Proposed Changes in existing Education Department Programs

Department: Education

Contact: David A. Wiley, Ed.D., Chair, Education Department

Title of Existing Program: Secondary Education

First Offering: with catalog changes, Fall, 2002

Required credit hours for programs: by teaching area, variable from 132 to 143.5

Please see attached.

List all major and cognate area courses: Please see grids attached to this request. The existing grid and the revised grid for each secondary education teaching area are included for clarity.

New Courses: None are required for these sequences within Secondary Education

List any additional resources: Additional resources are not required outside of the additional enrollments in the teaching area courses required in the revised programs that are not required in the old programs. There is no indication that there is a problem given the numbers of students in the secondary education program. They are as follows from academic year 2000, 2001 and 2002 reports, by teaching area.

Undergraduate Secondary Education Majors by teaching areas

Biology / Chem. / Comm. / English / For.Lang. / Gen. Sci. / Math / Social St. / Physics
1999-2000 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 1 / 1 / 12 / 13 / 1
2000-2001 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 10 / 13 / 0
2001-2002 / 7 / 3 / 0 / 6 / 2 / 1 / 6 / 8 / 1

Review Student Learning Outcomes and the assessment plan…: In that the teaching area courses are the focus of all changes, the relevant learning outcomes are within the “scholarship” domain of the Model for the Development of Professional Educators at the University of Scranton. The specific standards include: “Candidates implement the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content for various developmental levels,” and “Candidates utilize data gathering techniques including research, analytical processes, assessment and professional collaboration.” Academic assessment of these standards occur within each course and is also indicated by the appropriate PRAXIS II content area examination required for certification in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Performance assessment occurs with field-based courses in the education major. Additionally, an exit portfolio will be submitted to enable program completion, and will include content as well as pedagogical knowledge through performance indicators.

Provide an update curriculum guide…: Please see attached “revisions pending approval.”

Using all information above, provide rationale...: Chapter 354 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s “School Code” changed programs in education in significant ways within the last several years. The University of Scranton Education Department is currently involved in altering the programs in secondary education to meet the new requirements that are part of that legislation. Regulations have been promulgated regarding means by which the letter and spirit of the law can be addressed. Clarifications have been issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) regarding implementation of Chapter 354, and preliminary meetings with our higher education representative have shown the approach used by the department to be in compliance with the regulations. Three specific regulations are addressed by the changes proposed:

  1. Within the first 48 semester hours, each student shall complete a minimum of six semester hours of mathematics.
  2. Within the first 48 semester hours, each student shall complete a minimum of six semester hours of English.
  3. Each secondary education major should complete the equivalent of a bone fide major in their content area. Note: The specific definition of this requirement does not necessitate a transcripted second major of the program at the institution.

Thus, the revision of the programs must meet the requirements of Chapter 354 (a state requirement) as indicated above, and the programs must each follow the theoretical framework of our NCATE (national accreditation) model which serves as a basis for all program assessment. Complicating this are the requirements of each of the academic specialty groups whose review is tied to our NCATE approval. With those constraints, the programs were designed to either meet the requirements for an official second major in the academic discipline of the teaching area, or come as close to that objective as is possible within reasonable sized programs. For those programs not resulting in a second major, the additional requirements for the second major are listed as a footnote to the specific teaching area program grid.

These changes are the end product of a process that began two years ago with the first meeting of department chairs and the Teacher Education Committee with the Education Department leadership. The initial meetings introduced the revisions being necessitated by the newly implemented Chapter 354. Subsequent to those meetings, the elementary and early childhood education programs were revised. Secondary education programs, since their numbers were relatively low, were targeted for revision after that. Work was continuous, but especially over the past year, communication between the Education Department and the academic department of the teaching area have resulted in the revisions being put forward in these revised grids. It is the opinion of all stakeholders that the programs as put forward have resulted in better programs in the secondary education area.

Proposed Changes in existing Education Department Programs

Department: Education

Contact: David A. Wiley, Ed.D., Chair, Education Department

Title of Existing Program: Special Education

First Offering: with catalog changes, Fall, 2002

Required credit hours for programs: 132 credits

List all major and cognate area courses: Please see grids attached to this request. The existing grid and the revised grid for special education are included for clarity.

New Courses: None are required for these sequences within Special Education

List any additional resources: Additional resources are not required outside of the additional enrollments in the courses required in the revised programs that are not required in the old programs. There is no indication that there is a problem given the numbers of students in special education. They are as follows from academic year 2000, 2001 and 2002 reports:

Undergraduate Special Education Majors

1999-2000 : 0

2000-2001 : 6

2001–2002 : 9

Review Student Learning Outcomes and the assessment plan: The relevant learning outcomes are within the “scholarship” domain of the Model for the Development of Professional Educators at the University of Scranton. The specific standards include: “Candidates implement the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content for various developmental levels,” and “Candidates utilize data gathering techniques including research, analytical processes, assessment and professional collaboration.” Academic assessment of these standards occur within each course and is also indicated by the appropriate PRAXIS II content area examination required for certification in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Performance assessment occurs with field-based courses in the education major. Additionally, an exit portfolio will be submitted to enable program completion, and will include content as well as pedagogical knowledge through performance indicators.

Provide an update curriculum guide…: Please see attached “revisions pending approval.”

Using all information above, provide rationale...: Chapter 354 of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s “School Code” changed programs in education in significant ways within the last several years. The University of Scranton Education Department is currently involved in altering the programs in special education to meet the new requirements that are part of that legislation. Regulations have been promulgated regarding means by which the letter and spirit of the law can be addressed. Clarifications have been issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) regarding implementation of Chapter 354, and preliminary meetings with our higher education representative have shown the approach used by the department to be in compliance with the regulations. Two specific regulations are addressed by the changes proposed:

  1. Within the first 48 semester hours, each student shall complete a minimum of six semester hours of mathematics.
  2. Within the first 48 semester hours, each student shall complete a minimum of six semester hours of English.

Thus, the revision of the programs must meet the requirements of Chapter 354 (a state requirement) as indicated above, and the programs must each follow the theoretical framework of our NCATE (national accreditation) model which serves as a basis for all program assessment. Complicating this are the requirements of each of the academic specialty groups whose review is tied to our NCATE approval. With those constraints, the nature of the changes within special education are relatively minor resulting an a program that is Chapter 354 compliant.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121Foundations of Education3

MAJOREDUC 180Field Experience I1

COGNATEBIOL 141-42General Biology I-II4 ½ 4 ½

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 10-WRTG 107Public Speaking –Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANMATH 103Pre-calculus4

GE PHILPHIL 120Introduction to Philosophy3

GE T/RST/RS 121Theology I3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1

18 ½ 17 ½


MAJOREDUC 222Educational Psychology3

MAJOREDUC 280Field Experience II1

COGNATEBIOL 201Anatomy & Physiology3

COGNATEBIOL 250Microbiology5

COGNATECHEM 112-113General Chemistry I-II4 ½ 4 ½

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective33

GE NSCIPHYS 102Earth Science3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

GE S/BHPSYC 221Childhood and Adolescence3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1

18 ½ 18 ½


MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 314*Specific Subject Methods3

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

MAJOREDUC 380Field Experience III1 or1

COGNATEBIOL 260Genetics4 ½

COGNATEBIOL 370Animal Behavior4 ½

COGNATEBIOL 375Evolution3

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE T/RST/RS 122Theology II3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

GE ELECTED/P 306Philosophy of Education3

GE PHEDPHEDPhysical Education1 or1

17 ½ 17 ½


MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Sec Ed2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Sec. Ed.3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Sec. Ed.2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Sec. Ed.3

GE ELECTPHIL 431Philosophy of Science3

GE NSCIPHYS 120General Physics4

GE ELECTNSCI 201Science in Human Environment3


GE ELECTELECTOpen Electives3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1


Total: 138 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121Foundations of Education3

MAJOREDUC 180Field Experience I1

COGNATECHEM 112-113General Analytical Chem I-II4 ½4 ½

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 10-WRTG 107Public Speaking –Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANMATH 114Analysis I4

GE PHILPHIL 120Introduction to Philosophy3

GE T/RST/RS 121Theology I3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1

17 ½ 18 ½


MAJOREDUC 222Educational Psychology3

MAJOREDUC 280Field Experience II1

COGNATECHEM 232-233Organic Chemistry I-II4 ½4 ½

COGNATEBIOL 141General Biology3

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE T/RST/RS 122Theology II3

GE NSCIPHYS 102Earth Science3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

GE S/BHPSYC 221Childhood and Adolescence3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education11

1717 ½


MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 314*Specific Subject Methods3

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

MAJOREDUC 380Field Experience III1

COGNATECHEM 350General Biochemistry I3

COGNATECHEM 104Science & Society3

COGNATEPHYS 120Genera l Physics I4

GE ELECPHIL 432Philosophy of Technology3

GE HUMN*HUMNHumanities Elective33

GE NSCINSCI 201Science & Human Environment3

GE ELECTPHIL 431Philosophy of Science3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Sec Ed2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Sec. Ed.3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Sec. Ed.2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Sec. Ed.3

COGNATECHEM 360Biophysical Chemistry4 ½

GE HUMN *HUMNHumanities Elective3


GE ELECTELECTOpen Electives6

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1

17 ½ 13

Total: 137 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121-180Foundations of Education-Field I31

COGNATECOMM ELECTCommunications Process3

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 10-WRTG 107Public Speaking –Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANELECTQuant. Reasoning Elective3

GE PHIL-T/RSPHIL 120-T/RS 121Introduction to Philosophy-Theology I33

GE ELECTENGL 140English Inquiry3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 222-280Educational Psychology- Field II31

COGNATECOMM ELECTCommunication Process3

COGNATECOMM ELECTCommunication Option3

COGNATEENGLBritish Literature3

GE T/RST/RS 122Theology II3

GE HUMNENGLAmerican Lit. Elective3

GE ELECTWRTG 210Advanced Composition3

GE NSCINSCINatural Science Electives33

GE S/BHS/BHS/BH Elective3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 313-380General Methods and Planning-Field III31

MAJOREDUC 314*Specific Subject Methods3

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

COGNATELIT-ENGLWorld Lit. – American Lit.33

COGNATEENGL 310Strat. Teaching Writing3

COGNATEENGL 460Tchg. Modern Grammar3

COGNATECOMM ELECTCommunication Option33

GE HUMN*HUMNHumanities Elective3

GE ELECTLIT or ENGLMinority Literature3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Sec Ed2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Sec. Ed.3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Sec. Ed.2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Sec. Ed.3

COGNATECOMM ELECTCommunication Option3

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE PHIL ED/P 306Philosophy of Education3

COGNATEELECTCommunication Elective3



Total: 134 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121Foundations of Education3

MAJOREDUC 180Field Experience I1 or1

MAJOREDUC 140English Inquiry3

COGNATEELECTAmerican Lit. Elective3

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 10-WRTG 107Public Speaking –Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANELECTQuant. Reasoning Elective3

GE PHILPHIL 120Introduction to Philosophy3

GE T/RST/RS 121Theology I3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 222-280Educational Psychology- Field II31

COGNATEELECT English Literature3

COGNATEELECTAmerican Literature 33

COGNATEENGL 134Shakespeare3

COGNATEELECTTheatre Elective3

GE PHIL PHIL 210Ethics3

GE ELECTWRTG 210Advanced Composition3

GE HUMNHUMNRep. World Literature3

GE NSCINSCINatural Science Electives3

GE S/BHS/BHSocial/Behavioral Elective3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 314*Specific Subject Methods3

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

MAJOREDUC 380Field Experience III1

COGNATEENGL 225Writing Women3

COGNATEENGL 310Strat. For Teaching Writing3

COGNATEENGL 460Teaching Modern Grammar3

COGNATEELECT Minority Literature3

GE T/RST/RS 122Theology II3

GE NSCI NSCINatural Science Elective3

GE HUMNHUMNWriting Elective3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

GE PHEDPHEDPhysical Education1



MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Sec Ed2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Sec. Ed.3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Sec. Ed.2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Sec. Ed.3

COGNATEELECTEnglish Literature3

GE PHIL ED/P 306Philosophy of Education3

GE HUMNHUMN Rep. World Literature3



Total: 134 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121-180Foundations of Education-Field I31

COGNATEBIOL 141-42General Biology I-II4 ½4 ½

GE SPCHCOMM 100Public Speaking 3

GE WRTGWRTG 107Composition3

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANMATH 114Analysis I4

GE PHILPHIL 120Introduction to Philosophy3

GE T/RST/RS 121Theology I3

GE HUMNHUMN ELECTHumanities Elective3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1 18 ½ 18 ½


MAJOREDUC 222Educational Psychology3

MAJOREDUC 280Field Experience II1

COGNATEPHYS 120-121General Physics I-II44

COGNATECHEM 112-113General / Analy. Chemistry I-II4 ½4 ½

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE T/RST/RS 122Theology II3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

GE HUMNELECTHumanities Electives33 18 ½ 17 ½


MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 380-314*Field III Specific Subject Methods13

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

COGNATECOGNATE ELECTEnvironmental Context3

COGNATECOGNATE ELECTTechnological Context3

GE ELECT PHIL 431Philosophy of Science3

GE NSCIPHYS 101-102Modern Astronomy-Earth Science33

GE S/BHPSYC 221Childhood & Adolescence 3

GE ELECTPHIL 432Philosophy of Technology3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education2 16 17


MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Sec Ed2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Sec. Ed.3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Sec. Ed.2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Sec. Ed.3

COGNATEELECTEnvironmental Context3

COGNATECHEM 104Science and Society3

GE HUMNHUMN ELECTHumanities Elective3

GE ELECTELECTOpen Electives6

GE PHIL/T/RSELECTOpen Electives3 18 13 Total: 137 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121 Foundations of Education3

MAJOR EDUC 180 Field Experience I1 or1

COGNATELAT 211-212Intermediate Latin I-II33

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 100-WRTG 107Public Speaking-Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANELECTQuant. Reasoning Elective3

GE PHILPHIL 120Introduction to Philosophy3

GE T/RST/RS 121Theology I3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

FSEM-PHEDINTD 100-PHED ELECT*Freshman Seminar-Physical Education11 16-17 16-17


MAJOREDUC 222-280Educational Psych.-Field Exp. II31

COGNATEELECTLatin Electives66

GE PHILT/RS 122Theology II3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Electives33

GE NSCINSCINatural Science Electives33

GE S/BHPSYC 221Childhood and Adolescence3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1 18 17


MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 380-314*Field III Specific Subj. Methods13

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

COGNATEELECTLatin Electives63

COGNATEELECTRelated Electives3

GE PHILED/P 306Philosophy of Education3

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE ELECTSOC 234Cultural Anthropology 3


GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1 17 18


MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Secondary2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Secondary2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Secondary3


COGNATEELECTRelated Elective3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective6

GE ELECTELECTOpen Electives6 18 13

Total:134 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121-180Foundations of Education-Field I31

COGNATEMATH 103Precalculus4

COGNATEMATH 114Analysis I4

COGNATEMATH 142Discrete Structures4

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 100-WRTG 107Public Speaking-Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE ELECTCMPS 134Computer Science I3

GE PHILPHIL 120Introduction to Philosophy3

GE T/RST/RS 121Theology I3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar-Physical Education11 18 18


MAJOREDUC 222-280Educational Psychology-Field II31

COGNATEMATH 221-222Analysis II-III44

GE PHILT/RS 122Theology II3

GE HUMNHUMN ELECTHumanities Electives3

GE NSCINSCI ELECTNatural Science Elective33

GE S/BH PSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

GE S/BHS/BHSocial/Behavioral Elective3


GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education11 17 18


MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 380-314*Field III Specific Subject Methods13

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

MAJOR EDUC 312Secondary Math Curriculum3

COGNATEMATH 204Special Topics Statistics3

COGNATE MATH 345Geometry3

COGNATEMATH 202History of Math3

COGNATEMATH 351Linear Algebra3

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE HUMNHUMN ELECTHumanities Electives33

GE ELECTELECTOpen Elective3 19 18


MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Sec Ed2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Sec. Ed.3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Sec. Ed.2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Sec. Ed.3

COGNATEMATH 448Modern Algebra3


GE PHILED/P 306Philosophy of Education3

GE HUMNELECTHumanities Elective3

GE ELECTELECTOpen Electives3 15 13 Total: 136 CREDITS

Service commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121 Foundations of Education3

MAJOR EDUC 180 Field Experience I11

COGNATEMLANG 311-312*Advanced Comp.-Conv. I-II33

GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 100-WRTG 107Public Speaking-Composition33

GE C/ILC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE QUANELECTQuant. Reasoning Elective3

GE PHIL-T/RST/RS-PHIL 120Theology I- Intro. To Philosophy3

GE S/BHPSYC 110Fundamentals of Psychology3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1 14 17


MAJOREDUC 280Field Exp. II1

COGNATEMLANG 321-322**Stylistics I-II33

COGNATEELECTModern-Lang. Electives63

GE PHILT/RS 122Theology II3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

GE NSCINSCINatural Science Elective3

GE S/BHPSYC 221Childhood and Adolescence3

GE ELECTSTATS ELECTStatistics Elective3

GE PHEDPHED ELECTPhysical Education1 18 17


MAJOREDUC 313General Methods and Planning3

MAJOREDUC 380-314*Field III Specific Subj. Methods13

MAJOREDUC 340Reading in Secondary Schools3

COGNATECOGNATE ELECTModern Language Electives63


GE NSCINSCINatural Science Elective3

GE HUMN ELECTHumanities Electives3

GE ELECTSOC 234Cultural Anthropology3

GE PHEDPHEDPhysical Education1 17 18


MAJOREDUC 475Classroom Mgmt. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 476Student Teaching Plan-Secondary2

MAJOREDUC 477Student Teaching Instr. –Secondary3

MAJOREDUC 478Student Teaching Mgmt. –Secondary2

MAJOREDUC 479*Student Teaching Pro. Dev. – Secondary3

COGNATEELECTModern Language Elective33

GE PHILED/P 306Philosophy of Education3

GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE HUMNHUMNHumanities Elective3

GE ELECTELECTRelated Elective3

GE ELECTELECTModern Language Elective3 18 16

Total:135 CREDITS

*Spanish, French or German should be selected as a specialization within Modern Language (MLANG)

** Students whose specialization within Modern Languages is Spanish are required to take SPAN 313, SPAN 314, SPAN 320, and SPAN 321. In Spanish, there is no Advanced Stylistics II.

Service Commitment is 20 hours in Freshman Seminar with no service requirement in sophomore year.

*Before course name includes service-learning component.

Note: see page 287 for footnotes.


Dept. and No.Descriptive Title of Course Credits


MAJOREDUC 121-180 Foundations of Education-Field I31

COGNATEPHYS 140-141Elements of Physics I-II44


GE SPCH-WRTGCOMM 100-WRTG 107Public Speaking-Composition33

GE C/ILMath 114Analysis I4

GE QUANC/IL 102Computing and Information Literacy3

GE PHILPHIL 120Intro. Philosophy3

GE HUMNELECTHumanities Elective3

FSEMINTD 100*Freshman Seminar1 18 18


MAJOREDUC 222-280Educational Psych.-Field Exp. II31


COGNATEPHYS 270Modern Physics4

COGNATEPHYS 350Applied & Engr. Math3


GE PHILPHIL 210Ethics3

GE T/RST/RS 121-122Theology I –II33