Wiggle Worms

Pediatric Physical Therapy, LLC

Pediatric Case History

Patient: ______Today’s Date: ______

DOB: ______

Statement of the problem:______

When it was first noticed? ______

What was done about it?______

Primary Care Physician:______

Social History:

Child lives with: Mother Father Both

Mother’s Name:______

Father’s Name: ______

# of Siblings:______

Siblings Age(s):______

Any family medical concerns? History of physical, emotional, speech, hearing, or learning problems in the family? Please describe: ______


Emergency Information:

Person to contact if parents can’t be reached:______

Phone: ______

If we are unable to reach you, do we have your permission to take your child to a hospital if necessary? Yes No

In the event that I (the parent) can’t be reached, I give my permission for a member of Wiggle Worms PT to obtain any treatment deemed necessary by a physician.

Signed: ______

Previous Examinations and Treatments

Examination / When / Where / By Whom
Speech Evaluation
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy Evaluation
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy Evaluation
Physical Therapy

Does your child’s physician have any concerns about his/ her growth and development? ______

Pregnancy and Birth History

Mother’s age when child was born: ______

Length of Pregnancy: ______

Did you have any problems with your health during pregnancy? Please Describe: ______

___ Edema___ Unusual Bleeding ___ Physical Trauma

___ Gestational Diabetes___ RH Incompatibility ___ Toxemia

___ Nausea and Vomiting___ Fainting Spells

Did the mother use any medications/ substances during pregnancy?

___ birth control pills ___ antibiotics___ sleeping pills

___ cigarettes___ alcohol___ Other:


Birth Weight of Child: ______Apgar Scores: ______

How long was your labor: ______Were you induced: YN

Were there any complications experienced during delivery?

Instruments used ______

Bruises or abnormalities ______

Premature birth ______

Breech Presentation ______

Unusually long labor ______

Anoxia ______

Cesarean ______

Multiple births ______

Conditions Immediately Following Birth

Was the child incubated?YNHow Long? ______

Did the infant have trouble starting to breath? YN

Was the infant blue? YN

Was the infant given Oxygen? Y N

Was the infant floppy? Y N

Was the infant jaundiced? YN

Did the infant have feeding difficulties? YN

Were their any seizures? YN

Medical History___

___ Ear Infections___ Bronchitis ___ Whooping Cough

___ Earaches___ Scarlet Fever___ Frequent Colds

___ Measles___ Head Injury___ Chicken Pox

___ Asthma___ Pneumonia___ Croup

___ Influenza___ High Fevers___ Sinus Infections

___ Tonsillitis___ Meningitis___ Rheumatic Fever

___ Other ____Allergies:______

Was the child ever hospitalized?______

Dates? ______

Why? ______

Where? ______

Current Medications: ______

Motor Milestones: At what age did the following occur?

______held head up on own______sat alone

______rolled over from back to belly (both ways?) YN

______belly crawl______Crawling on hands and knees

______Pull to stand______Standing alone

______walking alone

Parent Signature: ______

Wiggle Worms Pediatric Physical Therapy, LLC

764 US Route 1 Unit 4

York, ME 03909

Wiggle Worms Pediatric Physical Therapy


Medical Record Number:

I consent to procedures, treatments or planned recurring treatments that the Occupational Therapist deems necessary.

I understand that I have the right to be informed about the risks, benefits, and alternatives to any care, treatment or procedure before I receive it.

I have the right to accept or refuse any medical care, treatment or procedure.

I give permission for the Therapist to take photo’s of my child as needed during the course of treatment.

I authorize the release of medical information needed to continue my care or to determine benefits for the services rendered.

I request that all payment of authorized benefits be made directly to Wiggle Worms Pediatric Physical Therapy and all therapists involved in my care.

I am aware that the Wiggle Worms Pediatric Physical Therapy privacy notice booklet has further information about how medical information may be used and disclosed. I have had the opportunity to receive and review this booklet and may request an updated copy at any time.


Signature of Patient or Legal Guardian Date


Signature of Witness Date

Wiggle Worms

Pediatric Physical Therapy, LLC

764 US Route 1 Unit 4 York, ME03909

Ph: 207- 351- 3078, Fax: 207- 351- 3083

Patient Agreement Form

Patient Name:______

Patient DOB:______

Parent/ Guardian Names:______


I am responsible for any deductibles, co- pay’s, or co- insurance payments associated with my insurance benefit. I understand that I am responsible for payments not covered by my insurance plan. I understand that my insurance company will be sent an itemized bill for therapy sessions in accordance to reasonable and customary charges. I understand that I must notify Wiggle Worms Pediatric PT of any insurance changes immediately. ______(Initial) (Mainecare) (CDS)


I acknowledge that I have received and understand the HIPPA privacy standards. ______(Initial)

Cancellation Policy

Successful physical therapy takes a strong commitment on both the side of the therapist as well as the family. Broken appointments represent a cost to us, to you, and to other patients who could have been seen in the time set aside for you. We reserve the right to charge a fee for canceled or missed appointments. For cancellations, a 24 hour notice prior to your appointment is requested otherwise it is considered a missed appointment. A $25 fee will be charged for a second and any additional missed appointments without appropriate notice.______(Initial)

In the event the patient will be more than 5 minutes late for a therapy session, a phone call to Wiggle Worms will be required. Treating therapists will be required to stay at the clinic for 15 minutes in the event a patient is late and has not called. After 15 minutes without a phone call, the patient will be considered a no- show and the therapist will not be required to stay in the clinic.______(Initial)

After a third missed appointment within a 2 month period a meeting will need to take place to discuss your child’s progress and the possibility of a different schedule to meet your needs and your child’s therapy goals. ______(Initial)


Parent Signature Date