
Clara Berridge


Ph.D. expected May 2014

University of California, Berkeley,School of Social Welfare

Graduate Certificate in Designated Emphasis Program in Women, Gender, and Sexuality

University of California, Berkeley

Dissertation: Decision making and use of remote monitoring technology in low-income independent living residences

Committee: Andrew Scharlach, PhD (Chair); Adrian Aguilera, PhD; Charis Thompson, PhD; Sharon Kaufman, PhD


University of Washington, Seattle,School of Social Work

June 2006

Concentration: Public Policy

Specialization: Multigenerational Practice


Kalamazoo College

June 2003

Magna cum laude

Education Abroad: UniversitéCheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Sénégal, 9 months

Major: Sociology


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Martinson, M. & Berridge, C. (accepted)Successful aging and its discontents: A systematic review of the social gerontology literature. The Gerontologist

Berridge, C., DeMello, S., Furseth P.I., & Cuthbertson, R. (in press). Technology-based innovation for independent living: Policy and innovation in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia and the United States. Journal of Aging & Social Policy

Portacolone, E., Berridge, C., Johnson, J., & Schicktanz, S. (2013). Time to reinvent the sciences of dementia: The need for care and prevention. Aging and Mental Health

Berridge, C. (2012). Envisioning a gerontology-enriched theory of care. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 27(1), 8-21

Berridge, C.Romich, J.L. (2011). “Raising him to pull his own weight:” Boys’ household work in single mother households. Journal of Family Issues, 32(2), 157-180

Book Chapters

Berridge, C. (2014). Seeing the social in technology for older adults: Making the implicit explicit through a multidisciplinary lens. In H. Vakalahi, G. Simpson, & N. Giunta (Eds.), The Collective Spirit of Aging Across Cultures. New York: Springer Science & Business Media

Scharlach, A., Berridge, C., & Lehning, A. (2013). Support groups for caregivers. In E. Capezuti, G. Siegler, & M.D. Mezey (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Elder Care (3rded.). New York: Springer Publishing Company

Other Publications

Berridge, C. (November 2013). Emerging ethical issues for social workers in the use of passive monitoring technologies. Newsletter for the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work

Scharlach, A.E., Graham, C.L., & Berridge, C. (Oct 31, 2012). ElderHelp Concierge Club Evaluation Final Report. Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services. University of California, Berkeley

Berridge, C. (2011). Designing accessible environments: Social workers are on it! Aging Times, 7(3). Newsletter of the Council on Social Work Education Gero-Ed Center, the National Center for Gerontological Social Work Education

Ryser, R., Korn, L. & Berridge, C. (2008). American Indian Caregiver Policy Study Report: An analysis with findings of the barriers to federally funded and state and tribally administered caregiver programs in the State of Washington. Center for World Indigenous Studies: Olympia, Washington

Berridge, C. & McLeod, A. Guest Columnists. Getting old an expensive prospect; and lack of affordable housing makes it a whole lot worse. Jul. 25, 2007. Seattle PI


Berridge, C. (June 18, 2014). Power, ethics and normative logics of intervention in voluntary remote monitoring for independent living. World Conference ofGerontechnology.Taipei, Taiwan

Berridge, C. (January 31, 2014). The electronic monitoring of elders and care workers: Untangling emerging practices in private homes and elder care settings.Aging Across Borders: A

Transnational Look at Just Social Policies of Care Symposium. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Berridge, C. (November 21, 2013). Lived experiences of older adults, family and staff with sensor-based remote monitoring in low-income independent living residences. Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana

Berridge, C. (November 1, 2013).Ethics of remote monitoring technologies and implications for social work practice. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Dallas, Texas

Berridge, C. (July 11, 2013). Subjecting one’s self to monitoring: Decision making about the option to use remote monitoring technologies in low-income independent living residences. Planning Later Life: Bioethics and Politics in Aging Societies. Göttingen, Germany

Berridge, C. (Symposium Chair) (November 17, 2012).Navigating ethical considerations for technology-based services for older adults. Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. San Diego, California

Berridge, C. (October 13, 2011). Technology-based innovation for independent living: Building the evidence base. Leading Thinking and Practice in Service Innovation: 2nd Annual Workshop on Value Driven Service Innovation. Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Berridge, C.(August 19, 2011). Envisioning a gerontology-enriched theory of care. International Carework Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada

Berridge, C. (May 22, 2011). Speaking justice to elder care. Unsettling Feminisms Conference. Chicago, Illinois


UC Berkeley Center for the Advanced Study of Aging Services

Graduate Student Researcher


Collected and analyzed survey and case study data for the California Villages Project and ElderHelp Village evaluation; co-authored reports and articles

UC Berkeley Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), Graduate Student Researcher


Conducted comparative research on public policy and innovative services and technology for independent living in Japan, the UK, US, and Scandinavia as part of a research collaboration with the BI Norwegian School of Management; collaborated on survey development for distribution to 1,100 consumers

University of Washington Department of Medicine–Division of Gerontology and Geriatric

Medicine, Patient Navigator & Research Coordinator


Coordinated pilot study of an intervention to improve communication about treatment and end-of-life decision making between oncologists and older patients of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Center for World Indigenous Studies / Center for Traditional Medicine, Olympia, WA

Advanced Practicum Student, MSW program


Initiated policy analysis of the National Native American Caregiver Support Program in WA; designed and conducted interviews with respondents from federal, state, and tribal governments; co-authored policy report; Analyzed data from NIH clinical study of a stress reduction therapy with American Indian caregivers of elders with dementia

University of Washington School of Social Work

Research Coordinator


Directed focus group study with boys and single mothers;analyzed ethnographic data on family care and resources available to low-income families; drafted articles for publication

Center for Religion, Ethics, and Social Policy, Cornell University, Yoff, Sénégal

Research Trainee


Conducted interviews in an urban fishing village in Wolof and French with girls employed as housemaids to measure understandings of environmental pollution as related to waste disposal practices

Environmental Research Group, Philadelphia, PA

Research Intern in Environmental Psychology


Collected use data on cell phones in vehicles; drafted literature review on task interference


Northwest Cooperative Development Center, Olympia, WA

Senior Housing Program Director


Developed limited-equity senior housing technical assistance program for the Pacific Northwest; received 4-month training in HUD financing and affordable cooperative housing development at Senior Cooperative Foundation, St. Paul, MN

Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center, Seattle, WA

Practicum Student (MSW program)


Facilitated and promoted Women's Justice Circles, a social action empowerment program; composed policy issue letters for WA and OR State advocacy; facilitated workshops with mothers in emergency housing

Medical Care Access Coalition, Marquette, MI

Enrollment Counselor Volunteer


Pike Market Senior Center, Seattle, WA

Poetry Immersion Coordinator


Facilitated poetry workshops with low-income elders with a range of cognitive abilities


University of California, BerkeleyGraduate Division Summer Grant


University of California Dissertation-Year Fellowship


The Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW) Pre Dissertation Initiative Award


University of California, Berkeley Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship


Portland Courtyard Housing Competition Grand Prize (Team member)

International design competition of affordable housing ownership


University of Washington Pre-Masters Research Fellowship


Phi Beta KappaNational Honor Society


Raymond L. Hightower Award, for excellence in and commitment to the discipline of sociology and leadership in the Department of Sociology at Kalamazoo College


Elwood H. Schneider Prize in English, for outstanding and creative work in English


Kalamazoo College Human Development and Social Relations Departmental Outstanding Student Award



Research Methods,(graduate, two-semesters)

Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare

MSW students design and conduct a program evaluation or secondary data analysis


Public Policy (undergraduate)

Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare


Guest Lecturer, UC Berkeley


School of Public Health: Critical Perspectives on Aging and Health (graduate)

Independent living technologies and services

School of Social Welfare: Aging Processes (graduate, repeated lecture)

The social construction of old age

School of Social Welfare: Immigrants and Refugees: Policies, Programs and Practices (graduate)

Intersections of culture, gender and class in independent living

School of Social Welfare: Social Policy and Gerontology (graduate, repeated lecture)

Implications of consumer-directed care for elders and care workers

Planning to Age in Place: Creating Shared Housing Ownership

Workshop Instructor, University of Washington, Seattle Women’s Center


Freshman Seminar on Civility

Contemporary Poetry

Teaching Assistant, Kalamazoo College



PhD Student Representative

Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW) Board of Directors


Academic Advisor

“Turning for Home,” a Peloton Productionsdocumentary about aging in place


PhD Student Representative

UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare Library Committee


Planning Committee Member

Center for Race & Gender Annual Conference, UC Berkeley

Families on the Faultlines



Northwest Universal Design Council



Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work

California Council on Gerontology & Geriatrics

Gerontological Society of America

International Society for Gerontechnology

Society for Social Studies of Science