legislator’s district, please let me know.
Meeting with Senator Klobuchar
Meeting with 1st District Representative Tim Walz
Meeting with 2nd District Representative Jason Lewis
Meeting with 6th District Representative Tom Emmer
Meeting with 8th District Representative Richard Nolan