Proposed Fall2003 Standards Revisions
Practical Nursing
Proposed Revisions
The Practical Nursing Working Committee, in collaboration with the Practical Nursing State Technical Committee, recommends the revisions to standards stated in the attached Practical NursingProbe Report.
The IFCC Executive Board feels strongly that requisite knowledge of, and the ability to use, proper medical terminology is critical to the success of practical nursing students and recommends that AHS 109 Medical Terminology be included in the practical nursing curriculum.
The State Technical Committee for Practical Nursing has recommended changes in certain competencies in NSG 212 Pediatric Nursing and NPT 212 Pediatric Nursing Practicumto more appropriately reflect current classifications and terminology and to add certain competencies to reflect a more comprehensive approach to pediatric nursing. The IFCC Executive Board also recommends these changes.
Recommended Action – DTAE Staff:
Recommend proposed revisions
Recommended Action – Joint VPIS/Presidents Ad Hoc Standards Committee:
Recommend proposed revisions, except recommend correcting the prerequisite for SCT-100 to “provisional admission” in accordance with the state course standard.
Board Approved Action
Summary of Credit Hour Changes: Practical Nursing, Diploma
Hours / Current / Proposed / DifferenceTotal Credit / 92 / 95 / +3
Recommended / Difference
DTAE / As proposed / As proposed
VPIS/Pres AHSC / As proposed / As proposed
Approved / Difference
State Board
Effective Year 2003
Standards Revision Project
An Industry-Driven Report of Standardized Programs in Georgia Technical Colleges
Practical Nursing
Probe Report
January 2003
Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education
Facilitator: Phil G. Petty
Quality Improvement Initiative
The program standards and guides materials, which form the basis for instruction in Georgia’s technical colleges, are developed to support industry driven needs. Faculty and local program advisory committees review programsto ensure the latest technology and employment needs are addressed for the program.
Through the Instructional Faculty Consortium Committee (IFCC) process, programs are reviewed and, if needed, recommendations are made to update competencies found in the program. Given the accelerating changes in technology and the workplace, a major systematic updating of all standardized programs in the technical colleges, with business and industry involvements, is needed.
A joint IFCC Executive Board and State Technical Committee (STC) meeting was held in Month and Year to examine the Practical Nursingdiplomas and degree. A working committee composed of instructors and state technical committee members met in Month to discuss and respond to recommendations made by the IFCC Executive Board and STC members.
Currently, the Probe process is being initiated for program revisions recommended by the Working Committee. The following sections are included in this Probe document:
- a listing of the IFCC Executive Board
- a listing of the State Technical Committee members
- a list of the Working Committee members and
- recommendations made by the IFCC Executive Board and STC
The recommended changes/revisions made in this document apply to the Practical Nursing,diploma program. The deleted items are reflected with a strikethrough while new material is bold Italic. Course number and course title changes are recommended to more accurately describe the course level and content of the affected courses and enhance transferability.
The appropriate sections from the program standards are included, showing recommended revisions, and a revised curriculum sequence illustrates the impact of revisions on scheduling.
Committee Members for the Practical Nursing Program
Joyce Hickey, RN,Executive IFCCChair / GriffinTechnicalCollegeSara J. Youngblood, RN,Executive IFCC Vice-Chair / AugustaTechnicalCollege
Marilyn Mintz,, RN, / ChattahoocheeTechnicalCollege
Joyce Duncan, RN / NorthGeorgiaTechnicalCollege
Annett Weldon, RN / NorthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege
Mattie Buchannon / AlbanyTechnicalCollege
Suzett Profit, LPN / Albany, GeorgiaLisa Beth Smith, RN / Savannah, GA
Mary Coker, RN / Cleveland, GA
Martha Hughes, RN / Dallas, GA
Max Brown, LPN / Macon, GA
Deanna Bentley, RN / Augusta, GA
Reba Gaston, RN / Griffin, GA
Clara Kelley, RN / Griffin, GA
Joyce Hickey, RN Executive IFCC Chair / GriffinTechnicalCollegeSara J. Youngblood, RN, Executive IFCC Vice-Chair / AugustaTechnicalCollege
Marilyn Mintz,, RN / ChattahoocheeTechnicalCollege
Joyce Duncan, RN / NorthGeorgiaTechnicalCollege
Annett Weldon, RN / NorthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege
Mattie Buchannon / AlbanyTechnicalCollege
Phil G. Petty / Department of Technical and Adult Education
State Technical Committee/Working Committee
Discussion and Recommendations
Current and Proposed Changes for
Practical Nursing, Diploma
AHS 101 Anatomy and Physiology
“More time devoted to Medical Terminology…perhaps a specific course devoted to this.” (Recommendation #1)
Response - AHS 109 – The IFCC has recommended that a Medical Terminology course (AHS 109) be added to curriculum.
“Recommend strong information on structure and function of each organ plus a system focus on pathophysiology. Lab would be beneficial in learning process- help in critical thinking requires a good foundation in A&P.” (Recommendation #2)
Response – AHS 101 – Anatomy and Physiology is a 5 credit hour, 50 clock hour course. The course covers all organ systems including the structure and function of each organ. Pathophysiology is covered in Medical Surgical Nursing, NSG 112 and 113. The limited time frame for the course does not allow for a lab. A lab is not recommended at this time since it would require the formation of a separate course and would increase the credit hours for the program.
AHS 102 Drug Calculation and Administration
“More information on proper administration of drugs…, Critical Thinking, the importance of checking lab work or vital signs prior to administration of some medications.” (Recommendation # 3)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
“More Pharmacology and Drug Calculations Instruction and administration of drugs.” (Recommendation #4)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
AHS 103 Nutrition and Diet Therapy
“Incorporate lab studies that correlate with inadequate nutrition.” (Recommendation # 5)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
“Include common food/drug interactions.” (Recommendation #6)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
“Incorporate information on common nutrient supplements specific to disease processes.” (Recommendation # 7)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
AHS 104 Introduction to Healthcare
[Should include] “communications skills: skills necessary to communicate with people who are not at their best.” (Recommendation # 8)
Response – Communication skills are covered specifically in NSG 110 – Nursing Fundamentals and in NSG 113 – Medical-Surgical Nursing II.
[Should include] “Aseptic Technique” (Recommendation # 9)
Response – Aseptic Technique is covered in AHS 104 – Introduction to Healthcare and again in NSG 110 – Nursing Fundamentals.
Should include measuring “Intake and Output (I&O)” (Recommendation # 10)
Response – Intake and Output is covered in NSG 110 – Nursing Fundamentals.
“Choosing appropriate blood pressure cuff-proper procedure for orthostatic blood pressure.” (Recommendation # 11)
Response – Covered in AHS 104- Introduction to Healthcare
“Universal Precautions needs to be covered.” (Recommendation # 12)
Response – Universal Precautions are covered in AHS 104 – Introduction to Healthcare and in every NSG and NPT course. Termed as “Standard Precautions”.
“MSDS-Material Safety Data Sheets and HazMat Communications [should be covered].” (Recommendation # 13)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
NSG 110 Nursing Fundamentals
“Recommend adding mental health content.” (Recommendation # 14)
Response – Mental Health is covered in NSG 113 – Medical-Surgical Nursing II. Therapeutic communication is covered in this course.
“Seems like a lot of content for one course (Physical Assessment should be an entire course).” (Recommendation # 15)
Response – Physical Assessment is reviewed with each system in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Obstetrical Nursing, and Pediatrics. A separate course is not recommended at this time since it would increase the credit hours for the program.
“More information on ‘Professionalism’-Work Ethics (being on time, avoiding call-ins) (Recommendation # 16
Response – Work Ethics is covered in each course in the curriculum. One work ethics characteristic is reviewed each week throughout the program. Professionalism is covered in this course.
“More on collaborating with other members of the healthcare team-team work.” (Recommendation # 17)
Response –Addressed in NSG 215. This course begins the discussion of the roles of members of the healthcare team, collaboration, and team work.
NPT 112 Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum
“More instruction in Assessment Skills” (Recommendation #18)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
“Stress or help student to develop Critical Thinking Skills.” (Recommendation #19)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
“Include mental health-psychosocial aspects.” (Recommendation #20)
Response – Mental Health is covered in NSG 113 – Medical-Surgical Nursing II. Therapeutic communication is also covered in NSG 110-Nursing Fundamentals.
“Students to bring clinical check-off sheets with them to clinicals.” (Recommendation #21)
Response – This will be suggested to all programs. However, it will not be added to the Program Standards or Program Guide.
“Inviting speakers to post-conference.” (Recommendation # 22)
Response – This will be suggested to all programs. However, it will not be added to the Program Standards or Program Guide.
NSG 212 Pediatric Nursing
Competency Statement should refer to Child rather then to Individual. (Recommendation # 23)
Response – Will be changed in Program Standards and Program Guide.
NPT 212 Pediatric Nursing Practicum
Competency Statement should refer to Child rather then to Individual. (Recommendation # 24)
Response – Will be changed in Program Standards and Program Guide.
“Expanded information-Age-Specific Categories such as neonates, infants, toddlers, school-age and adolescents.” (Recommendation # 25)
Response – Will be changed in Program Standards and Program Guide.
“Care of the family as a whole” (Recommendation # 26)
Response – Will be changed in Program Standards and Program Guide.
NPT 213 Obstetrical Nursing Practicum
“Fetal Demise should be included.” (Recommendation # 27)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
NPT 215 Nursing Leadership
“Need more instruction in supervising skills as well as more clinical experience in using them.” (Recommendation # 28)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
“Need more instruction in Client Education and importance of this.”
(Recommendation # 29)
Response – Client Education is taught in every NSG and NPT course.
“Conflict Resolution needs to include skills in giving and receiving constructive feedback.” (Recommendation # 30)
Response – Will be added to Program Guide.
Practical Nursing, DIPLOMA
a)Program Title
Practical Nursing, Diploma
b)Program Description
The Practical Nursing program is designed to prepare students to write the NCLEX-PN for licensure as practical nurses. The program prepares graduates to give competent nursing care. This is done through a selected number of academic and occupational courses providing a variety of techniques and materials necessary to assist the student in acquiring the needed knowledge and skills to give competent care. A variety of clinical experiences are planned so that theory and practice are integrated under the guidance of the clinical instructor. Program graduates receive a practical nursing diploma and have the qualifications of an entry-level practical nurse.
c) Core Course / Credits1) General Core Courses / 15
ENG / 101 / English
[P] ENG 097 or DTAE English admission scores; RDG 097 or DTAE Reading admission score levels / 5
MAT / 101 / General Mathematics
[P] MAT 097 or DTAE arithmetic admission score levels / 5
PSY / 101 / Basic Psychology
[P] Program admission / 5
2) Occupational Courses / 80
SCT / 100 / Introduction to Microcomputers
[P] Program admission / 3
AHS / 101 / Anatomy and Physiology
[P] Program admission / 5
AHS / 102 / Drug Calculation and Administration
[P] MAT 101 / 3
AHS / 103 / Nutrition and Diet Therapy
[P] Program admission / 2
AHS / 104 / Introduction to Health Care
[P] Provisional admission / 3
AHS / 109 / Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences
[P] Provisional admission / 3
NSG / 110 / Nursing Fundamentals
P] AHS 101, AHS 104, ENG 101, MAT 101, PSY 101 / 10
NSG / 112 / Medical-Surgical Nursing I
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110
[C] NPT 112 / 9
NPT / 112 / Medical Surgical Practicum I
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110
[C] NSG 112 / 7
NSG / 113 / Medical Surgical Nursing II
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110
[C] NPT 213 NPT 113 / 9
NPT / 113 / Medical Surgical Practicum II
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110
[C] NSG 113 / 7
NSG / 212 / Pediatric Nursing
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110 [C] NPT 212, NSG 213, NPT 213 / 5
NPT / 212 / Pediatric Nursing Practicum
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110 [
C] NSG 212, NSG 213, NPT 213 / 2
NSG / 213 / Obstetrical Nursing
P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110 [C] NPT 213, NSG 212, NPT 212 / 5
NPT / 213 / Obstetrical Nursing Practicum
P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110 [C] NPT 213, NSG 212, NPT 212 / 3
NSG / 215 / Nursing Leadership
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110 [C] NPT 215 / 2
NPT / 215 / Nursing Leadership Practicum
[P] AHS 102, AHS 103, AHS 109, NSG 110 [C] NSG 215 / 2
d) / Program Final Exit Point
Practical Nursing Diploma
e) / Credits Required for Graduation
9295minimum quarter-hour credits required for graduation
Practical Nursing
Modified and new courses recommended for the Practical Nursing diploma programs include:
NOTE: List all course standards and recommended changes
AHS 109 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences
Course Description
Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, terminology related to the human anatomy, reading medical orders and reports, and terminology specific to the student's field of study.
Competency Areas / HoursWord Origins (Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes) / Class / 3
WordBuilding / D. Lab / 0
Abbreviations and Symbols / P. Lab/O.B.I. / 0
Terminology Related to the Human Anatomy / Credit / 3
Reading Medical Orders and Reports
Terminology Specific to the Student's Field of Study
Prerequisite: / Provisional admission
NSG 112 - Medical Surgical Nursing I
Course Description
Focuses on health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, and providing client education. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health in the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, urinary, and gastrointestinal systems; client care, treatment, pharmacology, and diet therapy related to the cardiovascular respiratory, endocrine, urinary, and gastrointestinal systems; and standard precautions.
Competency Areas /Hours
Health Management and Maintenance and Prevention Of Illness, Care of the Individual as a Whole, and Deviations from the Normal State of Health in the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Urinary, and Gastrointestinal Systems / Class / 9Client Care, Treatment, Pharmacology, and Diet Therapy related to the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Urinary, and Gastrointestinal Systems / D. Lab / 0
Standard Precautions related to the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Urinary, and Gastrointestinal Systems / P. Lab/O.B.I. / 0
Credit / 9
Prerequisite: / AHS 102, AHS 103,AHS 109, NSG 110
Corequisite: / NPT 112
NPT 112 - Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum I
Course Description
Focuses on health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, and providing client education. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health in the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, urinary, and gastrointestinal systems; client care, treatment, pharmacology, medication administration, and diet therapy related to the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, urinary, and gastrointestinal systems; and standard precautions.
Competency Areas /Hours
Health Management and Maintenance and Prevention Of Illness, Care of the Individual as a Whole, and Deviations from the Normal State of Health the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Urinary, and Gastrointestinal Systems / Class / 0Client Care, Treatment, Pharmacology, Medication Administration, and Diet Therapy related to the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine, Urinary, and Gastrointestinal Systems / D. Lab / 0
Standard Precautions / P. Lab/O.B.I. / 21
Credit / 7
Prerequisite: / AHS 102, AHS 103,AHS 109, NSG 110
Corequisite: / NSG 112
NSG 113 - Medical Surgical Nursing II
Course Description
Focuses on health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, and providing client education. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health in the musculoskeletal, neurological, integumentary, and sensory systems, mental health, and oncology; client care, treatment, pharmacology, and diet therapy related to the musculoskeletal, neurological, integumentary, and sensory systems, mental health, and oncology; and standard precautions.
Competency Areas / HoursHealth Management and Maintenance and Prevention of Illness, Care of the Individual as a Whole, and Deviations from the Normal State of Health in the Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Integumentary, and Sensory Systems; Mental Health; and Oncology / Class / 9
Client Care, Treatment, Pharmacology, and Diet Therapy related to the Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Integumentary, and Sensory Systems; Mental Health; and Oncology / D. Lab / 0
Standard Precautions / P. Lab/O.B.I. / 0
Credit / 9
Prerequisite: / AHS 102, AHS 103,AHS 109, NSG 110
Corequisite: / NPT 213, NPT 113
NPT 113 - Medical Surgical Nursing Practicum II
Course Description
Focuses on health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, and providing client education. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health in the musculoskeletal, neurological, integumentary, and sensory systems, mental health, and oncology; client care, treatment, pharmacology, medication administration, and diet therapy related to the musculoskeletal, neurological, integumentary, and sensory systems, mental health, and oncology; and standard precautions.
Competency Areas /Hours
Health Management and Maintenance and Prevention of Illness, Care of the Individual as a Whole, and Deviations from the Normal State of Health in the Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Integumentary, and Sensory Systems; Mental Health; and Oncology / Class / 0Client Care, Treatment, Pharmacology, Medication Administration, and Diet Therapy related to the Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Integumentary, and Sensory Systems; Mental Health; and Oncology / D. Lab / 0
Standard Precautions / P. Lab/O.B.I. / 21
Credit / 7
Prerequisite: / AHS 102, AHS 103,AHS 109, NSG 110
Corequisite: / NSG 113
NSG 212 - Pediatric Nursing