TFAll shooting is to be supervised by a PSC Certified Range Officer

TFMuzzles must be pointed in a safe direction at all times.

TFAll barrels should be checked for obstructions prior to shooting.

TFActions may be closed when carrying an uncased firearm from the firing line to your vehicle.

TFYou may carry a loaded firearm away from the shooting area if it is in a case.

TFOnly Range Officers need to be familiar with the Range Rules.

TFAs long as you are not shooting you may drink alcohol in the shooting areas.

TFWhen you hear “Cease Fire” you may shoot a previously chambered round.

TFShooters under 18 may only shoot with adult supervision.

TFLoud and/or abusive language is allowed on the range and PSC premise.

TFYou may leave your paper targets on the stands for the next shooter.

TFDamaging or destroying PSC property is cause for permanent dismissal from the


TFIt is okay to shoot wildlife on the range as long as it is in season.

TFIt is okay to pattern your shotgun on the rifle and pistol ranges.

TFAll vehicles must stay on established roads or in parking areas.

TFThe main entry gate is always to be locked except during the public hours or

special events

TFGlass targets may be used as long you clean up afterwards.

TFShooting target stands, posts, or other fixtures on the range may cause permanent


TFDogs may run loose around the firing line and parking areas as long as they are

under control.

TFYou may shoot after sunset as long as there is enough light to see.

TFEye and Ear protection are required while in designated shooting areas.

TFRange officers/Members are responsible to insure safety for all shooters and are to stop any

unsafe behavior/safety violations of which they are aware.

TFFailure to obey and enforce all rules or stop dangerous acts may lead to permanent


TFTrap, Skeet, Sporting Clays and Cowboy Action Ranges are only available during public

hours for both members and non-members.

TFAdjusting of sights and cleaning of firearms is allowed during a cease-fire.

To be certified as a Pawnee Sportsmens Center Range officer the above written test must be taken and passed with a score of 100%. Range officers must recertify every two years.

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