Prospect Valley PTA May 7, 2015 General PTA Business Meeting 3:00-4:15p.m.

  • Call meeting to order - 3:04 p.m.
  • Welcome, Introductions, and Sign In
  • Reading and approval of the April 2015 minutes - Motion made and passed with one change (Special Education teacher not aide), minutes were approved
  • Reports of Officers

President’s report (Cara Jakab) : Thank you for your love and effort at our school and for all of those who help behind the scenes. Giving Campaign update - 120 families have contributed (31%), 70% of our goal. They are making reminder calls to those who contributed last year but have not yet contributed this year. June 30th is our donation deadline. We have a table out in front of the school for GC contributions before and after school. It has been a learning curve with the Giving Campaign, but people like this fundraiser and giving towards our school where we get 100% of what is given. We will have a banner out in front of the school (donated by Crown Trophy) thanking people for donating to the Giving Campaign. Upcoming receptions - May 15th retirement reception for Mrs. Monaco and Ms. Hutton. May 21st Volunteer Appreciation reception. My new position at the school will be part-time (2 days/15 hrs.) and I will be there to welcome new families and help provide a connection between home and school.

President Elect’s report (Jennifer Hess): Thanks to those who brought snacks for today's meeting and those who babysat. Melissa Anderson will not be taking the Treasurer position for next year, Moniquea Reef will be taking the Treasurer position.

Vice President’s report (Mike Collins): Elizabeth Galmish had a baby boy - named Patrick Joseph. The SAE program will be here at PV all this summer. Our new staff for next year has all been hired. Girls STEM program (3rd &4th grade girls hosted by Hoxie & Becker) had a professor come out and speak last week. Jeffco Sherriff will be speaking to our kids next year about safe texting and emailing and our Resource officer will be coming to speak to kids too.

Treasurer’s report (Heather Kennedy): Received a donation of $1000 to go towards a new marquee. Also received $1000 towards our Giving Campaign this week so we are at $14180 for the year. Ending checking balanceis $19,092.03. The money we earn through the Classroom Creations is earmarked to go towards a new marquee. Discussion regarding new marquee took place. Mr. Collins mentioned that a digital marquee can run $12,000 plus with the electrical work and installend up being $13 - $14,000. Traditional marquee can run around $4000. Review of the new proposed budget for 2015/2016 - motion made an passed for approval of new proposed budget.

  • Old Business – Reading Challenge Week (Amy O'Neill) Author Garry Pffaffman is coming on May 18th. He writes field guides/resource guides. Potentially looking at having Reading Challenge a different week next year so that it doesn't conflict with all the end of the year events. One School One Book is encouraging kids to read book "The One and Only Ivan". Kids can read it at anytime over the summer and answer questions online regarding the book. The book will be sold at our book fair. We will be dropping the Recycling program next year because it is too much work for the little amount of money it brings in. Open PTA Chair positions (Cara) Carnival co-chair needed; Family & Staff Support chair needed; Landscape co-chair needed; Watch DOGs administrator for volunteers needed; Website chair needed (can talk to Sara True about this position).
  • New Business – Janelle Jerman (music teacher) has requested PTA funds to help in getting the handbells serviced before next year. It has been 8 years since they were last serviced. The cost to have them serviced is $1800 (vs. purchasing new bells which is $10,000) and they would like to do it over the summer because they must be sent out of state to get serviced. Motion made and passed to give Ms. Jerman $1800 to service handbells. Discussion was held regarding the fact that Music really currently does not have a way to earn funds to help with any of the needed expenses. Spring Fling generates funds for Art but doesn't include Music. Motion made and passed to add Music into the Spring Fling to help generate funds for their needs. Discussion continued regarding the new marquee for the school and motion was made and passed that the PTA would donate $3000 towards the new marquee (this is in addition to the $1000 anonymous donation that was made for the marquee and whatever funds are generated from the Classroom Creation bids that will go towards the marquee).
  • Reports of Committees

Spring Fling (Mike Schane) – Spaghetti Dinner does not usually earn a profit but this year generated a $250 profit towards the Art Program. We added cupcake sales this year for people to buy for dessert and as another option for those who didn't necessarily want to purchase a cake in the cake auction. Cupcake sales generated $312 towards the Art Program. We had 39 cakes this year and generated $2500 (this number includes the $ generated from cupcake sales) (last year's Cake Auction generated $1639). It was a great event and enjoyed by all.

Advocacy (Jen Hess for Melissa Anderson) Will keep in the loop of what's going on in our State and have an update at the first PTA meeting in September.

Classroom Creations (Cara Jakab for Kristina Neb) Notes are going out in the Monday folder to remind families bidding on the creations is taking place May 19, 20 & 21. Families can bid on creations before and after school those days (bid sheets will be located near each item) and there will also be pictures located on facebook for people to see what the items look like. (no online bidding will be available) Winners will be announced at the Talent Show (May 22nd) and the actual items will also be given out to the bid winners at the Talent Show.

Garden (Stacie Mintken) Saturday they will be cleaning up the garden and are asking anyone who would like to help to please contact them. Tuesday and Wednesday of next week will be planting day for the garden and teachers are signing up for 15 minute increments.They are looking for 8-9 parent volunteers to help with the garden over the summer - if you are interested you may sign up on the PV Garden website. “Adopt a Garden Bed"had 17 plots available and 15 of those are adopted. On May 8th Home Depot is dropping off a donation of compost, soil and a composter ($500 valued donation).

Gold Rush (Allison) The committee has met a couple of times. They have the permit for the race which will take place on Sunday, October 11th. They will be working on sponsors over the summer. Sara True is working on the logo for the race. They need a food chair for the race (someone to help get food donations for the race).

Landscape (Jodi Nemmeth) would like to find a co-chair for next year. The pots out front with the metal flowers in them will be left empty over the summer so that they don't require labor/watering. In the front planting bed - she would like to paint the railroad ties and take time to separate the bulbs. She will be placing a "Ticket for Time" in the booklet this coming year to get help to do these things. They received a donation from Home Depot last year and will be using the remainder of that on bark and fertilizer.

Science Fair (Robin Chalker) 53 participants this year and quality projects. 3-4 workshops were held this year. Did not have an assembly this year promoting the Science Fair which may have contributed towards less participants. Next year would like to introduce the Science Fair in the classrooms ahead of time to encourage more participants. Four Einstein awards were given out that the Science Fair.

Social Hour (Cara Jakab for Andrea Tuitele) Took place April 17th at Mountain Tap (across from Tellers) from 7-10 p.m. There were 35 people attending. Mike Schane and Mike Collins won the pool contest.

Staff Appreciation (Cara Jakab) Taking place next week, May 11-15. The theme is "Bar None" and we will be providing a breakfast bar, taco bar, potato bar, salad bar. The teachers will receive small gifts each day - granola bar, chocolate bar, $5 burger bar gift card, stress ball.

Watch DOG (Jen Hess for Steve Harris) need an administrator for the volunteers for next year.

Wee Deliver (Cara Jakab for Amber Schenk) May 20th is the deadline to turn in mail to be delivered to the kids.

Yearbook (Cara Jakab for Samantha Torres) Will be delivered the last few days of school and will include a tribute to our retiring teachers. 75 extra were ordered for those who did not order one at the beginning of the year but decide they want one to purchase the last few days of school.

End of Year Audit of the PTA books. June 30th is our Fiscal year end. Would like to conduct audit 2nd week in July - need volunteers to help. Volunteers - Sara True, Jennifer Yates, Moniquea Reef (new Treasurer).

  • Adjournment: 4:15 p.m.

Dates to Remember

May 11-15 - Staff Appreciation

May 15 (2:45 front lawn) - Retirement Reception

May 18-22 - Reading Challenge Week & Book Fair

May 19-21 - Classroom Creations bidding - winners announced at Talent Show

May 21 (1:45 in Gym) - Volunteer Reception

May 21 (2:00 & 7:00) - 1st & 2nd grade Musical Performance

May 22 (3:00)- Talent Show/Classroom Creation winners announced

May 28th (9:00 a.m.) Continuation - Last Day of School (early release 12:15)