Turkey Travel Brochure Project 60 pts

You are a travel agent organizing trips to Turkey. You objective is to create an attractive brochure for your customers. There are several items that are required to be on the brochure so that your trip is accepted by the department of tourism.

What is required by the Department of Tourism?

1.  Colored pictures, maps, diagrams or other types of illustrations on EACH page

2.  Each section should be correctly labeled and have the required information written in paragraph form unless otherwise instructed.

3.  Neatness-this includes handwriting and art work

4.  Name, date, and period on the front cover (you can create a business name and address using your name, date and period)

What are the required topics per section/page?

1.  Section 1 (inside the brochure)=LOCATION

2.  Section 2 (inside the brochure)=CUSTOMS/CULTURE

3.  Section 3 (inside the brochure)=SIGHTS to SEE

4.  Section 4 (outside the brochure)=FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT

5.  Section 5 (outside the brochure)=TRAVEL TIPS

6.  Section 6 (outside the brochure)=COVER OF THE BROCHURE

What do I write about in these sections?


a.  describe the location of Turkey using longitude, latitude, and time zones in paragraph form

b.  Identify 2 landforms that are important to Turkey (rivers, Mountains, beaches etc.)

c.  Map of Turkey-this can be the entire country or a region.

d.  Color the map or any other pictures (pictures should have captions)


a.  Using research from home, write a paragraph of 4-5 sentences describing the customs and culture. Please include 3 of the following:

·  Festivals, holidays, language, population break down, money, traditional clothing, religion or religious beliefs etc.

·  Illustrate/draw 1 of these customs you wrote about


a.  Using the Turkey itinerary and your research, make two suggestions in paragraph form of places to see or things to do. Try to write it in a jazzy way to persuade the travelers to go there.

b.  Adding slogans or other advertisements would work for an illustration!

c.  Or you could add a picture, map, calendar with a suggested itinerary detailing the sights to be see.


a.  Explain 1 type of food (in paragraph form)

b.  Explain 1 type of entertainment (in paragraph form)

c.  Include a sample menu, restaurant advertisement, coupon for the restaurant, picture of the food or entertainment


a.  In this section you will write a paragraph (5-8 sentences) that compares and contrast Turkey with Kuwait. The point of this section is to suggest what the travelers need to know, be aware of, or what to pack so they are prepared for Turkish culture instead of Kuwaiti culture.

b.  Compare and contrast three (3) key points.


a.  Make a catchy cover that is intriguing/interesting and persuades people to travel to Turkey

b.  Be sure to include a colored picture

c.  Include your name, date, and the period

Project Expectations:

1.  Each student must create their own brochure. No partners!

2.  All writing is in complete sentences. Descriptive paragraphs are expected to be at least 2 sentences.

3.  Homework #1: Research sections #1-3 (10 overall points will be deducted if research is missing when checked for on Day #1)

4.  Homework #2 at end of Day #1: Research to help you complete sections #4-5. (10 points will also be deducted if new research is missing)

5.  Homework #3 at end Day #2: Additional research needed to complete your brochure (don’t show your substitute teacher the same research from previous class as “new” research!)

6.  All research is to be done out of class. Don’t ask for a pass to the computer lab or library to “do research.”

7.  Finished project is due at the end of class of Day #3

8.  Class time is for constructing your brochure. Do your cutting of articles, pasting, drawing, etc in class! Any student that is off task (gets name written down for talking, playing, drumming on desks, etc) will have 5 points deducted each time from the final grade.

9.  Bring any materials you might need to construct your brochure.

10.  Make sure to put up any scissors, glue, markers or other items borrowed/used during class. Pick up any mess on the floor!

11.  HAVE Fun!

US History Turkey Brochure Rubric 60pts

Name ______Date Due ______

Section / Complete / Incomplete / Comments
#1 Location / Missing:
A ___ C ____
B ___ D ____
Has grammar/spelling mistake (-5%)
#2 Customs/Culture / Missing:
A ___ C ____
B ___
Has grammar/spelling mistakes (-5%)
#3 Sights to See / Missing:
A ___ C ____
B ___
Has grammar/spelling mistake (-5%)
#4 Food and Entertainment / Missing:
A ___ C ____
B ___
Has grammar/spelling mistake (-5%)
#5 Travel Tips / Missing:
A ___
B ___
Has grammar/spelling mistake (-5%)
#6 Cover of Brochure / Missing:
A ___ C ____
B ___
Has grammar/spelling mistake (-5%)
Additional Deductions
1 Day Late / 50% off
Research Missing
Day 1 / - 10 points
Research Missing
Day 2 / -10 points
No Research Turned In With Final Product / - 30 points
Final Score