Semester Assessment Report Form: Fall 2008 Data
DUE March 31st, 2009
Directions: Please complete a form for each of the programs within your department. This form was designed to provide a format for assessment reporting and should not be used to limit the amount of information provided. Each box that is attached to each of the sections is designed to adjust to varying lengths. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bea Babbitt at x51506 or via email at: .
***Please submit the report electronically to
1. Program Information:
Program / Public Administration, BSDepartment / PUA
College / Urban Affairs
Program Assessment Coordinator / Anna Lukemeyer
Semester Data Collected / Fall 2008
Report Submitted by / Anna Lukemeyer
Phone/email / 5-3046
Date Submitted / April 6, 2009
2. According to the Assessment Plan for this program, what were the planned assessments to be conducted during the Fall 2008 semester? You may want to copy and paste from this program’s assessment plan.
Which outcomes for this program were measured? / How did you measure the outcomes? / What results did you expect? If the students performed well what would their performance look like, i.e. percentages, means, or comparisons to a national standard?___13_outcomes out of a total of __15__ outcomes evaluated this semester.
AQQT 1 Identify and explain the stages of the policy process
AQQT 1 Identify and explain the stages of the policy process
AQQT 3 Communicate both orally and in writing in a clear, concise, and logical manner to permit the information to be used for decision-making.
AQQT 5 Collect information from a variety of sources and synthesize the material to aid in making decisions.
PPOE 1 Identify and explain the components of our constitutional system of government including federalism and intergovernmental relations.
PPOE 2 Identify and explain the role of leadership in organizations.
PPOE 4: Identify the best practices of management
PPOE 5: Identify the elements of the historically important theories of public administration
MPSO 1 List the legislation and identify relevant case law that shapes public personnel policies.
MPSO 2: Identify the different personnel systems that operate in public organizations
MPSO 3 Explain the different theories of motivation
MPSO 4: Differentiate elements of budgetary systems
MPSO 5: List and explain the stages of the budgetary process
E1 Explain the ethical foundation and perspectives underlying public administration and apply them at both the organizational and personal level. / PUA 241. Students answered multiple choice questions that illustrate their knowledge of policy analysis and program evaluation, effectiveness of a policy, standards of auditing and the principles of policy making.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments. Research paper
PUA 405. Written assignment Students would were asked to identify different types of public policy, how the policies have been shaped over time, and how the policies have been implemented.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments.
PUA 405. Written assignments and oral presentations.
PUA 420. Students were required to complete class notes of the assigned chapters to display their comprehension of the material. For this on-line course, oral communication could not be evaluated.
PUA 241. Written assignment.
Students were required to list and explain ways public administration affected them on a local, state and federal level using information from textbook and media. Students were required to research one of the most significant policies passed this century and find the legislation. Students then assessed how political consciousness has shaped the policies. Finally, students described the relationship between public administration and public policy.
PUA 241. The final project was to benchmark a local government program. Students identified a program, collected information on the program and synthesized the information into a PowerPoint presentation. Students were expected to (1) identify a program, as compared to a policy or basic service; (2) collect information from a variety of resources and governmental units; (3) present summarized information in a clear and concise format both orally and written
PUA 405. Written assignments. Students were required to complete research assignments throughout the semester where they were required to collect and synthesize information from books, articles and the popular media.
PUA 405. On-line course assignments. Research paper.
PUA 405. Written assignment and oral presentation. Research assignments required students to research and write on the constitutionally-prescribed roles which the different branches of government play in controlling the bureaucracy.
PUA 410. Students were asked to complete a research paper using at least 4 references and displaying their comprehension of the material covered in the course.
PUA 241. Students were given a multiple choice quiz answering questions which identify Cabinet level positions, federal systems of government, types of intergovernmental relations and problems in government.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments.
PUA 241. On the midterm exam students answered several questions in regard to federalism, checks and balances, and the dynamics of intergovernmental relations
PUA 405. On-line course assignments.
PUA 405. Written assignment and oral presentation. The written assignment called upon students to evaluate the structure of an agency, the agency’s chain of command, and the responsibilities of the different departments.
PUA 241. Written assignment. Students were required to research leadership styles, analyze which is the most efficient, when each style is appropriate in the workplace and give a personal example of each.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments.
PUA 405. On-line course assignments. Research paper.
PUA 241. Online written assignment and discussion. Students were to identify historical events that lead to a certain tax being implemented. They were to explain why it was implemented and how it is beneficial to society. Students should use theories of public administration to demonstrate the need for the tax.
PUA 405. On-line course assignments. Research paper. in PUA 405
PUA 420. Required selected questions to be answered pertaining to the corresponding chapters from the text.
PUA 241. Multiple choice quiz. Questions addressed collective bargaining, private sector labor relations versus public labor relations, civil service reform act and the AFL-CIO.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments.
PUA 405. On-line course assignments. Research paper.
PUA 241. Students, on the midterm exam, choose one of several theories of motivation discussed in class. Students, in a short answer format, summarized the theory and gave an example of how the theory could be applied in a public sector organization
PUA 420. Midterm exam, class discussions, final presentation.
PUA 241. Multiple choice quiz. Students answer multiple choice questions that illustrate their knowledge of budgeting theory, the budgeting cycle, sources of revenue and what a budget officer does.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments.
PUA 405. On-line course assignments.
PUA 241. Multiple choice quiz. Students answer multiple choice questions that illustrate their knowledge of budgeting theory, the budgeting cycle, sources of revenue and what a budget officer does.
PUA 420. Students, on the midterm exam, listed the stages of the budgetary process, and defined basic budget terminology such as “fiscal year”
PUA 241. Online written assignment and discussion.
Students were to find an example of a compromised unethical decision made by a governmental official, describe the action, why the action was performed, explain the implications of the action and give other ethical options.
PUA 241. On-line course assignments. / PUA 241. Students meeting the standard earn a C or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should earn a C or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better
PUA 420. Students received an A if their notes displayed an understanding of the material covered in the chapters. Their notes had to include key concepts covered in the chapters as well as examples and thoroughness. Students’ notes that were short in length and lacked key concepts received a lower grade.
PUA 241. Students meeting the standard earn a C. Students exceeding the standard earn a B or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 410. Students received an A if they followed the instructions that they were given which included specific format requirements, at least 4 valid references, APA citations, and discussion of the methods section in at least one article displaying that they can identify and apply the concepts that were covered in PUA 410.
PUA 241. Students meeting the standard should earn a C.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 241. Students meeting the standard should earn a C. Students exceeding the standard earn a B or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better
PUA 420. Students were evaluated on their comprehension and thoroughness of the questions assigned. Students received an A if they demonstrated an understanding to the questions asked and were correct in their answers.
PPUA 241. Students meeting the standard earn a C or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 241. . Positive performance was measured by: (1) a well written paragraph properly summarizing the major tenants of a motivation theory (5-6 sentences). (2) Students wrote a second well written paragraph in which they were expected to be creative and apply their understanding of the theory in order to motivate employees in the public sector.
PUA 420. I expected discussions to include language specific to the topic, and for questions and answers to reflect knowledge gained from reading the assigned textbook (Klinger & Nalbandian, 5th ed). I expected better than average work (higher than C, which is average/standard) because it was a small class conducted in seminar style.
PUA 241. Students meeting the standard earn a C or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 405. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 241. Students meeting the standard earn a C or better.
PUA 420. Performance measurement for questions on midterm relating to budget process was a simple correct or incorrect.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
PUA 241. Students should receive a C or better.
3. Results. What are the results of the planned assessments listed above? Describe below or attach to the form.
ResultsAQQT 1: Identify and explain the stages of the policy process
PUA 241. Students were required to complete a multiple choice exam in PUA 241 to identify the stages of the public policy process. To meet the standards, students would need to receive at least a 7/10. 21 (78%) of students met the standards. 6 (22%) of students were below the standard.
PUA 405. In order to meet expectations on the public policy assignment in PUA 405, students needed to receive at least a 35/50 on the assignment. The median grade for the course was 45/50. 12 (100%) students exceeded expectations.
AQQT 3: Communicate both orally and in writing in a clear, concise, and logical manner to permit the information to be used for decision-making.
PUA 405. Students were required to complete a final paper and final presentation for PUA 405. For the final paper, to meet standards the students would need to receive at least a 35/50 on each assignment. For the oral presentation, to meet standards the students would need to receive at least a 17.5/25. The median grade for the final paper was 45/50. 12 (100%) students exceeded expectations. On the oral presentation, the median grade was 22.5/25. 12 (100%) students exceeded expectations.
PUA 420. Majority of the students received A’s on their chapter notes. Only a couple students did not show that they read and understood the chapters and received a score lower than an A. About one or two students would not turn their notes in and would receive zero points for the assignment.
AQQT 5: Collect information from a variety of sources and synthesize the material to aid in making decisions.
PUA 241. Students were required to complete a written assignment applying information from the course texts, mainstream media and academic journals. For each assignment, to meet standards the students would need to receive at least a 14/20 on each assignment. The average median grade for the seven assignments was 18.4. 10 (45%) students exceeded expectations, 2 (9%) met expectations, 8 (36%) did not meet expectations, and 2 (9%) did not complete the assignment.
PUA 405. In order to meet expectations on the public policy assignment in PUA 405, students needed to receive at least a 35/50 on the assignment. The median grade for the course was 45/50. 12 (100%) students exceeded expectations.
PUA 405. 84% received A; 14% B; 2% C.
PUA 405. Students received two separate grades for the final project; presentation and research effort were both evaluated. All students received an A for their presentation. Students scores on research ranged from 86%-100%
PUA 410. About 90% of the class received A’s for their research papers. Many students did not include discussion of a methods section in their research paper and were docked points which brought them down to a B.
PPOE 1: Identify and explain the components of our constitutional system of government including federalism and intergovernmental relations
PUA 241: In order to meet expectations on the multiple choice quiz in PUA 241, students needed to receive at least a 14/20 on the quiz. 27 (100%) students met standards.
PUA 241: 98% received A; 2% B.
PUA 241: Students answered eight questions on the midterm exam in regard to constitutional concepts. All students passed the midterm with at least a 76%.
PUA 405. In order to meet expectations on the paper assignment, students needed to receive at least a 35/50 on the assignment. The median grade on the assignment was 44/50. 1 (8%) student did not meet expectations, 1 (8%) student met expectations, and 10 (84%) students exceeded expectations.
In order to meet expectations on the presentation assignment, students needed to receive at least 17.5/25 on the assignment. The median grade on the assignment was 22.5/25. 2 (16%) students met expectations on the assignment, and 10 (84%) students exceeded expectations on the assignment.
PPOE 2:Identify and explain the role of leadership in organizations.
PUA 241: In order to meet expectations on the role of leadership assignment, students needed to receive at least 25/35 on the assignment. The median grade for the assignment was 30/35. 25 (93%) students exceeded standards and 2 (1%) students did not complete the work.
PUA 241: 96% received A; 2% B; 2% C.
PUA 405: 98% received A; 2% B
PPOE 4: Identify the best practices of management
PUA 241: 92% received A; 4% B; 4% C
PPOE 5: Identify the elements of the historically important theories of public administration
PUA 241: In order to meet expectations of historically important theories in public administration in PUA 241, students needed to receive at least a 7/10. 23 (85%) students met the standards. 2 did not meet the standards and 1 student did not complete the work.
MPSO 1: List the legislation and identify relevant case law that shapes public personnel policies.
PUA 241: 82% received A; 14% B; 4% C
PUA 405: 82% received A; 16% B; 2% C
MPSO 2: Identify the different personnel systems that operate in public organizations
PUA XXX. In order to meet expectations of identifying different personnel systems, students needed to receive at least a 7/10. 19/27 (70%) of students met the standards. 6 (22%) of students were below the standard.
MPSO 3: Explain the different theories of motivation
PUA 241. The average grade for the midterm, short answer questions on motivation theories applied to public sector management was 96%. All students received an A on this question.
PUA 420. On the midterm, 10 students received A’s, 2 received A-, 1 received a B-. All exceeded the standards. On the final presentation:,13 students exceeded the standard.
MPSO 4: Differentiate elements of budgetary systems
PUA 241. In order to meet expectations of differentiating elements of the budgetary process, students needed to receive at least a 7/10. 20 (74%) of students met the standard. 7 (35) of students were below the standard.
PUA 241: 92% received A, 6% B, 2% C
PUA 405: 90% received A, 4% B, 6% C
MPSO 5: List and explain the stages of the budgetary process
PUA 241. In order to meet expectations of differentiating elements of the budgetary process in PUA 241 students needed to receive at least a 7/10. 20 (74%) of students met the standard. 7 (35) of students were below the standard.
PUA 420. Four questions on the PUA 420 midterm exam related to the budgetary process. Student grades ranged from 86%-100%
E1: Explain the ethical foundation and perspectives underlying public administration and apply them at both the organizational and personal level.
PUA 241. In order to meet expectations on the ethics statement assignment in PUA 241, students needed to receive at least a 7/10. 23 (85%) students exceeded the standards and 4 (15%) students did not complete the work.
PUA 241. 80% received A; 6% B; 12% C; 2% D.
4. Conclusions and Discoveries. What conclusions or discoveries were made from these results? Describe below or attach to the form.