of the
Associated Students of WillametteUniversity
Committees of the Senate
Section 1.The Senate may establish ad hoc committees for the purpose of dealing with certain
- Ad hoc committees shall be established by a simple majority vote of the Senate.
- Membership shall be open to any member of the ASWU.
- Operating Procedures:
- Ad hoc committees shall be directly responsible to the Senate.
- Any ad hoc committee member may apply to be the chairperson of the committee.
- Ad hoc committees may be disbanded by a majority vote of the Senate.
Section 2.Committee Guidelines
A.All committees shall be considered to be committees of the Senate and shall report to the Senate.
B. The Chair(s) shall be a member of the Senate.
C. At least one other senator shall serve as a member of the committee.
D. Membership shall be opened to all members of the ASWU.
E.The committees listed in Sections 3 through 5 of Article I must be approved at the first meeting of the fall semester. They need not be required to be in existence, but are strongly encouraged.
Section 3. The Senate Food Service Relations Committee
- The Senate Food Services Relations Committee shall act as a liaison between Bon Appétit Catering Service (or current food service provider) and the student body at large. The committee shall be charged with representing the interests of students with regards to food services and its quality. The committee shall put forth initiatives representing those interests. Recommendations or proposals by the committee shall be made to the ASWU Senate, ASWU Executive Council and/or the appropriate administrator or staff member.
Section 4. The Senate Security and Judiciary Committee
A. The Senate Security and Judiciary Committee shall act as a liaison between Campus Safety, the Campus Judicial Office and the study body. The purpose of this committee shall be to explore options to make the Willamette community a safer and more just atmosphere. Recommendations regarding these matters at Willamette shall be made to the ASWU Senate, ASWU Executive Council and/or the appropriate administration or staff member. A report each semester must be made to the Senate on the status of the Willamette Watch Program.
Section5. The Senate Communications and Traditions Committee
A. The Senate Communications and Traditions Committee shall handle issues involving the increase of communication between distinct groups on campus, including administration, faculty, staff, student groups, and the community as a whole. The committee shall also investigate bringing back old WillametteUniversity traditions and creating new ones with the purpose of fostering a stronger sense of community and school pride. Recommendations or proposals by the committee shall be made to the ASWU Senate, ASWU Executive Council and/or the appropriate administrator or staff member.
The Willamette Events Board (WEB)
Section 1. The procedure for selecting the WEB Presidentshall be determined by the WEB
Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2. Membership in the WEB Advisory Committee (WEBAC) shall consist of two
Senators, two students-at-large who are not members of WEB, the Vice President of Finances,
who shall serve as Chair of the Committee and have no vote except in the case of a tie vote, and
the WEB StaffAdvisor, who shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member.
- The two students-at-large and the two Senators shall be selected by the Vice President of Administration and confirmed by the Senate.
Section 3. The duties of the WEBACshall consist of:
- Meeting at the beginning of each semester, or as needed, and by the request of the Chair or WEB Faculty Advisor.
- Determining whether the proposed budget of WEBfalls within ASWU budget guidelines and presenting the budget to the ASWU Senate for approval.
- Making recommendations to WEB concerning operational guidelines.
- Bringing to the attention of the Senate any violations of WEBConstitution or Bylaws by the Programming Director.
Section4. The duties of WEBshall consist of:
- Submitting a budget report to the WEBACat the beginning of each semester.
- Submitting monthly budget and expenditures reports to the WEBAC.
Section5. The duties of the Senate shall consist of:
- Upon the recommendation of the WEB budget and budget amendments by the
WEBAC, the Senate shall review the proposals for approval by a majority vote.
- WEBshall be notified 72 hours prior to any Senate meeting, where a vote may take place to prevent the allocation of such funds.
- A representative from the WEB shall be given adequate time to justify the proposed expenditure before the vote is cast at said Senate meeting.
Upon the recommendation of the WEBAC, the Senate shall have the power to remove from office the WEB President, with a two-thirds majority vote.
The Collegian
Section 1. Collegian Advisory Board
A. Composition
- The Collegian Advisory Board shall consist of the Editor in Chief of the Collegian, the Collegian Advisor and the Vice President of Finances (the three of which shall be nonvoting members) and the ASWU Finance Board (none of which shall be members of the Collegian).
- The Vice President of Finances shall serve as chair of the Collegian Advisory Board.
B. Duties of the Collegian Advisory Board:
- Review and approve of the Collegian budget.
- Select Editor-in-Chief of the Collegian with the guidance of current Collegian staff and/or editors.
- Create and review bylaws and policy guidelines for operation of the Collegian.
- Meet regularly as determined by the chair, but not less than twiceper semester.
- Cooperate with the Vice President of Finances to complete an annual audit.
- Review all grievances related to the Collegian, including but not limited to mediation with external groups.
C. The Board meetings shall be open to any member of the campus community.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the Collegian
- Cooperate with requests and inquiries from the Collegian Advisory Board.
- Maintain monies received from ASWU in ASWU accounts according to ASWU Finance Board standards and precedents.
Section 3. The Collegian Advisor
- Shall be selected by the Collegian staff and editors.
- Shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Collegian Advisory Board.
- Shall serve as the primary advisor regarding issues of journalism, ethics and management.
Finance Board
Section 1.The membership of the Finance Board shall consist of the ASWU Vice President of Finances (who shall act as Chair), two ASWU Senators elected by the Senate (one of whom shall be elected Vice Chair by the Finance Board), one TIUA student representative appointed by TSLP each semester, and five students recommended by the Vice President of Finances and confirmed by the Senate. If the Vice President of Finances resigns then the Vice Chair of Finance Board shall become the Chair of Finance Board in the interim until a new Vice President of Finances takes office.
Section 2. The Finance Board is charged with the responsibility of distributing ASWU funds. Only ASWU recognized student organizations may apply for ASWU funds. The following shall be a general guideline for the distribution offunds.
- Finance Board shall make the following items available to all students organizations not less than one week prior to the date the funding request forms are due:
- all dates pertaining to the budget process (budget timeline),
- funding request forms,
- details of the budgeting process, and
- statements of group eligibility for receiving ASWU moneys.
- All eligible groups shall have the opportunity to appear before the Finance Board to formally present their funding request form.
- After reviewing all funding request forms, the Finance Board shall draft a semester or annual budget to be presented to the Senate for approval. At this time the proposed budget must be sent to all club presidents and treasurers, and they are to be made aware of the time and date of the Senate meeting at which the budget will be considered.
- Decisions in regard to submitted funding request forms shall be explained in writing to each respective organization.
- Appeals of decisions made by the Finance Board may be made directly to the Senate.
- All Finance Board meetings will be open to the publicMeetings may be closed by a majority vote of the Finance Board.
Section 3.An ASWU line-item budget shall be prepared by the Finance Board and submitted to the Senate as follows:
- At the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, the Finance Board shall present its final recommended ASWU budget to the Senate for approval.
- If deemed necessary the Senate may make amendments to the budget or send it back to the Finance Board for further consideration. The budget shall be approved upon a majority vote of Senators present
Section4.The Finance Board shall have the power to review the expenditures of all ASWU-supported activities.
Section 5.The Finance Board, in consultation with the VP of Finances, shall be responsible for creating and adopting a Finance Code consisting of, but not limited to, the following:
- Working Definitions (i.e. suitable documentation; General ledger; Journal entry; etc.)
- General Procedure (i.e. requesting a check; processing a check request form; deposits; transfers between accounts; etc.)
Section6. When appropriate, the VP of Finances in coordination with the Finance Board shall establish a process, standards and guidelines for ASWU Endowment requests.
Section 7.Meetings of the Finance Board shall be at least once a month, with other meetings to be called at the discretion of the VP of Finances.
Section 8.Ethics
- Finance Board members should not allow extraneous or irrelevant factors such as threats, bribes, or prejudice influence their vote.
- All Finance Board members are expected to notify the VP of Finances of all organizations with which they are affiliated prior to the budgeting process, and to update these lists when appropriate.
- If a Finance Board member is an officer of an organization whose request is currently being reviewed,
- S/he may sit in on the interview for that club.
- S/he is expected to abstain from the discussion and the vote on that organization’s funding request.
Elections Board
Section 1.Membership of the Elections Board shall consist of the ASWU VP of Administration (who shall act as chairperson), two Senators, and three at-large students recommended by the VP of Administration and confirmed by the Senate.
Section 2.The Elections Board is authorized to assist the chair of the board in the election process. All operations of the Board shall be in accordance with the following election rules:
- It is the responsibility of the Elections Board to make the following items available to all students no less than one week prior the date petitions are due:
- Election rules,
- All dates pertaining to the campaign and election,
- A petition, and
- A record of expenditures form.
- Qualified candidates for Executive positions shall have their names appear on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by no less than 100 members of the ASWU. Qualified candidates for Senate positions shall have their names appear on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by no less than 30 members of their class. There is no limit on the number of petitions a member of the ASWU may sign. Candidates who have not turned in their paper work on time will not be eligible to appear on the ballot.
- A spending limit will be set by the Elections Board prior to the date petitions are made available. Donated products must be included as expenditures at the market value to be determined by the Elections Board.
- At the discretion of the Elections Board, publicity materials shall be made available to all candidates in an equitable fashion.
- The Elections Board shall ensure that all candidates participating in Willamette off-campus study programs are provided with the same opportunities and resources as other candidates.
Section. 3.Conflicts of interest
- In the event the VP of Administration becomes a candidate for ASWU elected office, s/he shall recommend a member of the ASWU Executive Council to serve as chairperson of the Board for the duration of the election. The VP of Administration shall not in any way participate in the administration of that election.
- In the event a member of the Elections Board becomes a candidate for ASWU elected office s/he shall not participate in the administration of that election.
Section 4.Appeal and hearing process
- After being notified of a violation of the election rules, the Elections Board chairperson shall call a meeting of the Board within twenty-four hours.
- Only confirmed members of the Board will be permitted to hear and rule on the violation.
- After reading and discussing the violation alleged in the complaint, if the defendant requests a hearing, the Board will hear from both the originator of the complaint and the defendant. Witnesses may be called as necessary.
- After viewing all evidence, the Board will meet in closed session to decide the guilt or innocence of the defendant.
- A decision against the defendant requires a two-thirds vote of the Board.
- A statement concerning the findings of the Board shall be issued immediately following the hearing.
- If a candidate is found guilty, s/he may be subject to at least one of the following penalties:
- Removal from the election, and all votes for said candidate counted as void.
- Name removed from the ballot, but encouraged to participate as a write-in candidate.
- A public statement, approved by the Elections Board, made by the candidate.
- Any other penalties the Elections Board deems appropriate.
- Any candidate found guilty has the right to appeal the decision of the Elections Board to the Senate.
- All appeals must be made to the Elections Board chairperson within twenty-four hours of the Elections Board’s decision.
- The Elections Board chairperson will present the appeal to the Senate at its next meeting. The Senate will follow the same procedure outline in Section 4 of this Article.
- A three-fourths majority vote of the Senate is required to override the decision of the Elections Board.
- If the election is to take place before the Senate’s consideration of the appeal, the election will be postponed until after the Senate rules on the appeal. During this period, the original campaign schedule will remain in effect. Pending the Senate’s ruling on an appeal, the defendant will not be forced to withdraw from the election.
Awards Committee
Section 1.The VP of Administration shall serve as the chairperson of the ASWU Awards Committee. The chairperson will not be a member of the senior class. In the case that the VP of Administration is a member of the senior class than the Elections Board will nominate a chairperson to be confirmed by the Senate.
Section 2.The ASWU Awards chairperson shall recommend to the Senate for approval eight student members and two additional members selected from the administration, faculty, or staff.
Section 3.The committee shall award ten “keys” and twenty-five “certificates” to senior members of the student body who have made exceptional contributions to the University. The committee shall be responsible for the selection of any additional awards as requested by the University or deemed appropriate.
Campus, Faculty, and Trustee Committees
Section 1.The following number of students will serve on these campus, faculty, and trustee committees:
- Trustee Committees
- Board of Trustees (ASWU President)
- Campus Religious Life (2)
- College of Liberal Arts (2)
- Development and University Relations (1)
- Facilities (1)
- Faculty Committees
- Academic Council (2 including the VP of the Executive)
- Academic Programs (1)
- Academic Status (1)
- Admissions (1)
- Campus Committees
- Alumni Board of Directors (4)
- University Standards of Conduct (3)
- University Safety Committee (2)
- Student Scholarship Recognition Day Committee (1)
- Campus Life (1)
- Campus Safety (1)
- Committee on Excellence (2)
- Enrollment (1)
- International Education (2)
- Multicultural Affairs (2)
- Committee on Student Organizations (2 senators)
Section 2. Appointments to campus, faculty, and trustee committees shall be recommended by the Vice President of Administration and confirmed by the Senate at the beginning of the academic year.
- All applicants shall be reviewed carefully and objectively.
- The Vice President of Administration will follow this procedure when making recommendations to the Senate;
- The names of all the applicants shall be read to the Senate.
- During the discussion period, the Vice President of Administration will briefly outline the recommended applicant’s qualifications along with the reason(s) the Vice President of Administration selected this applicant over others.
- If the Vice President of Administration’s recommendation is rejected by the Senate, the issues shall be referred back to the Vice President of Administration.
- Committee representatives shall be appointed at the beginning of the academic year. Appointments will be for one academic year unless the representative is unable to fulfill the required duties. All committee replacements must be approved by Senate.
Collegiate Readership Program
Section 1. Establishment of the Collegiate Readership Program Oversight Committee
- A committee named the Collegiate Readership Program Oversight Committee (CRPOC) shall be established for the purpose of overseeing the operation of the Collegiate Readership Program (CRP) at WillametteUniversity.
- Membership of this committee shall consist of:
- One employee of WillametteUniversity, authorized to enter the University into such contracts as necessary, designated by WillametteUniversity, and shall serve as chair of the committee;
- The ASWU Vice President of the Executive;
- One member of the HHR Executive Committee;
- Two students-at-large who are currently members of the Willamette University College of Liberal Arts or one of the graduate schools enrolled in the CRP;
- Membership is extended to one member of the Student Government of each WillametteUniversity affiliated GraduateSchool enrolled in the CRP;
- Membership is extended to one member of the Faculty Council if the Faculty of Willamette University is enrolled.
- Membership shall be extended to one member of any future enrollee the CRP operated at WillametteUniversity.
Section2. Powers vested to the CRPOC